use std::io::ErrorKind; use crate::config::Config; use crate::file_kind::FileKind; use crate::multipart::UploadConfig; use crate::{multipart, template}; use actix_files::NamedFile; use actix_multipart::Multipart; use actix_web::{error, web, Error, HttpResponse}; use async_std::{ channel::Sender, fs::{self, OpenOptions}, path::PathBuf, }; use rand::prelude::SliceRandom; use sqlx::postgres::PgPool; const UPLOAD_HTML: &str = include_str!("../template/upload.html"); const UPLOAD_SHORT_HTML: &str = include_str!("../template/upload-short.html"); const ID_CHARS: &[char] = &[ 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'j', 'k', 'm', 'n', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', ]; pub async fn index(config: web::Data) -> Result { NamedFile::open(config.static_dir.join("index.html")).map_err(|file_err| { log::error!("index.html could not be read {:?}", file_err); error::ErrorInternalServerError("this file should be here but could not be found") }) } pub async fn upload( req: web::HttpRequest, payload: Multipart, db: web::Data, expiry_watch_sender: web::Data>, config: web::Data, ) -> Result { let (file_id, file_name) = create_unique_file(&config).await.map_err(|file_err| { log::error!("could not create file {:?}", file_err); error::ErrorInternalServerError("could not create file") })?; let parsed_multipart = multipart::parse_multipart(payload, &file_id, &file_name, &config).await; let UploadConfig { original_name, valid_till, kind, delete_on_download, } = match parsed_multipart { Ok(data) => data, Err(err) => { if file_name.exists().await { fs::remove_file(file_name).await.map_err(|file_err| { log::error!("could not remove file {:?}", file_err); error::ErrorInternalServerError( "could not parse multipart; could not remove file", ) })?; } return Err(err); } }; let db_insert = sqlx::query( "INSERT INTO Files (file_id, file_name, valid_till, kind, delete_on_download) \ VALUES ($1, $2, $3, $4, $5)", ) .bind(&file_id) .bind(&original_name) .bind(valid_till.naive_local()) .bind(kind.to_string()) .bind(delete_on_download) .execute(db.as_ref()) .await; if let Err(db_err) = db_insert { log::error!("could not insert into datebase {:?}", db_err); fs::remove_file(file_name).await.map_err(|file_err| { log::error!("could not remove file {:?}", file_err); error::ErrorInternalServerError( "could not insert file into database; could not remove file", ) })?; return Err(error::ErrorInternalServerError( "could not insert file into database", )); } log::info!( "{} create new file {} (valid_till: {}, kind: {}, delete_on_download: {})", req.connection_info().realip_remote_addr().unwrap_or("-"), file_id, valid_till, kind, delete_on_download ); expiry_watch_sender.send(()).await.unwrap(); let redirect = if kind == FileKind::Binary { let encoded_name = urlencoding::encode(&original_name); format!("/upload/{}/{}", file_id, encoded_name) } else { format!("/upload/{}", file_id) }; let url = get_file_url(&req, &file_id, Some(&original_name)); Ok(HttpResponse::SeeOther() .header("location", redirect) .body(format!("{}\n", url))) } async fn create_unique_file( config: &web::Data, ) -> Result<(String, PathBuf), std::io::Error> { loop { let file_id = gen_file_id(); let mut file_name = config.files_dir.clone(); file_name.push(&file_id); match OpenOptions::new() .write(true) .create_new(true) .open(&file_name) .await { Ok(_) => return Ok((file_id, file_name)), Err(error) if error.kind() == ErrorKind::AlreadyExists => continue, Err(error) => return Err(error), } } } fn gen_file_id() -> String { let mut rng = rand::thread_rng(); let mut id = String::with_capacity(5); for _ in 0..5 { id.push(*ID_CHARS.choose(&mut rng).expect("ID_CHARS is not empty")); } id } fn get_file_url(req: &web::HttpRequest, id: &str, name: Option<&str>) -> String { if let Some(name) = name { let encoded_name = urlencoding::encode(name); format!("{}/{}/{}", template::get_host_url(req), id, encoded_name) } else { format!("{}/{}", template::get_host_url(req), id) } } pub async fn uploaded(req: web::HttpRequest) -> Result { let id = req.match_info().query("id"); let name = req.match_info().get("name"); let upload_html = if name.is_some() { UPLOAD_SHORT_HTML .replace("{link}", &get_file_url(&req, id, name)) .replace("{shortlink}", &get_file_url(&req, id, None)) } else { UPLOAD_HTML.replace("{link}", &get_file_url(&req, id, name)) }; Ok(HttpResponse::Ok() .content_type("text/html") .body(upload_html)) }