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# Adalight-FastLED
## Synopsis
This project modifies the Adalight protocol to use [FastLED]( ([]( This expands Adalight to, in theory, work with *[any supported FastLED strip](* including WS2812B (aka Adafruit NeoPixels).
In addition to ambilight setups, the protocol can be used to stream *any* color data over serial from a computer to supported LED strips.
For this sketch to work, you'll need to have a copy of the FastLED library. You can download FastLED [from GitHub]( or through the libraries manager of the Arduino IDE. This program was writen using FastLED 3.1.3 - note that earlier versions of FastLED are untested and may not work properly.
## Basic Setup
Open the LEDstream_FastLED file in the Arduino IDE and customize the settings at the top for your setup. You will need to change:
- Number of LEDs
- LED data pin
- LED type
Upload to your Arduino and use a corresponding PC application to stream color data. You can get the Processing files from the [main Adalight repository](, though I would recommend using [Patrick Siegler's]( fork of Lightpacks's Prismatik, which you can find [here](
## Additional Settings
There are additional settings to allow for adjusting:
- Max brightness
- LED color order
- Serial speed
- Serial timeout length
There are also optional settings to clear the LEDs on reset, configure a dedicated ground pin, and to put the Arduino into a "calibration" mode, where all LED colors match the first LED. To help with flickering, the option to flush the serial buffer after every latch is enabled by default.
## Debug Settings
The code includes two debugging options:
`DEBUG_LED` will turn on the Arduino's built-in LED on a successful header match, and off when the LEDs latch. If your LEDs aren't working, this will help confirm that the Arduino is receiving properly formatted serial data.
`DEBUG_FPS`, similarly, will toggle a given pin when the LEDs latch. This is useful for measuring framerate with external hardware, like a logic analyzer.
To enable either of these settings, uncomment their respective '#define' lines.
## Issues and LED-types
I've only tested the code with the WS2812B strips I have on hand, but so far it performs flawlessly. If you find an issue with the code or can confirm that it works with another chipset, please let me know!
## Credits and Contributions
Thanks to Adafruit for the initial code and for developing the Adalight protocol. The base for the original FastLED modifications is [this gist]( by [James Bruce]( Thanks James!
Pull requests to improve this software are always welcome!
## License
Adalight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
the License, or (at your option) any later version.
Adalight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
License along with Adalight. If not, see <>.