/* * File: BLDC_controller.h * * Code generated for Simulink model 'BLDC_controller'. * * Model version : 1.1199 * Simulink Coder version : 8.13 (R2017b) 24-Jul-2017 * C/C++ source code generated on : Sun Nov 3 12:28:16 2019 * * Target selection: ert.tlc * Embedded hardware selection: ARM Compatible->ARM Cortex * Emulation hardware selection: * Differs from embedded hardware (MATLAB Host) * Code generation objectives: * 1. Execution efficiency * 2. RAM efficiency * Validation result: Not run */ #ifndef RTW_HEADER_BLDC_controller_h_ #define RTW_HEADER_BLDC_controller_h_ #include "rtwtypes.h" #ifndef BLDC_controller_COMMON_INCLUDES_ # define BLDC_controller_COMMON_INCLUDES_ #include "rtwtypes.h" #endif /* BLDC_controller_COMMON_INCLUDES_ */ /* Macros for accessing real-time model data structure */ /* Forward declaration for rtModel */ typedef struct tag_RTM RT_MODEL; /* Block signals and states (auto storage) for system '/Counter' */ typedef struct { int16_T UnitDelay_DSTATE; /* '/UnitDelay' */ } DW_Counter; /* Block signals and states (auto storage) for system '/PI_clamp_fixdt_id' */ typedef struct { int32_T UnitDelay_DSTATE; /* '/UnitDelay' */ boolean_T UnitDelay1_DSTATE; /* '/UnitDelay1' */ } DW_PI_clamp_fixdt; /* Block signals and states (auto storage) for system '/Low_Pass_Filter' */ typedef struct { int16_T UnitDelay3_DSTATE[2]; /* '/UnitDelay3' */ } DW_Low_Pass_Filter; /* Block signals and states (auto storage) for system '/PI_clamp_fixdt_n' */ typedef struct { int32_T UnitDelay_DSTATE; /* '/UnitDelay' */ boolean_T UnitDelay1_DSTATE; /* '/UnitDelay1' */ } DW_PI_clamp_fixdt_c; /* Block signals and states (auto storage) for system '/Counter' */ typedef struct { uint16_T UnitDelay_DSTATE; /* '/UnitDelay' */ } DW_Counter_l; /* Block signals and states (auto storage) for system '/either_edge' */ typedef struct { boolean_T UnitDelay_DSTATE; /* '/UnitDelay' */ } DW_either_edge; /* Block signals and states (auto storage) for system '/Debounce_Filter' */ typedef struct { DW_either_edge either_edge_k; /* '/either_edge' */ DW_Counter_l Counter_h; /* '/Counter' */ DW_Counter_l Counter_i0; /* '/Counter' */ boolean_T UnitDelay_DSTATE; /* '/UnitDelay' */ } DW_Debounce_Filter; /* Block signals and states (auto storage) for system '' */ typedef struct { DW_either_edge either_edge_a; /* '/either_edge' */ DW_Debounce_Filter Debounce_Filter_f;/* '/Debounce_Filter' */ DW_PI_clamp_fixdt PI_clamp_fixdt_iq; /* '/PI_clamp_fixdt_iq' */ DW_PI_clamp_fixdt_c PI_clamp_fixdt_n_o;/* '/PI_clamp_fixdt_n' */ DW_Low_Pass_Filter Low_Pass_Filter_m;/* '/Low_Pass_Filter' */ DW_PI_clamp_fixdt PI_clamp_fixdt_id; /* '/PI_clamp_fixdt_id' */ DW_Counter Counter_e; /* '/Counter' */ int32_T UnitDelay_DSTATE; /* '/UnitDelay' */ int16_T Gain4[3]; /* '/Gain4' */ int16_T Sum1[2]; /* '/Sum1' */ int16_T z_counterRawPrev; /* '/z_counterRawPrev' */ int16_T Merge; /* '/Merge' */ int16_T Divide1; /* '/Divide1' */ int16_T Divide4; /* '/Divide4' */ int16_T Switch1; /* '/Switch1' */ int16_T Divide11; /* '/Divide11' */ int16_T UnitDelay3_DSTATE; /* '/UnitDelay3' */ int16_T UnitDelay4_DSTATE; /* '/UnitDelay4' */ int16_T UnitDelay4_DSTATE_p; /* '/UnitDelay4' */ int16_T UnitDelay2_DSTATE; /* '/UnitDelay2' */ int16_T UnitDelay3_DSTATE_o; /* '/UnitDelay3' */ int16_T UnitDelay5_DSTATE; /* '/UnitDelay5' */ int16_T UnitDelay4_DSTATE_e; /* '/UnitDelay4' */ int16_T UnitDelay4_DSTATE_er; /* '/UnitDelay4' */ int8_T Switch2; /* '/Switch2' */ int8_T UnitDelay2_DSTATE_b; /* '/UnitDelay2' */ int8_T If2_ActiveSubsystem; /* '/If2' */ int8_T If1_ActiveSubsystem; /* '/If1' */ int8_T If2_ActiveSubsystem_a; /* '/If2' */ int8_T If1_ActiveSubsystem_e; /* '/If1' */ int8_T If1_ActiveSubsystem_f; /* '/If1' */ int8_T If2_ActiveSubsystem_c; /* '/If2' */ int8_T SwitchCase_ActiveSubsystem; /* '/Switch Case' */ uint8_T UnitDelay3_DSTATE_fy; /* '/UnitDelay3' */ uint8_T UnitDelay1_DSTATE; /* '/UnitDelay1' */ uint8_T UnitDelay2_DSTATE_f; /* '/UnitDelay2' */ uint8_T UnitDelay1_DSTATE_p; /* '/UnitDelay1' */ uint8_T UnitDelay_DSTATE_c; /* '/UnitDelay' */ uint8_T is_active_c1_BLDC_controller;/* '/F03_02_Control_Mode_Manager' */ uint8_T is_c1_BLDC_controller; /* '/F03_02_Control_Mode_Manager' */ uint8_T is_ACTIVE; /* '/F03_02_Control_Mode_Manager' */ boolean_T Merge_n; /* '/Merge' */ boolean_T dz_cntTrnsDet; /* '/dz_cntTrnsDet' */ boolean_T UnitDelay_DSTATE_g; /* '/UnitDelay' */ boolean_T UnitDelay1_DSTATE_n; /* '/UnitDelay1' */ boolean_T n_commDeacv_Mode; /* '/n_commDeacv' */ boolean_T n_fieldWeakAuth_Mode; /* '/n_fieldWeakAuth' */ boolean_T dz_cntTrnsDet_Mode; /* '/dz_cntTrnsDet' */ } DW; /* Constant parameters (auto storage) */ typedef struct { /* Computed Parameter: z_commutMap_M1_table * Referenced by: '/z_commutMap_M1' */ int16_T z_commutMap_M1_table[18]; /* Computed Parameter: r_sin_M1_Table * Referenced by: '/r_sin_M1' */ int16_T r_sin_M1_Table[181]; /* Computed Parameter: r_cos_M1_Table * Referenced by: '/r_cos_M1' */ int16_T r_cos_M1_Table[181]; /* Computed Parameter: iq_maxSca_M1_Table * Referenced by: '/iq_maxSca_M1' */ uint16_T iq_maxSca_M1_Table[50]; /* Computed Parameter: vec_hallToPos_Value * Referenced by: '/vec_hallToPos' */ int8_T vec_hallToPos_Value[8]; } ConstP; /* External inputs (root inport signals with auto storage) */ typedef struct { boolean_T b_motEna; /* '/b_motEna' */ uint8_T z_ctrlModReq; /* '/z_ctrlModReq' */ int16_T r_inpTgt; /* '/r_inpTgt' */ uint8_T b_hallA; /* '/b_hallA ' */ uint8_T b_hallB; /* '/b_hallB' */ uint8_T b_hallC; /* '/b_hallC' */ int16_T i_phaAB; /* '/i_phaAB' */ int16_T i_phaBC; /* '/i_phaBC' */ int16_T i_DCLink; /* '/i_DCLink' */ } ExtU; /* External outputs (root outports fed by signals with auto storage) */ typedef struct { int16_T DC_phaA; /* '/DC_phaA' */ int16_T DC_phaB; /* '/DC_phaB' */ int16_T DC_phaC; /* '/DC_phaC' */ uint8_T z_errCode; /* '/z_errCode' */ int16_T n_mot; /* '/n_mot' */ int16_T a_elecAngle; /* '/a_elecAngle' */ int16_T r_devSignal1; /* '/r_devSignal1' */ int16_T r_devSignal2; /* '/r_devSignal2' */ } ExtY; /* Parameters (auto storage) */ struct P_ { int32_T dV_openRate; /* Variable: dV_openRate * Referenced by: '/dV_openRate' */ int16_T dz_cntTrnsDetHi; /* Variable: dz_cntTrnsDetHi * Referenced by: '/dz_cntTrnsDet' */ int16_T dz_cntTrnsDetLo; /* Variable: dz_cntTrnsDetLo * Referenced by: '/dz_cntTrnsDet' */ int16_T r_errInpTgtThres; /* Variable: r_errInpTgtThres * Referenced by: '/r_errInpTgtThres' */ int16_T z_maxCntRst; /* Variable: z_maxCntRst * Referenced by: * '/Counter' * '/z_maxCntRst' * '/z_maxCntRst2' * '/UnitDelay3' * '/z_counter' */ uint16_T cf_speedCoef; /* Variable: cf_speedCoef * Referenced by: '/cf_speedCoef' */ uint16_T t_errDequal; /* Variable: t_errDequal * Referenced by: '/t_errDequal' */ uint16_T t_errQual; /* Variable: t_errQual * Referenced by: '/t_errQual' */ uint16_T cf_idKp; /* Variable: cf_idKp * Referenced by: '/cf_idKp1' */ uint16_T cf_iqKp; /* Variable: cf_iqKp * Referenced by: '/cf_iqKp' */ uint16_T cf_nKp; /* Variable: cf_nKp * Referenced by: '/cf_nKp' */ int16_T Vd_max; /* Variable: Vd_max * Referenced by: * '/Vd_max1' * '/Vd_max' */ int16_T Vq_max_M1[46]; /* Variable: Vq_max_M1 * Referenced by: '/Vq_max_M1' */ int16_T Vq_max_XA[46]; /* Variable: Vq_max_XA * Referenced by: '/Vq_max_XA' */ int16_T i_max; /* Variable: i_max * Referenced by: * '/i_max' * '/i_max' */ int16_T id_fieldWeak_M1[12]; /* Variable: id_fieldWeak_M1 * Referenced by: '/id_fieldWeak_M1' */ int16_T n_commAcvLo; /* Variable: n_commAcvLo * Referenced by: '/n_commDeacv' */ int16_T n_commDeacvHi; /* Variable: n_commDeacvHi * Referenced by: '/n_commDeacv' */ int16_T n_fieldWeakAuthHi; /* Variable: n_fieldWeakAuthHi * Referenced by: '/n_fieldWeakAuth' */ int16_T n_fieldWeakAuthLo; /* Variable: n_fieldWeakAuthLo * Referenced by: '/n_fieldWeakAuth' */ int16_T n_max; /* Variable: n_max * Referenced by: * '/n_max1' * '/n_max' */ int16_T n_stdStillDet; /* Variable: n_stdStillDet * Referenced by: '/n_stdStillDet' */ int16_T r_fieldWeak_XA[12]; /* Variable: r_fieldWeak_XA * Referenced by: '/r_fieldWeak_XA' */ uint16_T cf_currFilt; /* Variable: cf_currFilt * Referenced by: '/cf_currFilt' */ uint16_T cf_idKi; /* Variable: cf_idKi * Referenced by: '/cf_idKi1' */ uint16_T cf_iqKi; /* Variable: cf_iqKi * Referenced by: '/cf_iqKi' */ uint16_T cf_iqKiLimProt; /* Variable: cf_iqKiLimProt * Referenced by: '/cf_iqKiLimProt' */ uint16_T cf_nKi; /* Variable: cf_nKi * Referenced by: '/cf_nKi' */ uint16_T cf_iqKpLimProt; /* Variable: cf_iqKpLimProt * Referenced by: '/cf_iqKpLimProt' */ uint16_T cf_nKpLimProt; /* Variable: cf_nKpLimProt * Referenced by: '/cf_nKpLimProt' */ uint8_T z_ctrlTypSel; /* Variable: z_ctrlTypSel * Referenced by: '/z_ctrlTypSel1' */ boolean_T b_diagEna; /* Variable: b_diagEna * Referenced by: '/b_diagEna' */ boolean_T b_fieldWeakEna; /* Variable: b_fieldWeakEna * Referenced by: '/b_fieldWeakEna' */ boolean_T b_selPhaABCurrMeas; /* Variable: b_selPhaABCurrMeas * Referenced by: '/b_selPhaABCurrMeas' */ }; /* Parameters (auto storage) */ typedef struct P_ P; /* Real-time Model Data Structure */ struct tag_RTM { P *defaultParam; ExtU *inputs; ExtY *outputs; DW *dwork; }; /* Constant parameters (auto storage) */ extern const ConstP rtConstP; /* Model entry point functions */ extern void BLDC_controller_initialize(RT_MODEL *const rtM); extern void BLDC_controller_step(RT_MODEL *const rtM); /*- * These blocks were eliminated from the model due to optimizations: * * Block '/Scope2' : Unused code path elimination * Block '/Scope' : Unused code path elimination * Block '/Data Type Duplicate' : Unused code path elimination * Block '/Data Type Propagation' : Unused code path elimination * Block '/Data Type Duplicate' : Unused code path elimination * Block '/Data Type Propagation' : Unused code path elimination * Block '/Data Type Duplicate' : Unused code path elimination * Block '/Data Type Propagation' : Unused code path elimination * Block '/Scope12' : Unused code path elimination * Block '/Scope8' : Unused code path elimination * Block '/Scope9' : Unused code path elimination * Block '/Data Type Duplicate' : Unused code path elimination * Block '/Data Type Propagation' : Unused code path elimination * Block '/Data Type Duplicate' : Unused code path elimination * Block '/Data Type Propagation' : Unused code path elimination * Block '/Data Type Duplicate' : Unused code path elimination * Block '/Data Type Propagation' : Unused code path elimination * Block '/Data Type Conversion2' : Eliminate redundant data type conversion * Block '/Data Type Conversion3' : Eliminate redundant data type conversion * Block '/Data Type Conversion6' : Eliminate redundant data type conversion */ /*- * The generated code includes comments that allow you to trace directly * back to the appropriate location in the model. The basic format * is /block_name, where system is the system number (uniquely * assigned by Simulink) and block_name is the name of the block. * * Note that this particular code originates from a subsystem build, * and has its own system numbers different from the parent model. * Refer to the system hierarchy for this subsystem below, and use the * MATLAB hilite_system command to trace the generated code back * to the parent model. For example, * * hilite_system('BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller') - opens subsystem BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller * hilite_system('BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/Kp') - opens and selects block Kp * * Here is the system hierarchy for this model * * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F01_Estimations' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F02_Diagnostics' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F03_Control_Mode_Manager' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F05_Control_Type_Management' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F01_Estimations/F01_01_Input_Scaling' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F01_Estimations/F01_02_Edge_Detector' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F01_Estimations/F01_03_Position_Calculation' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F01_Estimations/F01_04_Direction_Detection' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F01_Estimations/F01_05_Speed_Estimation' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F01_Estimations/F01_06_Electrical_Angle_Estimation' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F01_Estimations/F01_01_Input_Scaling/Commutation_Control_Type' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F01_Estimations/F01_01_Input_Scaling/FOC_Control_Type' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F01_Estimations/F01_05_Speed_Estimation/Counter' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F01_Estimations/F01_05_Speed_Estimation/Raw_Motor_Speed_Estimation' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F01_Estimations/F01_05_Speed_Estimation/Counter/rst_Delay' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F02_Diagnostics/Debounce_Filter' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F02_Diagnostics/either_edge' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F02_Diagnostics/Debounce_Filter/Default' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F02_Diagnostics/Debounce_Filter/Dequalification' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F02_Diagnostics/Debounce_Filter/Qualification' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F02_Diagnostics/Debounce_Filter/either_edge' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F02_Diagnostics/Debounce_Filter/Dequalification/Counter' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F02_Diagnostics/Debounce_Filter/Dequalification/Counter/rst_Delay' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F02_Diagnostics/Debounce_Filter/Qualification/Counter' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F02_Diagnostics/Debounce_Filter/Qualification/Counter/rst_Delay' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F03_Control_Mode_Manager/F03_01_Mode_Transition_Calculation' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F03_Control_Mode_Manager/F03_02_Control_Mode_Manager' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Clarke_Transform' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Current_Filtering' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Field_Weakening' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Inv_Clarke_Transform' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Inv_Park_Transform' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Motor_Limitations' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Open_Mode' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Park_Transform' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Speed_Mode' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Torque_Mode' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Vd_Calculation' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Voltage_Mode' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Clarke_Transform/Clarke_PhasesAB' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Clarke_Transform/Clarke_PhasesBC' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Current_Filtering/Low_Pass_Filter' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Motor_Limitations/Current_Limit_Protection' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Motor_Limitations/Speed_Limit_Protection' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Motor_Limitations/Current_Limit_Protection/Saturation Dynamic' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Motor_Limitations/Speed_Limit_Protection/Saturation Dynamic1' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Open_Mode/Rate_Limiter' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Open_Mode/rising_edge_init' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Open_Mode/Rate_Limiter/Delay_Init1' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Open_Mode/Rate_Limiter/Saturation Dynamic' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Speed_Mode/PI_clamp_fixdt_n' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Speed_Mode/PI_clamp_fixdt_n/Clamping_circuit' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Speed_Mode/PI_clamp_fixdt_n/Integrator' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Speed_Mode/PI_clamp_fixdt_n/Saturation_hit' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Torque_Mode/PI_clamp_fixdt_iq' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Torque_Mode/Saturation Dynamic' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Torque_Mode/PI_clamp_fixdt_iq/Clamping_circuit' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Torque_Mode/PI_clamp_fixdt_iq/Integrator' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Torque_Mode/PI_clamp_fixdt_iq/Saturation_hit' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Vd_Calculation/PI_clamp_fixdt_id' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Vd_Calculation/Saturation Dynamic' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Vd_Calculation/PI_clamp_fixdt_id/Clamping_circuit' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Vd_Calculation/PI_clamp_fixdt_id/Integrator' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Vd_Calculation/PI_clamp_fixdt_id/Saturation_hit' * '' : 'BLDCmotorControl_FOC_R2017b_fixdt/BLDC_controller/F04_Field_Oriented_Control/Voltage_Mode/Saturation Dynamic1' */ #endif /* RTW_HEADER_BLDC_controller_h_ */ /* * File trailer for generated code. * * [EOF] */