//https://github.com/rogerclarkmelbourne/Arduino_STM32 in arduino/hardware //Board: Generic STM32F103C series //Upload method: serial //20k RAM 64k Flash // RX ist A10, TX ist A9 (3v3 level) //to flash set boot0 (the one further away from reset button) to 1 and press reset, flash, program executes immediately //set boot0 back to 0 to run program on powerup #define DEBUG #define PIN_LED PC13 #define SENDPERIOD 20 //from left to right. pins at bottom. chips on top //1 GND (black) //2 Data //3 Clock //4 Reset //5 +5V (red) //6 Right BTN //7 Middle BTN //8 Left BTN //pinout: https://martin-prochnow.de/projects/thinkpad_keyboard //see also https://github.com/feklee/usb-trackpoint/blob/master/code/code.ino #include #include "nRF24L01.h" #include "RF24.h" RF24 radio(PB0,PB1); //ce, cs //SCK D13 (Pro mini), A5 (bluepill) //Miso D12 (Pro mini), A6 (bluepill) //Mosi D11 (Pro mini), A7 (bluepill) // Radio pipe addresses for the 2 nodes to communicate. const uint64_t pipes[2] = { 0xF0F0F0F0E1LL, 0xF0F0F0F0D2LL }; struct nrfdata { uint8_t steer; uint8_t speed; uint8_t commands; //bit 0 set = motor enable uint8_t checksum; }; nrfdata lastnrfdata; long last_nrfreceive=0; //last time values were received and checksum ok long nrf_delay=0; #define MAX_NRFDELAY 50 //command variables boolean motorenabled=false; //set by nrfdata.commands long last_send=0; int16_t out_steer=0; //between -1000 and 1000 int16_t out_speed=0; uint8_t out_checksum=0; //0= disable motors, 255=reserved, 1<=checksum<255 #define NRFDATA_CENTER 127 boolean armed=false; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); //Debug and Program. A9=TX1, A10=RX1 (3v3 level) Serial2.begin(19200); //control. B10=TX3, B11=RX3 (Serial2 is Usart 3) pinMode(PIN_LED, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(PIN_LED,HIGH); Serial.println("Initializing nrf24"); radio.begin(); radio.setRetries(15,15); // optionally, increase the delay between retries & # of retries radio.setPayloadSize(8); // optionally, reduce the payload size. seems to improve reliability radio.openWritingPipe(pipes[0]); //write on pipe 0 radio.openReadingPipe(1,pipes[1]); //read on pipe 1 radio.startListening(); Serial.println("Initialized"); } void loop() { //NRF24 nrf_delay=millis()-last_nrfreceive; //update nrf delay if ( radio.available() ) { //Serial.println("radio available ..."); bool done = false; while (!done) { digitalWrite(PIN_LED, !digitalRead(PIN_LED)); done = radio.read( &lastnrfdata, sizeof(nrfdata) ); //parse commands motorenabled = (lastnrfdata.commands & (1 << 0)); //check bit 0 if (!motorenabled){ //disable motors? armed=false; Serial.println("!motorenebled. armed=false"); } if (lastnrfdata.speed==NRFDATA_CENTER && lastnrfdata.speed==NRFDATA_CENTER){ //arm only when centered armed=true; //arm at first received packet Serial.println("centered. armed=true"); } uint8_t calcchecksum=(uint8_t)((lastnrfdata.steer+3)*(lastnrfdata.speed+13)); if (lastnrfdata.checksum!=calcchecksum){ //checksum not ok? armed=false; Serial.println("Checksum fail. armed=false"); }else{ //checksum ok last_nrfreceive=millis(); } #ifdef DEBUG Serial.print("Received:"); Serial.print(" st="); Serial.print(lastnrfdata.steer); Serial.print(", sp="); Serial.print(lastnrfdata.speed); Serial.print(", c="); Serial.print(lastnrfdata.commands); Serial.print(", chks="); Serial.print(lastnrfdata.checksum); Serial.print("nrfdelay="); Serial.print(nrf_delay); #endif //y positive = forward //x positive = right } } if (armed && nrf_delay>=MAX_NRFDELAY){ //too long since last sucessful nrf receive armed=false; Serial.println("too long since last nrf data. armed=false"); } if (armed){ //out_speed=(int16_t)( (lastnrfdata.y-TRACKPOINT_CENTER)*1000/TRACKPOINT_MAX ); //out_steer=(int16_t)( -(lastnrfdata.x-TRACKPOINT_CENTER)*1000/TRACKPOINT_MAX ); out_speed=(int16_t)( ((int16_t)(lastnrfdata.speed)-NRFDATA_CENTER)*1000/127 ); out_steer=(int16_t)( ((int16_t)(lastnrfdata.steer)-NRFDATA_CENTER)*1000/127 ); }else{ //took too long since last nrf data out_steer=0; out_speed=0; } if (millis()-last_send>SENDPERIOD){ //calculate checksum out_checksum = ((uint8_t) ((uint8_t)out_steer)*((uint8_t)out_speed)); //simple checksum if (out_checksum==0 || out_checksum==255){ out_checksum=1; } //cannot be 0 or 255 (special purpose) if (!motorenabled){ //disable motors? out_checksum=0; //checksum=0 disables motors } Serial2.write((uint8_t *) &out_steer, sizeof(out_steer)); Serial2.write((uint8_t *) &out_speed, sizeof(out_speed)); Serial2.write((uint8_t *) &out_checksum, sizeof(out_checksum)); last_send=millis(); #ifdef DEBUG Serial.print(" steer="); Serial.print(out_steer); Serial.print(" speed="); Serial.print(out_speed); Serial.print(" checksum="); Serial.print(out_checksum); Serial.println(); #endif } }