diff --git a/.gitattributes b/.gitattributes
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ad74f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.gitattributes
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+# Normalize EOL for all files that Git considers text files.
+* text=auto eol=lf
diff --git a/icon.svg b/icon.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9d8b7fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icon.svg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/icon.svg.import b/icon.svg.import
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..53c14fa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/icon.svg.import
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+"vram_texture": false
diff --git a/project.godot b/project.godot
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9ff19a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/project.godot
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+; Engine configuration file.
+; It's best edited using the editor UI and not directly,
+; since the parameters that go here are not all obvious.
+; Format:
+; [section] ; section goes between []
+; param=value ; assign values to parameters
+config/features=PackedStringArray("4.3", "Forward Plus")
diff --git a/scenes/car.tscn b/scenes/car.tscn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..359c9d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scenes/car.tscn
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+[gd_scene load_steps=5 format=3 uid="uid://0g7qqh7naniv"]
+[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://scripts/car_node.gd" id="1_0tin3"]
+[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://scripts/car.gd" id="1_i5tet"]
+[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://c2wq5xkfmca1r" path="res://sprites/car.png" id="2_48rvw"]
+[sub_resource type="CapsuleShape2D" id="CapsuleShape2D_bj1hp"]
+radius = 8.0
+height = 34.0
+[node name="Car" type="Node2D"]
+script = ExtResource("1_0tin3")
+[node name="Car" type="CharacterBody2D" parent="."]
+script = ExtResource("1_i5tet")
+[node name="Sprite2D" type="Sprite2D" parent="Car"]
+z_index = 10
+scale = Vector2(0.5, 0.5)
+texture = ExtResource("2_48rvw")
+[node name="CollisionShape2D" type="CollisionShape2D" parent="Car"]
+rotation = -1.57079
+shape = SubResource("CapsuleShape2D_bj1hp")
+[node name="RayCast_FL" type="RayCast2D" parent="Car"]
+target_position = Vector2(256, -128)
+collision_mask = 2
+[node name="RayCast_FR" type="RayCast2D" parent="Car"]
+target_position = Vector2(256, 128)
+collision_mask = 2
+[node name="resetTimer" type="Timer" parent="Car"]
+wait_time = 2.0
+one_shot = true
+[node name="RayCast_Car" type="RayCast2D" parent="Car"]
+position = Vector2(-15, 0)
+target_position = Vector2(31, 0)
+collision_mask = 4
+[connection signal="timeout" from="Car/resetTimer" to="Car" method="_on_reset_timer_timeout"]
diff --git a/scenes/game.tscn b/scenes/game.tscn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c30e91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scenes/game.tscn
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+[gd_scene load_steps=2 format=3 uid="uid://cotth8e5rtioe"]
+[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://scripts/game.gd" id="1_7syh4"]
+[node name="Game" type="Node2D"]
+script = ExtResource("1_7syh4")
+[node name="Camera2D" type="Camera2D" parent="."]
+[node name="speedlabel" type="Label" parent="Camera2D"]
+z_index = 8
+offset_left = -484.0
+offset_top = 213.0
+offset_right = -68.0
+offset_bottom = 258.0
+theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 32
+text = "125"
+vertical_alignment = 1
+[node name="cars" type="Node" parent="."]
+[node name="minPos" type="Label" parent="."]
+z_index = 7
+anchors_preset = 8
+anchor_left = 0.5
+anchor_top = 0.5
+anchor_right = 0.5
+anchor_bottom = 0.5
+offset_left = -20.0
+offset_top = -11.5
+offset_right = 20.0
+offset_bottom = 11.5
+grow_horizontal = 2
+grow_vertical = 2
+text = "Min"
+horizontal_alignment = 1
+vertical_alignment = 1
+[node name="maxPos" type="Label" parent="."]
+z_index = 7
+anchors_preset = 8
+anchor_left = 0.5
+anchor_top = 0.5
+anchor_right = 0.5
+anchor_bottom = 0.5
+offset_left = -20.0
+offset_top = -11.5
+offset_right = 20.0
+offset_bottom = 11.5
+grow_horizontal = 2
+grow_vertical = 2
+text = "Max"
+horizontal_alignment = 1
+vertical_alignment = 1
diff --git a/scenes/map_01.tscn b/scenes/map_01.tscn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ba6f73
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scenes/map_01.tscn
@@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
+[gd_scene load_steps=9 format=4 uid="uid://e20v1l8vde20"]
+[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://ca1tdkrek7wyi" path="res://sprites/Spritesheets/spritesheet_tiles.png" id="1_smdvj"]
+[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://b2v5npg0c34q7" path="res://sprites/spritesheet_road/spritesheet_road.png" id="2_pnjff"]
+[ext_resource type="TileSet" uid="uid://dqj1nt8840fpl" path="res://sprites/spritesheet_road/spritesheet_marker.tres" id="3_daoba"]
+[ext_resource type="TileSet" uid="uid://8x633p7ilv1h" path="res://sprites/spritesheet_road/spritesheet_road.tres" id="4_wejeu"]
+[sub_resource type="TileSetAtlasSource" id="TileSetAtlasSource_tvddu"]
+texture = ExtResource("1_smdvj")
+texture_region_size = Vector2i(128, 128)
+0:0/0 = 0
+1:0/0 = 0
+2:0/0 = 0
+3:0/0 = 0
+4:0/0 = 0
+5:0/0 = 0
+6:0/0 = 0
+7:0/0 = 0
+8:0/0 = 0
+9:0/0 = 0
+10:0/0 = 0
+11:0/0 = 0
+12:0/0 = 0
+13:0/0 = 0
+14:0/0 = 0
+15:0/0 = 0
+16:0/0 = 0
+17:0/0 = 0
+0:1/0 = 0
+1:1/0 = 0
+2:1/0 = 0
+3:1/0 = 0
+4:1/0 = 0
+5:1/0 = 0
+6:1/0 = 0
+7:1/0 = 0
+8:1/0 = 0
+9:1/0 = 0
+10:1/0 = 0
+11:1/0 = 0
+12:1/0 = 0
+13:1/0 = 0
+14:1/0 = 0
+15:1/0 = 0
+16:1/0 = 0
+17:1/0 = 0
+0:2/0 = 0
+1:2/0 = 0
+2:2/0 = 0
+3:2/0 = 0
+4:2/0 = 0
+5:2/0 = 0
+6:2/0 = 0
+7:2/0 = 0
+8:2/0 = 0
+9:2/0 = 0
+10:2/0 = 0
+11:2/0 = 0
+12:2/0 = 0
+13:2/0 = 0
+14:2/0 = 0
+15:2/0 = 0
+16:2/0 = 0
+17:2/0 = 0
+0:3/0 = 0
+1:3/0 = 0
+2:3/0 = 0
+3:3/0 = 0
+4:3/0 = 0
+5:3/0 = 0
+6:3/0 = 0
+7:3/0 = 0
+8:3/0 = 0
+9:3/0 = 0
+10:3/0 = 0
+11:3/0 = 0
+12:3/0 = 0
+13:3/0 = 0
+14:3/0 = 0
+15:3/0 = 0
+16:3/0 = 0
+17:3/0 = 0
+0:4/0 = 0
+1:4/0 = 0
+2:4/0 = 0
+3:4/0 = 0
+4:4/0 = 0
+5:4/0 = 0
+6:4/0 = 0
+7:4/0 = 0
+8:4/0 = 0
+9:4/0 = 0
+10:4/0 = 0
+11:4/0 = 0
+12:4/0 = 0
+13:4/0 = 0
+14:4/0 = 0
+15:4/0 = 0
+16:4/0 = 0
+17:4/0 = 0
+0:5/0 = 0
+1:5/0 = 0
+2:5/0 = 0
+3:5/0 = 0
+4:5/0 = 0
+5:5/0 = 0
+6:5/0 = 0
+7:5/0 = 0
+8:5/0 = 0
+9:5/0 = 0
+10:5/0 = 0
+11:5/0 = 0
+12:5/0 = 0
+13:5/0 = 0
+14:5/0 = 0
+15:5/0 = 0
+16:5/0 = 0
+17:5/0 = 0
+0:6/0 = 0
+1:6/0 = 0
+2:6/0 = 0
+3:6/0 = 0
+4:6/0 = 0
+5:6/0 = 0
+6:6/0 = 0
+7:6/0 = 0
+8:6/0 = 0
+9:6/0 = 0
+10:6/0 = 0
+11:6/0 = 0
+12:6/0 = 0
+13:6/0 = 0
+14:6/0 = 0
+15:6/0 = 0
+16:6/0 = 0
+0:7/0 = 0
+1:7/0 = 0
+2:7/0 = 0
+3:7/0 = 0
+4:7/0 = 0
+5:7/0 = 0
+6:7/0 = 0
+7:7/0 = 0
+8:7/0 = 0
+9:7/0 = 0
+10:7/0 = 0
+11:7/0 = 0
+12:7/0 = 0
+13:7/0 = 0
+14:7/0 = 0
+15:7/0 = 0
+16:7/0 = 0
+0:8/0 = 0
+1:8/0 = 0
+2:8/0 = 0
+3:8/0 = 0
+4:8/0 = 0
+5:8/0 = 0
+6:8/0 = 0
+7:8/0 = 0
+8:8/0 = 0
+9:8/0 = 0
+10:8/0 = 0
+11:8/0 = 0
+12:8/0 = 0
+13:8/0 = 0
+14:8/0 = 0
+15:8/0 = 0
+16:8/0 = 0
+0:9/0 = 0
+1:9/0 = 0
+2:9/0 = 0
+3:9/0 = 0
+4:9/0 = 0
+5:9/0 = 0
+6:9/0 = 0
+7:9/0 = 0
+8:9/0 = 0
+9:9/0 = 0
+10:9/0 = 0
+11:9/0 = 0
+12:9/0 = 0
+13:9/0 = 0
+14:9/0 = 0
+15:9/0 = 0
+16:9/0 = 0
+0:10/0 = 0
+1:10/0 = 0
+2:10/0 = 0
+3:10/0 = 0
+4:10/0 = 0
+5:10/0 = 0
+6:10/0 = 0
+7:10/0 = 0
+8:10/0 = 0
+9:10/0 = 0
+10:10/0 = 0
+11:10/0 = 0
+12:10/0 = 0
+13:10/0 = 0
+14:10/0 = 0
+15:10/0 = 0
+16:10/0 = 0
+0:11/0 = 0
+1:11/0 = 0
+2:11/0 = 0
+3:11/0 = 0
+4:11/0 = 0
+5:11/0 = 0
+6:11/0 = 0
+7:11/0 = 0
+8:11/0 = 0
+9:11/0 = 0
+10:11/0 = 0
+11:11/0 = 0
+12:11/0 = 0
+13:11/0 = 0
+14:11/0 = 0
+15:11/0 = 0
+16:11/0 = 0
+0:12/0 = 0
+1:12/0 = 0
+2:12/0 = 0
+3:12/0 = 0
+4:12/0 = 0
+5:12/0 = 0
+6:12/0 = 0
+7:12/0 = 0
+8:12/0 = 0
+9:12/0 = 0
+10:12/0 = 0
+11:12/0 = 0
+12:12/0 = 0
+13:12/0 = 0
+14:12/0 = 0
+15:12/0 = 0
+16:12/0 = 0
+0:13/0 = 0
+1:13/0 = 0
+2:13/0 = 0
+3:13/0 = 0
+4:13/0 = 0
+5:13/0 = 0
+6:13/0 = 0
+7:13/0 = 0
+8:13/0 = 0
+9:13/0 = 0
+10:13/0 = 0
+11:13/0 = 0
+12:13/0 = 0
+13:13/0 = 0
+14:13/0 = 0
+15:13/0 = 0
+16:13/0 = 0
+0:14/0 = 0
+1:14/0 = 0
+2:14/0 = 0
+3:14/0 = 0
+4:14/0 = 0
+5:14/0 = 0
+6:14/0 = 0
+7:14/0 = 0
+8:14/0 = 0
+9:14/0 = 0
+10:14/0 = 0
+11:14/0 = 0
+12:14/0 = 0
+13:14/0 = 0
+14:14/0 = 0
+15:14/0 = 0
+16:14/0 = 0
+0:15/0 = 0
+1:15/0 = 0
+2:15/0 = 0
+3:15/0 = 0
+4:15/0 = 0
+5:15/0 = 0
+6:15/0 = 0
+7:15/0 = 0
+8:15/0 = 0
+9:15/0 = 0
+10:15/0 = 0
+11:15/0 = 0
+12:15/0 = 0
+13:15/0 = 0
+14:15/0 = 0
+15:15/0 = 0
+16:15/0 = 0
+0:16/0 = 0
+1:16/0 = 0
+2:16/0 = 0
+3:16/0 = 0
+4:16/0 = 0
+5:16/0 = 0
+6:16/0 = 0
+7:16/0 = 0
+8:16/0 = 0
+9:16/0 = 0
+10:16/0 = 0
+11:16/0 = 0
+12:16/0 = 0
+13:16/0 = 0
+14:16/0 = 0
+15:16/0 = 0
+16:16/0 = 0
+0:17/0 = 0
+1:17/0 = 0
+2:17/0 = 0
+3:17/0 = 0
+4:17/0 = 0
+5:17/0 = 0
+6:17/0 = 0
+7:17/0 = 0
+8:17/0 = 0
+9:17/0 = 0
+10:17/0 = 0
+11:17/0 = 0
+12:17/0 = 0
+13:17/0 = 0
+14:17/0 = 0
+15:17/0 = 0
+16:17/0 = 0
+[sub_resource type="TileSet" id="TileSet_5knbn"]
+tile_size = Vector2i(128, 128)
+sources/0 = SubResource("TileSetAtlasSource_tvddu")
+[sub_resource type="TileSetAtlasSource" id="TileSetAtlasSource_5wrcn"]
+texture = ExtResource("2_pnjff")
+texture_region_size = Vector2i(128, 128)
+0:0/0 = 0
+2:0/0 = 0
+4:0/0 = 0
+6:0/0 = 0
+1:1/0 = 0
+3:1/0 = 0
+4:1/0 = 0
+6:1/0 = 0
+0:2/0 = 0
+3:2/0 = 0
+5:2/0 = 0
+7:2/0 = 0
+1:3/0 = 0
+[sub_resource type="TileSet" id="TileSet_golfy"]
+tile_size = Vector2i(128, 128)
+sources/2 = SubResource("TileSetAtlasSource_5wrcn")
+[node name="Map01" type="Node"]
+[node name="Background" type="TileMapLayer" parent="."]
+visible = false
+tile_set = SubResource("TileSet_5knbn")
+collision_enabled = false
+[node name="road_bg" type="TileMapLayer" parent="."]
+tile_set = SubResource("TileSet_golfy")
+[node name="road_overlay" type="TileMapLayer" parent="."]
+tile_map_data = PackedByteArray("AAAAAAAAAAAEAAMAAFAAAP//AAAEAAMAAHA=")
+tile_set = ExtResource("3_daoba")
+[node name="road" type="TileMapLayer" parent="."]
+tile_set = ExtResource("4_wejeu")
diff --git a/scenes/map_02.tscn b/scenes/map_02.tscn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ef94f1f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scenes/map_02.tscn
@@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
+[gd_scene load_steps=7 format=4 uid="uid://qmjooinavojx"]
+[ext_resource type="Texture2D" uid="uid://ca1tdkrek7wyi" path="res://sprites/Spritesheets/spritesheet_tiles.png" id="1_cuxtw"]
+[ext_resource type="TileSet" uid="uid://fy1cu3bt11db" path="res://sprites/spritesheet_road/spritesheet_bg_road1x1.tres" id="2_lp62b"]
+[ext_resource type="TileSet" uid="uid://dqj1nt8840fpl" path="res://sprites/spritesheet_road/spritesheet_marker.tres" id="3_hf2rq"]
+[ext_resource type="TileSet" uid="uid://dfo0ra568q52r" path="res://sprites/spritesheet_road/spritesheet_road1x1.tres" id="4_p03y8"]
+[sub_resource type="TileSetAtlasSource" id="TileSetAtlasSource_tvddu"]
+texture = ExtResource("1_cuxtw")
+texture_region_size = Vector2i(128, 128)
+0:0/0 = 0
+1:0/0 = 0
+2:0/0 = 0
+3:0/0 = 0
+4:0/0 = 0
+5:0/0 = 0
+6:0/0 = 0
+7:0/0 = 0
+8:0/0 = 0
+9:0/0 = 0
+10:0/0 = 0
+11:0/0 = 0
+12:0/0 = 0
+13:0/0 = 0
+14:0/0 = 0
+15:0/0 = 0
+16:0/0 = 0
+17:0/0 = 0
+0:1/0 = 0
+1:1/0 = 0
+2:1/0 = 0
+3:1/0 = 0
+4:1/0 = 0
+5:1/0 = 0
+6:1/0 = 0
+7:1/0 = 0
+8:1/0 = 0
+9:1/0 = 0
+10:1/0 = 0
+11:1/0 = 0
+12:1/0 = 0
+13:1/0 = 0
+14:1/0 = 0
+15:1/0 = 0
+16:1/0 = 0
+17:1/0 = 0
+0:2/0 = 0
+1:2/0 = 0
+2:2/0 = 0
+3:2/0 = 0
+4:2/0 = 0
+5:2/0 = 0
+6:2/0 = 0
+7:2/0 = 0
+8:2/0 = 0
+9:2/0 = 0
+10:2/0 = 0
+11:2/0 = 0
+12:2/0 = 0
+13:2/0 = 0
+14:2/0 = 0
+15:2/0 = 0
+16:2/0 = 0
+17:2/0 = 0
+0:3/0 = 0
+1:3/0 = 0
+2:3/0 = 0
+3:3/0 = 0
+4:3/0 = 0
+5:3/0 = 0
+6:3/0 = 0
+7:3/0 = 0
+8:3/0 = 0
+9:3/0 = 0
+10:3/0 = 0
+11:3/0 = 0
+12:3/0 = 0
+13:3/0 = 0
+14:3/0 = 0
+15:3/0 = 0
+16:3/0 = 0
+17:3/0 = 0
+0:4/0 = 0
+1:4/0 = 0
+2:4/0 = 0
+3:4/0 = 0
+4:4/0 = 0
+5:4/0 = 0
+6:4/0 = 0
+7:4/0 = 0
+8:4/0 = 0
+9:4/0 = 0
+10:4/0 = 0
+11:4/0 = 0
+12:4/0 = 0
+13:4/0 = 0
+14:4/0 = 0
+15:4/0 = 0
+16:4/0 = 0
+17:4/0 = 0
+0:5/0 = 0
+1:5/0 = 0
+2:5/0 = 0
+3:5/0 = 0
+4:5/0 = 0
+5:5/0 = 0
+6:5/0 = 0
+7:5/0 = 0
+8:5/0 = 0
+9:5/0 = 0
+10:5/0 = 0
+11:5/0 = 0
+12:5/0 = 0
+13:5/0 = 0
+14:5/0 = 0
+15:5/0 = 0
+16:5/0 = 0
+17:5/0 = 0
+0:6/0 = 0
+1:6/0 = 0
+2:6/0 = 0
+3:6/0 = 0
+4:6/0 = 0
+5:6/0 = 0
+6:6/0 = 0
+7:6/0 = 0
+8:6/0 = 0
+9:6/0 = 0
+10:6/0 = 0
+11:6/0 = 0
+12:6/0 = 0
+13:6/0 = 0
+14:6/0 = 0
+15:6/0 = 0
+16:6/0 = 0
+0:7/0 = 0
+1:7/0 = 0
+2:7/0 = 0
+3:7/0 = 0
+4:7/0 = 0
+5:7/0 = 0
+6:7/0 = 0
+7:7/0 = 0
+8:7/0 = 0
+9:7/0 = 0
+10:7/0 = 0
+11:7/0 = 0
+12:7/0 = 0
+13:7/0 = 0
+14:7/0 = 0
+15:7/0 = 0
+16:7/0 = 0
+0:8/0 = 0
+1:8/0 = 0
+2:8/0 = 0
+3:8/0 = 0
+4:8/0 = 0
+5:8/0 = 0
+6:8/0 = 0
+7:8/0 = 0
+8:8/0 = 0
+9:8/0 = 0
+10:8/0 = 0
+11:8/0 = 0
+12:8/0 = 0
+13:8/0 = 0
+14:8/0 = 0
+15:8/0 = 0
+16:8/0 = 0
+0:9/0 = 0
+1:9/0 = 0
+2:9/0 = 0
+3:9/0 = 0
+4:9/0 = 0
+5:9/0 = 0
+6:9/0 = 0
+7:9/0 = 0
+8:9/0 = 0
+9:9/0 = 0
+10:9/0 = 0
+11:9/0 = 0
+12:9/0 = 0
+13:9/0 = 0
+14:9/0 = 0
+15:9/0 = 0
+16:9/0 = 0
+0:10/0 = 0
+1:10/0 = 0
+2:10/0 = 0
+3:10/0 = 0
+4:10/0 = 0
+5:10/0 = 0
+6:10/0 = 0
+7:10/0 = 0
+8:10/0 = 0
+9:10/0 = 0
+10:10/0 = 0
+11:10/0 = 0
+12:10/0 = 0
+13:10/0 = 0
+14:10/0 = 0
+15:10/0 = 0
+16:10/0 = 0
+0:11/0 = 0
+1:11/0 = 0
+2:11/0 = 0
+3:11/0 = 0
+4:11/0 = 0
+5:11/0 = 0
+6:11/0 = 0
+7:11/0 = 0
+8:11/0 = 0
+9:11/0 = 0
+10:11/0 = 0
+11:11/0 = 0
+12:11/0 = 0
+13:11/0 = 0
+14:11/0 = 0
+15:11/0 = 0
+16:11/0 = 0
+0:12/0 = 0
+1:12/0 = 0
+2:12/0 = 0
+3:12/0 = 0
+4:12/0 = 0
+5:12/0 = 0
+6:12/0 = 0
+7:12/0 = 0
+8:12/0 = 0
+9:12/0 = 0
+10:12/0 = 0
+11:12/0 = 0
+12:12/0 = 0
+13:12/0 = 0
+14:12/0 = 0
+15:12/0 = 0
+16:12/0 = 0
+0:13/0 = 0
+1:13/0 = 0
+2:13/0 = 0
+3:13/0 = 0
+4:13/0 = 0
+5:13/0 = 0
+6:13/0 = 0
+7:13/0 = 0
+8:13/0 = 0
+9:13/0 = 0
+10:13/0 = 0
+11:13/0 = 0
+12:13/0 = 0
+13:13/0 = 0
+14:13/0 = 0
+15:13/0 = 0
+16:13/0 = 0
+0:14/0 = 0
+1:14/0 = 0
+2:14/0 = 0
+3:14/0 = 0
+4:14/0 = 0
+5:14/0 = 0
+6:14/0 = 0
+7:14/0 = 0
+8:14/0 = 0
+9:14/0 = 0
+10:14/0 = 0
+11:14/0 = 0
+12:14/0 = 0
+13:14/0 = 0
+14:14/0 = 0
+15:14/0 = 0
+16:14/0 = 0
+0:15/0 = 0
+1:15/0 = 0
+2:15/0 = 0
+3:15/0 = 0
+4:15/0 = 0
+5:15/0 = 0
+6:15/0 = 0
+7:15/0 = 0
+8:15/0 = 0
+9:15/0 = 0
+10:15/0 = 0
+11:15/0 = 0
+12:15/0 = 0
+13:15/0 = 0
+14:15/0 = 0
+15:15/0 = 0
+16:15/0 = 0
+0:16/0 = 0
+1:16/0 = 0
+2:16/0 = 0
+3:16/0 = 0
+4:16/0 = 0
+5:16/0 = 0
+6:16/0 = 0
+7:16/0 = 0
+8:16/0 = 0
+9:16/0 = 0
+10:16/0 = 0
+11:16/0 = 0
+12:16/0 = 0
+13:16/0 = 0
+14:16/0 = 0
+15:16/0 = 0
+16:16/0 = 0
+0:17/0 = 0
+1:17/0 = 0
+2:17/0 = 0
+3:17/0 = 0
+4:17/0 = 0
+5:17/0 = 0
+6:17/0 = 0
+7:17/0 = 0
+8:17/0 = 0
+9:17/0 = 0
+10:17/0 = 0
+11:17/0 = 0
+12:17/0 = 0
+13:17/0 = 0
+14:17/0 = 0
+15:17/0 = 0
+16:17/0 = 0
+[sub_resource type="TileSet" id="TileSet_5knbn"]
+tile_size = Vector2i(128, 128)
+sources/0 = SubResource("TileSetAtlasSource_tvddu")
+[node name="Map01" type="Node"]
+[node name="Background" type="TileMapLayer" parent="."]
+visible = false
+tile_set = SubResource("TileSet_5knbn")
+collision_enabled = false
+[node name="road_bg" type="TileMapLayer" parent="."]
+tile_set = ExtResource("2_lp62b")
+[node name="markings" type="TileMapLayer" parent="."]
+tile_set = ExtResource("3_hf2rq")
+[node name="road" type="TileMapLayer" parent="."]
+tile_set = ExtResource("4_p03y8")
diff --git a/scenes/menu.tscn b/scenes/menu.tscn
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f1e5323
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scenes/menu.tscn
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+[gd_scene load_steps=3 format=3 uid="uid://b1uhymisifcho"]
+[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://scripts/menu.gd" id="1_fushn"]
+[ext_resource type="Script" path="res://scripts/menudisplay.gd" id="2_jc4pv"]
+[node name="Menu" type="Node"]
+script = ExtResource("1_fushn")
+[node name="MenuDisplay" type="Node2D" parent="."]
+script = ExtResource("2_jc4pv")
+[node name="Playerlist" type="Label" parent="MenuDisplay"]
+offset_left = 131.0
+offset_top = 58.0
+offset_right = 745.0
+offset_bottom = 572.0
+theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 32
+[node name="countdown" type="Label" parent="MenuDisplay"]
+offset_left = 874.0
+offset_top = 122.0
+offset_right = 931.0
+offset_bottom = 259.0
+theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 100
+text = "5"
+[node name="MarginContainer" type="MarginContainer" parent="MenuDisplay"]
+offset_left = 317.0
+offset_top = 90.0
+offset_right = 357.0
+offset_bottom = 130.0
+[node name="VBoxContainer_Playerlist" type="VBoxContainer" parent="MenuDisplay/MarginContainer"]
+layout_mode = 2
+[node name="Label" type="Label" parent="MenuDisplay/MarginContainer/VBoxContainer_Playerlist"]
+layout_mode = 2
+theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 32
+text = "Press key"
+uppercase = true
+[node name="Label2" type="Label" parent="MenuDisplay/MarginContainer/VBoxContainer_Playerlist"]
+layout_mode = 2
+theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 32
+text = "to join"
+uppercase = true
+[node name="Label3" type="Label" parent="MenuDisplay/MarginContainer/VBoxContainer_Playerlist"]
+layout_mode = 2
+theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 32
+uppercase = true
+[node name="Label4" type="Label" parent="MenuDisplay/MarginContainer/VBoxContainer_Playerlist"]
+layout_mode = 2
+theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 32
+uppercase = true
+[node name="Label5" type="Label" parent="MenuDisplay/MarginContainer/VBoxContainer_Playerlist"]
+layout_mode = 2
+theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 32
+uppercase = true
+[node name="Label6" type="Label" parent="MenuDisplay/MarginContainer/VBoxContainer_Playerlist"]
+layout_mode = 2
+theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 32
+uppercase = true
+[node name="Label7" type="Label" parent="MenuDisplay/MarginContainer/VBoxContainer_Playerlist"]
+layout_mode = 2
+theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 32
+uppercase = true
+[node name="Label8" type="Label" parent="MenuDisplay/MarginContainer/VBoxContainer_Playerlist"]
+layout_mode = 2
+theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 32
+uppercase = true
+[node name="Label9" type="Label" parent="MenuDisplay/MarginContainer/VBoxContainer_Playerlist"]
+layout_mode = 2
+theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 32
+uppercase = true
+[node name="Label10" type="Label" parent="MenuDisplay/MarginContainer/VBoxContainer_Playerlist"]
+layout_mode = 2
+theme_override_font_sizes/font_size = 32
+uppercase = true
+[node name="Timer" type="Timer" parent="."]
+wait_time = 5.0
+[connection signal="timeout" from="Timer" to="." method="_on_timer_timeout"]
diff --git a/scripts/car.gd b/scripts/car.gd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eda8b84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/car.gd
@@ -0,0 +1,192 @@
+extends CharacterBody2D
+#Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mJ1ZfGDTMCY t=15s
+const COLLISIONMASK_FINISH=3 #set in road_overlay
+const COLLISIONMASK_CHECKPOINT=4 #set in road_overlay
+var wheel_base = 60*0.5
+var engine_power = 350
+var friction = -0.5
+var drag = -0.0005
+var braking = -200
+var max_speed_reverse = 100
+var slip_speed = 200
+var traction_fast = 0.1 #traction when above slip_speed
+var traction_slow = 0.5
+#Automatic Steering settings
+var steering_speed_slow = 50 #speed for slow steering
+var steering_angle_slow = 50 #maximum angle slow speed
+var steering_distance_far_slow=200
+var steering_distance_close_slow=20
+var steering_speed_fast = 300 #speed for fast steering
+var steering_angle_fast = 5 #maximum angle fast speed
+var steering_distance_far_fast=256
+var steering_distance_close_fast=128
+# resetCar
+var resetcar_stoppedspeed = 30 #activate timer when below this speed
+var resetcar_movingspeed=resetcar_stoppedspeed+10 #stop timer when above this speed
+var resetcar_distance=128 #196 is roughly when car is in the middle of a two wide road
+var resetcar_steerangle=120
+var acceleration = Vector2.ZERO
+var steer_direction=0
+var autoreset=false
+@onready var ray_cast_fl: RayCast2D = $RayCast_FL
+@onready var ray_cast_fr: RayCast2D = $RayCast_FR
+@onready var reset_timer: Timer = $resetTimer
+@onready var ray_cast_car: RayCast2D = $RayCast_Car #for tracking markers
+var playerid=0
+func _physics_process(delta: float) -> void:
+ acceleration=Vector2.ZERO
+ check_markers()
+ get_input()
+ apply_friction()
+ calculate_steering(delta)
+ velocity +=acceleration*delta
+ #velocity = transform.x * 200
+ #vel = move_and_slide()
+ move_and_slide()
+ if get_slide_collision_count()>0:
+ velocity/=2
+ #for i in get_slide_collision_count():
+ # var collision = get_slide_collision(i)
+ # print("Collided with: ", collision.get_collider().name)
+ if velocity.length() < resetcar_stoppedspeed: #moving slow, possibly crash?
+ if reset_timer.is_stopped():
+ reset_timer.start()
+ if velocity.length() > resetcar_movingspeed:
+ reset_timer.stop()
+func _on_reset_timer_timeout() -> void:
+ print("resetting car")
+ autoreset=true
+func apply_friction():
+ if velocity.length() < STANDSTILLSPEED: #standstill
+ velocity=Vector2.ZERO
+ var friction_force=velocity*friction
+ var drag_force=velocity*velocity.length()*drag
+ acceleration+=drag_force+friction_force
+func get_input():
+ const distance_inf=1000
+ var distance_fl=distance_inf
+ var distance_fr=distance_inf
+ if ray_cast_fl.is_colliding():
+ var origin=ray_cast_fl.global_transform.origin
+ var collision_point = ray_cast_fl.get_collision_point()
+ distance_fl = origin.distance_to(collision_point)
+ #print("DistanceFL "+str(distance_fl))
+ if ray_cast_fr.is_colliding():
+ var origin=ray_cast_fr.global_transform.origin
+ var collision_point = ray_cast_fr.get_collision_point()
+ distance_fr = origin.distance_to(collision_point)
+ #print("DistanceFR "+str(distance_fr))
+ var distance_min= min(distance_fl,distance_fr)
+ var turndirection = 1 if distance_fl=resetcar_distance: #nothing in front of car
+ steer_direction=resetcar_steerangle #keep steering so turn around if standing in the middle of a track
+ else:
+ steer_direction*=-1 #invert steering
+ else:
+ if steer_direction>1:
+ resetcar_steerangle=max(-resetcar_steerangle,+resetcar_steerangle) #calculate steering direction for next autoreset
+ if steer_direction<1:
+ resetcar_steerangle=min(-resetcar_steerangle,+resetcar_steerangle) #calculate steering direction for next autoreset
+func calculate_steering(delta:float):
+ var rear_wheel = position - transform.x *wheel_base/2.0
+ var front_wheel = position + transform.x *wheel_base/2.0
+ rear_wheel += velocity*delta
+ front_wheel += velocity.rotated(steer_direction)*delta
+ var new_heading = (front_wheel-rear_wheel).normalized()
+ var traction = traction_slow
+ if velocity.length() > slip_speed:
+ traction = traction_fast
+ var d = new_heading.dot(velocity.normalized())
+ if d > 0:
+ velocity = velocity.lerp(new_heading * velocity.length(), traction)
+ elif d<0:
+ velocity = - new_heading * min(velocity.length(),max_speed_reverse)
+ rotation = new_heading.angle()
+func check_markers():
+ if ray_cast_car.is_colliding():
+ #print("Marker: "+str(ray_cast_car.get_collider()))
+ if ray_cast_car.get_collision_mask_value(COLLISIONMASK_FINISH):
+ print("Player "+str(playerid)+" Finished")
+ if ray_cast_car.get_collision_mask_value(COLLISIONMASK_CHECKPOINT):
+ print("Player "+str(playerid)+" Checkpint")
+func constrain(val,a,b):
+ var vmin=min(a,b)
+ var vmax=max(a,b)
+ return min(vmax,max(vmin,val))
diff --git a/scripts/car_node.gd b/scripts/car_node.gd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f2de8a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/car_node.gd
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+extends Node2D
+@onready var car: CharacterBody2D = $Car
+func getSpeed() -> float:
+ return car.velocity.length()
+func getPosition():
+ return car.position
+func setPosition(p:Vector2):
+ car.position=p
+func setPlayerinformation(playerid, playercolor):
+ car.playerid=playerid
+ #TODO set playercolor
diff --git a/scripts/game.gd b/scripts/game.gd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e133312
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/game.gd
@@ -0,0 +1,120 @@
+extends Node2D
+@onready var camera: Camera2D = $Camera2D
+#@onready var car: Node2D = $car_0
+@onready var cars: Node = $cars
+const caroffset=32+12 #space cars on start line
+var viewCarMargin=Vector2(0.1,0.1) #proportions of viewsize. 0,0 = adjust when cars are outside view, 1,1=infinite zoom out
+var viewCarMargin_zoomstart=viewCarMargin+Vector2(0.1,0.1)
+var zoomspeed=0.3
+var zoomspeed_backup=0.05
+# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
+func _ready() -> void:
+ var i=0
+ for playerkey in Gamestate.getPlayerkeys(): #create all players
+ var newcarscene=load("res://scenes/car.tscn")
+ var newcarinstance=newcarscene.instantiate()
+ cars.add_child(newcarinstance)
+ newcarinstance.setPlayerinformation(i,0)
+ newcarinstance.setPosition(Vector2(0,i*caroffset))
+ i+=1
+ #Load Map
+ var mapscene=load("res://scenes/map_01.tscn")
+ var mapsceneinstance=mapscene.instantiate()
+ add_child(mapsceneinstance)
+# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
+func _process(delta: float) -> void:
+ var cars=cars.get_children()
+ var meanCarPosition=Vector2.ZERO
+ var displayedCarCount=0
+ var maxCarSpeed=0
+ var minPos=Vector2.ZERO #min/max x and y position of all cars
+ var maxPos=Vector2.ZERO
+ for c in cars:
+ var carpos = c.getPosition()
+ meanCarPosition+=carpos
+ maxCarSpeed=max(maxCarSpeed,c.getSpeed())
+ if displayedCarCount==0:
+ minPos.x=carpos.x
+ minPos.y=carpos.y
+ maxPos.x=carpos.x
+ maxPos.y=carpos.y
+ else:
+ minPos.x=min(minPos.x,carpos.x)
+ minPos.y=min(minPos.y,carpos.y)
+ maxPos.x=max(maxPos.x,carpos.x)
+ maxPos.y=max(maxPos.y,carpos.y)
+ displayedCarCount+=1
+ meanCarPosition/=displayedCarCount
+ #camera.position=car.getPosition()
+ camera.position=meanCarPosition
+ #rint("zoom = "+str(camera.zoom))
+ #camera.zoom=Vector2(1.5,1.5)
+ '''var allCarsInView=checkPositionInsideView(minPos) and checkPositionInsideView(maxPos)
+ if not allCarsInView:
+ camera.zoom-=Vector2(0.1*delta,0.1*delta)
+ else:
+ if camera.zoom(viewCarMargin_zoombackup.x*viewsize.x) and calculatedViewCarMargin.y>(viewCarMargin_zoombackup.y*viewsize.y): #cars in view again
+ if camera.zoom.x<1.0:
+ camera.zoom+=Vector2(zoomspeed_backup*delta,zoomspeed_backup*delta)
+ $minPos.position=minPos
+ $maxPos.position=maxPos
+ $Camera2D/speedlabel.text=str(carSpread)
+ #$Camera2D/speedlabel.text=str(round(maxCarSpeed))
+func _input(ev):
+ #if ev is InputEventKey and
+ if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_cancel"):
+ get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/menu.tscn")
+func checkPositionInsideView(checkpos: Vector2) -> bool:
+ var viewsize = camera.get_viewport_rect().size
+ var canvas_pos = camera.get_viewport().get_canvas_transform().affine_inverse() * -checkpos
+ print("cp="+str(canvas_pos) + " viewsize="+str(viewsize))
+ if canvas_pos.x < 0 and canvas_pos.x > -viewsize.x:
+ if canvas_pos.y < 0 and canvas_pos.y > -viewsize.y:
+ return true
+ return false
+func constrain(val,a,b):
+ var vmin=min(a,b)
+ var vmax=max(a,b)
+ return min(vmax,max(vmin,val))
diff --git a/scripts/gamestate.gd b/scripts/gamestate.gd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af3ab14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/gamestate.gd
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+extends Node
+#var playerkeys: Array[int] = []
+var players: Array[Player] = []
+var userinput_prefix="inputP"
+func addPlayer(key:int):
+ if not getPlayerkeys().has(key):
+ #playerkeys.append(key)
+ players.append(Player.new(key,len(players)))
+ #print("Added Key"+str(key))
+ #print("List:"+str(getPlayerkeys()))
+func removeAllPlayers():
+ players=[]
+func getPlayerkeys() -> Array[int]:
+ var playerkeys: Array[int] = []
+ for player in players:
+ playerkeys.append(player.inputkey)
+ return playerkeys
+class Player:
+ var inputkey:int
+ var color:Color
+ func _init(key:int, i:int=-1):
+ inputkey=key
+ var sat = 0.8
+ var val = 0.5
+ if i<0:
+ color=Color.from_hsv(randf_range(0.0,1.0), sat,val,1.0)
+ else:
+ color=Color.from_hsv(fmod(0.3*i,1.0), sat,val,1.0)
+ print("i is "+str(i)+" h="+str(fmod(0.3*i,1.0))+" assigned color "+str(color))
diff --git a/scripts/menu.gd b/scripts/menu.gd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c3f7274
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/menu.gd
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+extends Node
+@onready var countdown: Label = $MenuDisplay/countdown
+func _ready():
+ removeAssignedKeys()
+ Gamestate.removeAllPlayers()
+func assignKeys():
+ var i=0
+ for playerkey in Gamestate.getPlayerkeys():
+ InputMap.add_action(Gamestate.userinput_prefix+str(i))
+ var ev = InputEventKey.new()
+ ev.keycode=playerkey
+ InputMap.action_add_event(Gamestate.userinput_prefix+str(i), ev)
+ i+=1
+func removeAssignedKeys():
+ for action in InputMap.get_actions():
+ if action.get_basename().begins_with(Gamestate.userinput_prefix):
+ print("Removed Action "+str(action.get_basename()))
+ InputMap.erase_action(action)
+func _unhandled_key_input(event: InputEvent) -> void:
+ if event is InputEventKey:
+ if event.pressed:
+ #print("Key keycode:"+str(event.keycode))
+ Gamestate.addPlayer(event.keycode)
+ $MenuDisplay.update_playerlist(Gamestate.players)
+ if len(Gamestate.getPlayerkeys())>=1:
+ $Timer.start()
+ else:
+ $Timer.stop()
+func _on_timer_timeout() -> void:
+ print("Game starting")
+ get_tree().change_scene_to_file("res://scenes/game.tscn")
+ $Timer.stop()
+ assignKeys()
+func _process(delta: float) -> void:
+ if $Timer.is_stopped() or $Timer.time_left>3.5:
+ $MenuDisplay.updateCountdown(-1) #do not display countdown
+ else:
+ $MenuDisplay.updateCountdown(round($Timer.time_left)) #update countdown time
+func _input(ev):
+ #if ev is InputEventKey and
+ if Input.is_action_just_pressed("ui_cancel"):
+ get_tree().quit()
diff --git a/scripts/menudisplay.gd b/scripts/menudisplay.gd
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..561d631
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scripts/menudisplay.gd
@@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
+extends Node2D
+# Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time.
+func _ready() -> void:
+ pass # Replace with function body.
+# Called every frame. 'delta' is the elapsed time since the previous frame.
+func updateCountdown(t):
+ if (t<0):
+ $countdown.visible=false
+ else:
+ $countdown.visible=true
+ $countdown.text=str(t)
+func update_playerlist(players:Array[Gamestate.Player]):
+ $Playerlist.text=""
+ var Playerlabels=$MarginContainer/VBoxContainer_Playerlist.get_children()
+ var i=0
+ for label in Playerlabels:
+ #print(type_string(typeof(label)))
+ if i