#!/usr/bin/env lua --[[ heartbeat.lua - send a heartbeat to the flukso server Copyright (C) 2008-2009 jokamajo.org 2011 Bart Van Der Meerssche This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ]]-- if not arg[1] then print ('Please pass the reset argument as a boolean to the script.') os.exit(1) end local dbg = require 'dbg' local nixio = require 'nixio' nixio.fs = require 'nixio.fs' local uci = require 'luci.model.uci'.cursor() local luci = require 'luci' luci.sys = require 'luci.sys' luci.json = require 'luci.json' local httpclient = require 'luci.httpclient' -- parse and load /etc/config/flukso local FLUKSO = uci:get_all('flukso') -- WAN settings local WAN_ENABLED = true if tonumber(FLUKSO.daemon.enable_wan_branch) == 0 then WAN_ENABLED = false end local WAN_BASE_URL = FLUKSO.daemon.wan_base_url .. 'device/' local WAN_KEY = '0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef' uci:foreach('system', 'system', function(x) WAN_KEY = x.key end) -- quirky but it works local DEVICE = '0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef' uci:foreach('system', 'system', function(x) DEVICE = x.device end) local UPGRADE_URL = FLUKSO.daemon.upgrade_url -- https header helpers local FLUKSO_VERSION = '000' uci:foreach('system', 'system', function(x) FLUKSO_VERSION = x.version end) local USER_AGENT = 'Fluksometer v' .. FLUKSO_VERSION local CACERT = FLUKSO.daemon.cacert -- collect relevant monitoring points function collect_mp() local monitor = {} monitor.reset = tonumber(arg[1]) monitor.version = tonumber(FLUKSO_VERSION) monitor.uptime = math.floor(luci.sys.uptime()) system, model, monitor.memtotal, monitor.memcached, monitor.membuffers, monitor.memfree = luci.sys.sysinfo() return monitor end -- terminate when WAN reporting is not set if not WAN_ENABLED then os.exit(2) end -- open the connection to the syslog deamon, specifying our identity nixio.openlog('heartbeat', 'pid') local monitor = collect_mp() local monitor_json = luci.json.encode(monitor) -- phone home local headers = {} headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/json' headers['X-Version'] = '1.0' headers['User-Agent'] = USER_AGENT headers['Connection'] = 'close' local options = {} options.sndtimeo = 5 options.rcvtimeo = 5 -- We don't enable peer cert verification so we can still update/upgrade -- the Fluksometer via the heartbeat call even when the cacert has expired. -- Disabling validation does mean that the server has to include an hmac -- digest in the reply that the Fluksometer needs to verify, this to prevent -- man-in-the-middle attacks. options.tls_context_set_verify = 'none' -- options.cacert = CACERT options.method = 'POST' options.headers = headers options.body = luci.json.encode(monitor) local hash = nixio.crypto.hmac('sha1', WAN_KEY) hash:update(options.body) options.headers['X-Digest'] = hash:final() local http_persist = httpclient.create_persistent() local url = WAN_BASE_URL .. DEVICE local response_json, code, call_info = http_persist(url, options) if code == 200 then nixio.syslog('info', string.format('%s %s: %s', options.method, url, code)) else nixio.syslog('err', string.format('%s %s: %s', options.method, url, code)) -- if available, send additional error info to the syslog if type(call_info) == 'string' then nixio.syslog('err', call_info) elseif type(call_info) == 'table' then local auth_error = call_info.headers['WWW-Authenticate'] if auth_error then nixio.syslog('err', string.format('WWW-Authenticate: %s', auth_error)) end end os.exit(3) end -- verify the reply's digest hash = nixio.crypto.hmac('sha1', WAN_KEY) hash:update(response_json) if call_info.headers['X-Digest'] ~= hash:final() then nixio.syslog('err', 'Incorrect digest in the heartbeat reply. Discard response.') os.exit(4) end local response = luci.json.decode(response_json) -- use heartbeat return timestamp to sync time in case ntpclient doesn't get the job done local TIMESTAMP_MIN = 1234567890 local TIMESTAMP = tonumber(response.timestamp) if os.time() < TIMESTAMP_MIN then nixio.settimeofday(TIMESTAMP) end -- check whether we have to reset or upgrade if response.upgrade == monitor.version then os.execute('reboot') elseif response.upgrade > monitor.version then os.execute('wget -P /tmp ' .. UPGRADE_URL .. 'upgrade.' .. response.upgrade) os.execute('chmod a+x /tmp/upgrade.' .. response.upgrade) os.execute('/tmp/upgrade.' .. response.upgrade) os.execute('rm /tmp/upgrade.' .. response.upgrade) end