Merge pull request #18 from pinguinpfleger/master
Some prettifying, typos, renaming
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 316 additions and 272 deletions
@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ typedef struct{
int16_t speedL_meas;
int16_t batVoltage;
int16_t boardTemp;
int16_t checksum;
uint16_t checksum;
} SerialFeedback;
SerialFeedback Feedback;
SerialFeedback NewFeedback;
@ -1,25 +1,28 @@
#pragma once
#include "stm32f1xx_hal.h"
// ############################### DEFINE FIRMWARE VARIANT ###############################
// For variant selection, check platformio.ini
// or define the desired build variant here if you want to use make
// ############################### GENERAL SETTINGS ###############################
// For variant selection, check platformio.ini
// or define the desired build variant here if you want to use make in console
// or use VARIANT environment variable for example like "make -e VARIANT=VARIANT_NUNCHUK"
// Only one at a time, choose wisely ;-)
#if !defined(PLATFORMIO)
//#define VARIANT_ADC // Variant for control via ADC input
//#define VARIANT_USART3 // Variant for Serial control via USART3 input
//#define VARIANT_NUNCHUCK // Variant for Nunchuck controlled vehicle build
//#define VARIANT_USART // Variant for Serial control via USART3 input
//#define VARIANT_NUNCHUK // Variant for Nunchuk controlled vehicle build
//#define VARIANT_PPM // Variant for RC-Remote with PPM-Sum Signal
//#define VARIANT_IBUS // Variant for RC-Remotes with FLYSKY IBUS
//#define VARIANT_HOVERCAR // Variant for HOVERCAR build
//#define VARIANT_TRANSPOTTER // Variant for TRANSPOTTER build
// For any particular needs, feel free to change this file according to your needs.
#define INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT 8 // Minutes of not driving until poweroff. it is not very precise.
#define BEEPS_BACKWARD 1 // 0 or 1
// ########################### END OF GENERAL SETTINGS ############################
// ############################### DO-NOT-TOUCH SETTINGS ###############################
#define PWM_FREQ 16000 // PWM frequency in Hz
#define PWM_FREQ 16000 // PWM frequency in Hz / is also used for buzzer
#define DEAD_TIME 48 // PWM deadtime
@ -49,37 +52,38 @@
// ADC Total conversion time: this will be used to offset TIM8 in advance of TIM1 to align the Phase current ADC measurement
// This parameter is used in setup.c
// ########################### END OF DO-NOT-TOUCH SETTINGS ############################
// ############################### GENERAL ###############################
/* How to calibrate: connect GND and RX of a 3.3v uart-usb adapter to the right sensor board cable
* Be careful not to use the red wire of the cable. 15v will destroye verything.).
* If you are using nunchuck, disable it temporarily. enable DEBUG_SERIAL_USART3 and DEBUG_SERIAL_ASCII use asearial terminal.
/* Battery voltage calibration: connect power source. see <How to calibrate>.
* Write value nr 5 to BAT_CALIB_ADC. make and flash firmware.
* Then you can verify voltage on value 6 (to get calibrated voltage multiplied by 100).
// ############################### BATTERY ###############################
/* Battery voltage calibration: connect power source.
* see How to calibrate.
* Write debug output value nr 5 to BAT_CALIB_ADC. make and flash firmware.
* Then you can verify voltage on debug output value 6 (to get calibrated voltage multiplied by 100).
#define BAT_FILT_COEF 655 // battery voltage filter coefficient in fixed-point. coef_fixedPoint = coef_floatingPoint * 2^16. In this case 655 = 0.01 * 2^16
#define BAT_CALIB_REAL_VOLTAGE 3970 // input voltage measured by multimeter (multiplied by 100). For example 43.00 V * 100 = 4300
#define BAT_CALIB_REAL_VOLTAGE 3970 // input voltage measured by multimeter (multiplied by 100). In this case 43.00 V * 100 = 4300
#define BAT_CALIB_ADC 1492 // adc-value measured by mainboard (value nr 5 on UART debug output)
#define BAT_CELLS 10 // battery number of cells. Normal Hoverboard battery: 10s
#define BAT_LOW_LVL1_ENABLE 0 // to beep or not to beep, 1 or 0
#define BAT_LOW_LVL2_ENABLE 1 // to beep or not to beep, 1 or 0
#define BAT_LOW_LVL1 (360 * BAT_CELLS * BAT_CALIB_ADC) / BAT_CALIB_REAL_VOLTAGE // gently beeps at this voltage level. [V*100/cell]. In this case 3.60 V/cell
#define BAT_LOW_LVL2 (350 * BAT_CELLS * BAT_CALIB_ADC) / BAT_CALIB_REAL_VOLTAGE // your battery is almost empty. Charge now! [V*100/cell]. In this case 3.50 V/cell
#define BAT_LOW_DEAD (337 * BAT_CELLS * BAT_CALIB_ADC) / BAT_CALIB_REAL_VOLTAGE // undervoltage poweroff. (while not driving) [V*100/cell]. In this case 3.37 V/cell
// ######################## END OF BATTERY ###############################
// ############################### TEMPERATURE ###############################
/* Board overheat detection: the sensor is inside the STM/GD chip.
* It is very inaccurate without calibration (up to 45°C). So only enable this funcion after calibration!
* Let your board cool down. see <How to calibrate>.
* Let your board cool down.
* see <How to calibrate.
* Get the real temp of the chip by thermo cam or another temp-sensor taped on top of the chip and write it to TEMP_CAL_LOW_DEG_C.
* Write debug value 8 to TEMP_CAL_LOW_ADC. drive around to warm up the board. it should be at least 20°C warmer. repeat it for the HIGH-values.
* Write debug output value 8 to TEMP_CAL_LOW_ADC. drive around to warm up the board. it should be at least 20°C warmer. repeat it for the HIGH-values.
* Enable warning and/or poweroff and make and flash firmware.
#define TEMP_FILT_COEF 655 // temperature filter coefficient in fixed-point. coef_fixedPoint = coef_floatingPoint * 2^16. In this case 655 = 0.01 * 2^16
#define TEMP_CAL_LOW_ADC 1655 // temperature 1: ADC value
#define TEMP_CAL_LOW_DEG_C 358 // temperature 1: measured temperature [°C * 10]. Here 35.8 °C
@ -89,90 +93,127 @@
#define TEMP_WARNING 600 // annoying fast beeps [°C * 10]. Here 60.0 °C
#define TEMP_POWEROFF_ENABLE 0 // to poweroff or not to poweroff, 1 or 0, DO NOT ACTIVITE WITHOUT CALIBRATION!
#define TEMP_POWEROFF 650 // overheat poweroff. (while not driving) [°C * 10]. Here 65.0 °C
#define INACTIVITY_TIMEOUT 8 // minutes of not driving until poweroff. it is not very precise.
// ############################### LCD DEBUG ###############################
//#define DEBUG_I2C_LCD // standard 16x2 or larger text-lcd via i2c-converter on right sensor board cable
// ######################## END OF TEMPERATURE ###############################
// ############################### SERIAL DEBUG ###############################
// ############################### MOTOR CONTROL #########################
* 1. The parameters here are over-writing the default motor parameters. For all the available parameters check BLDC_controller_data.c
* 2. The parameters are represented in fixed point data type for a more efficient code execution
* 3. For calibrating the fixed-point parameters use the Fixed-Point Viewer tool (see <>)
* 4. For more details regarding the parameters and the working principle of the controller please consult the Simulink model
* 5. A webview was created, so Matlab/Simulink installation is not needed, unless you want to regenerate the code.
* The webview is an html page that can be opened with browsers like: Microsoft Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge
* NOTES Field Weakening / Phase Advance:
* 1. The Field Weakening is a linear interpolation from 0 to FIELD_WEAK_MAX or PHASE_ADV_MAX (depeding if FOC or SIN is selected, respectively)
* 2. The Field Weakening starts engaging at FIELD_WEAK_LO and reaches the maximum value at FIELD_WEAK_HI
* 3. If you re-calibrate the Field Weakening please take all the safety measures! The motors can spin very fast!
- cmd1 and cmd2: analog normalized input values. INPUT_MIN to INPUT_MAX
- button1 and button2: digital input values. 0 or 1
- adc_buffer.l_tx2 and adc_buffer.l_rx2: unfiltered ADC values (you do not need them). 0 to 4095
- speedR and speedL: normal driving INPUT_MIN to INPUT_MAX
// Control selections
#define CTRL_TYP_SEL 2 // [-] Control type selection: 0 = Commutation , 1 = Sinusoidal, 2 = FOC Field Oriented Control (default)
#define CTRL_MOD_REQ 1 // [-] Control mode request: 0 = Open mode, 1 = VOLTAGE mode (default), 2 = SPEED mode, 3 = TORQUE mode. Note: SPEED and TORQUE modes are only available for FOC!
#define DIAG_ENA 1 // [-] Motor Diagnostics enable flag: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled (default)
// Limitation settings
#define I_MOT_MAX 15 // [A] Maximum motor current limit
#define I_DC_MAX 17 // [A] Maximum DC Link current limit (This is the final current protection. Above this value, current chopping is applied. To avoid this make sure that I_DC_MAX = I_MOT_MAX + 2A)
#define N_MOT_MAX 1000 // [rpm] Maximum motor speed limit
// Field Weakening / Phase Advance
#define FIELD_WEAK_ENA 0 // [-] Field Weakening / Phase Advance enable flag: 0 = Disabled (default), 1 = Enabled
#define FIELD_WEAK_MAX 5 // [A] Maximum Field Weakening D axis current (only for FOC). Higher current results in higher maximum speed.
#define PHASE_ADV_MAX 25 // [deg] Maximum Phase Advance angle (only for SIN). Higher angle results in higher maximum speed.
#define FIELD_WEAK_HI 1500 // [-] Input target High threshold for reaching maximum Field Weakening / Phase Advance. Do NOT set this higher than 1500.
#define FIELD_WEAK_LO 1000 // [-] Input target Low threshold for starting Field Weakening / Phase Advance. Do NOT set this higher than 1000.
// Data checks - Do NOT touch
#if (FIELD_WEAK_ENA == 0)
#define FIELD_WEAK_HI 1000 // [-] This prevents the input target going beyond 1000 when Field Weakening is not enabled
#define INPUT_MAX MAX( 1000, FIELD_WEAK_HI) // [-] Defines the Input target maximum limitation
#define INPUT_MIN MIN(-1000,-FIELD_WEAK_HI) // [-] Defines the Input target minimum limitation
// ########################### END OF MOTOR CONTROL ########################
// ############################### DEBUG SERIAL ###############################
/* Connect GND and RX of a 3.3v uart-usb adapter to the left (USART2) or right sensor board cable (USART3)
* Be careful not to use the red wire of the cable. 15v will destroye evrything.
* If you are using VARIANT_NUNCHUK, disable it temporarily.
* and DEBUG_SERIAL_ASCII use asearial terminal.
* // "1:345 2:1337 3:0 4:0 5:0 6:0 7:0 8:0\r\n"
* 1: (int16_t)adc_buffer.l_tx2); ADC1
* 2: (int16_t)adc_buffer.l_rx2); ADC2
* 3: (int16_t)speedR); output command: [-1000, 1000]
* 4: (int16_t)speedL); output command: [-1000, 1000]
* 5: (int16_t)adc_buffer.batt1); Battery adc-value measured by mainboard
* 6: (int16_t)(batVoltage * BAT_CALIB_REAL_VOLTAGE / BAT_CALIB_ADC)); Battery calibrated voltage multiplied by 100 for verifying battery voltage calibration
* 7: (int16_t)board_temp_adcFilt); for board temperature calibration
* 8: (int16_t)board_temp_deg_c); Temperature in celcius for verifying board temperature calibration
// #define DEBUG_SERIAL_USART2 // left sensor board cable, disable if ADC or PPM is used!
#if defined(VARIANT_ADC) || defined(VARIANT_HOVERCAR)
#define DEBUG_SERIAL_USART3 // right sensor board cable, disable if I2C (nunchuk or lcd) is used!
//#define DEBUG_SERIAL_ASCII // "1:345 2:1337 3:0 4:0 5:0 6:0 7:0 8:0\r\n"
// ########################### END OF DEBUG SERIAL ############################
// ############################### INPUT ###############################
// ###### CONTROL VIA UART (serial) ######
#define START_FRAME 0xAAAA // [-] Start frame definition for serial commands
#define SERIAL_TIMEOUT 160 // [-] Serial timeout duration for the received data. 160 ~= 0.8 sec. Calculation: 0.8 sec / 0.005 sec
#define USART2_BAUD 38400 // UART2 baud rate (long wired cable)
#define USART3_BAUD 38400 // UART3 baud rate (short wired cable)
#if defined(VARIANT_ADC) || defined(VARIANT_HOVERCAR)
// #define CONTROL_SERIAL_USART2 // left sensor board cable, disable if ADC or PPM is used! For Arduino control check the hoverSerial.ino
// #define FEEDBACK_SERIAL_USART2 // left sensor board cable, disable if ADC or PPM is used!
// #define DEBUG_SERIAL_USART2 // left sensor board cable, disable if ADC or PPM is used!
// #define CONTROL_SERIAL_USART3 // right sensor board cable, disable if I2C (nunchuck or lcd) is used! For Arduino control check the hoverSerial.ino
// #define FEEDBACK_SERIAL_USART3 // right sensor board cable, disable if I2C (nunchuck or lcd) is used!
#define DEBUG_SERIAL_USART3 // right sensor board cable, disable if I2C (nunchuck or lcd) is used!
#elif defined(VARIANT_USART3)
// #define CONTROL_SERIAL_USART2 // left sensor board cable, disable if ADC or PPM is used! For Arduino control check the hoverSerial.ino
// #define FEEDBACK_SERIAL_USART2 // left sensor board cable, disable if ADC or PPM is used!
// #define DEBUG_SERIAL_USART2 // left sensor board cable, disable if ADC or PPM is used!
#define CONTROL_SERIAL_USART3 // right sensor board cable, disable if I2C (nunchuck or lcd) is used! For Arduino control check the hoverSerial.ino
#define FEEDBACK_SERIAL_USART3 // right sensor board cable, disable if I2C (nunchuck or lcd) is used!
// #define DEBUG_SERIAL_USART3 // right sensor board cable, disable if I2C (nunchuck or lcd) is used!
/* Connected to Left sensor board cable. Channel 1: steering, Channel 2: speed. */
#define CONTROL_IBUS // use IBUS as input
#define IBUS_NUM_CHANNELS 14 // total number of IBUS channels to receive, even if they are not used.
#define IBUS_LENGTH 0x20
#define IBUS_COMMAND 0x40
#undef USART2_BAUD
#define USART2_BAUD 115200
#define CONTROL_SERIAL_USART2 // left sensor board cable, disable if ADC or PPM is used!
#define FEEDBACK_SERIAL_USART2 // left sensor board cable, disable if ADC or PPM is used!
// ############################### DEBUG LCD ###############################
//#define DEBUG_I2C_LCD // standard 16x2 or larger text-lcd via i2c-converter on right sensor board cable
// ########################### END OF DEBUG LCD ############################
#define UART_DMA_CHANNEL DMA1_Channel7
#define UART_DMA_CHANNEL DMA1_Channel2
// ############################## VARIANT DEFAULT SETTINGS ############################
/* Default settings will be applied at the end of this config file if not set before
* FILTER is in fixdt(0,16,16): VAL_fixedPoint = VAL_floatingPoint * 2^16. In this case 6553 = 0.1 * 2^16
* Value of COEFFICIENT is in fixdt(1,16,14)
* If VAL_floatingPoint >= 0, VAL_fixedPoint = VAL_floatingPoint * 2^14
* If VAL_floatingPoint < 0, VAL_fixedPoint = 2^16 + floor(VAL_floatingPoint * 2^14).
// Value of RATE is in fixdt(1,16,4): VAL_fixedPoint = VAL_floatingPoint * 2^4. In this case 480 = 30 * 2^4
#define DEFAULT_RATE 480 // 30.0f [-] lower value == slower rate [0, 32767] = [0.0, 2047.9375]. Do NOT make rate negative (>32767)
#define DEFAULT_FILTER 6553 // Default for FILTER 0.1f [-] lower value == softer filter [0, 65535] = [0.0 - 1.0].
#define DEFAULT_SPEED_COEFFICIENT 16384 // Default for SPEED_COEFFICIENT 1.0f [-] higher value == stronger. [0, 65535] = [-2.0 - 2.0]. In this case 16384 = 1.0 * 2^14
#define DEFAULT_STEER_COEFFICIENT 8192 // Defualt for STEER_COEFFICIENT 0.5f [-] higher value == stronger. [0, 65535] = [-2.0 - 2.0]. In this case 8192 = 0.5 * 2^14. If you do not want any steering, set it to 0.
// ######################### END OF VARIANT DEFAULT SETTINGS ##########################
// ###### CONTROL VIA RC REMOTE ######
// left sensor board cable. Channel 1: steering, Channel 2: speed.
#define CONTROL_PPM // use PPM-Sum as input. disable CONTROL_SERIAL_USART2!
#define PPM_NUM_CHANNELS 6 // total number of PPM channels to receive, even if they are not used.
/* ADC-calibration to cover the full poti-range:
// ################################# VARIANT_ADC SETTINGS ############################
* ADC-calibration to cover the full poti-range:
* Connect potis to left sensor board cable (0 to 3.3V) (do NOT use the red 15V wire in the cable!). see <How to calibrate>.
* Turn the potis to minimum position, write value 1 to ADC1_MIN and value 2 to ADC2_MIN
* Turn the potis to maximum position, write value 1 to ADC1_MAX and value 2 to ADC2_MAX
* For middle resting potis: Let the potis in the middle resting position, write value 1 to ADC1_MID and value 2 to ADC2_MID
* Make, flash and test it.
// #define ADC_PROTECT_ENA // ADC Protection Enable flag. Use this flag to make sure the ADC is protected when GND or Vcc wire is disconnected
#define ADC_PROTECT_TIMEOUT 30 // ADC Protection: number of wrong / missing input commands before safety state is taken
@ -186,6 +227,72 @@
#define ADC2_MID 2048 // mid ADC2-value while poti at minimum-position (ADC2_MIN - ADC2_MAX)
#define ADC2_MAX 4095 // max ADC2-value while poti at maximum-position (0 - 4095)
// ############################# END OF VARIANT_ADC SETTINGS #########################
// ############################ VARIANT_USART SETTINGS ############################
// #define CONTROL_SERIAL_USART2 // left sensor board cable, disable if ADC or PPM is used! For Arduino control check the hoverSerial.ino
// #define FEEDBACK_SERIAL_USART2 // left sensor board cable, disable if ADC or PPM is used!
#define CONTROL_SERIAL_USART3 // right sensor board cable, disable if I2C (nunchuk or lcd) is used! For Arduino control check the hoverSerial.ino
#define FEEDBACK_SERIAL_USART3 // right sensor board cable, disable if I2C (nunchuk or lcd) is used!
// ######################## END OF VARIANT_USART SETTINGS #########################
// ################################# VARIANT_NUNCHUK SETTINGS ############################
/* left sensor board cable. USART3
* keep cable short, use shielded cable, use ferrits, stabalize voltage in nunchuk,
* use the right one of the 2 types of nunchuks, add i2c pullups.
* use original nunchuk. most clones does not work very well.
* Recommendation: Nunchuk Breakout Board
#define CONTROL_NUNCHUK // use nunchuk as input. disable FEEDBACK_SERIAL_USART3, DEBUG_SERIAL_USART3!
// # maybe good for ARMCHAIR #
#define FILTER 3276 // 0.05f
#define SPEED_COEFFICIENT 8192 // 0.5f
#define STEER_COEFFICIENT 62259 // -0.2f
// ############################# END OF VARIANT_NUNCHUK SETTINGS #########################
// ################################# VARIANT_PPM SETTINGS ##############################
/* ###### CONTROL VIA RC REMOTE ######
* left sensor board cable. Channel 1: steering, Channel 2: speed.
#define CONTROL_PPM // use PPM-Sum as input. disable CONTROL_SERIAL_USART2!
#define PPM_NUM_CHANNELS 6 // total number of PPM channels to receive, even if they are not used.
// ############################# END OF VARIANT_PPM SETTINGS ############################
// ################################# VARIANT_IBUS SETTINGS ##############################
* Connected to Left sensor board cable. Channel 1: steering, Channel 2: speed.
#define CONTROL_IBUS // use IBUS as input
#define IBUS_NUM_CHANNELS 14 // total number of IBUS channels to receive, even if they are not used.
#define IBUS_LENGTH 0x20
#define IBUS_COMMAND 0x40
#undef USART2_BAUD
#define USART2_BAUD 115200
#define CONTROL_SERIAL_USART2 // left sensor board cable, disable if ADC or PPM is used!
#define FEEDBACK_SERIAL_USART2 // left sensor board cable, disable if ADC or PPM is used!
// ############################# END OF VARIANT_IBUS SETTINGS ############################
// ############################ VARIANT_HOVERCAR SETTINGS ############################
#define ADC_PROTECT_ENA // ADC Protection Enable flag. Use this flag to make sure the ADC is protected when GND or Vcc wire is disconnected
@ -195,145 +302,87 @@
#define ADC1_MAX 2500 // max ADC1-value while poti at maximum-position (0 - 4095)
#define ADC2_MIN 500 // min ADC2-value while poti at minimum-position (0 - 4095)
#define ADC2_MAX 2200 // max ADC2-value while poti at maximum-position (0 - 4095)
#define SPEED_COEFFICIENT 16384 // 1.0f
#define STEER_COEFFICIENT 0 // 0.0f
//#define INVERT_R_DIRECTION // Invert rotation of right motor
//#define INVERT_L_DIRECTION // Invert rotation of left motor
/* left sensor board cable.
* keep cable short, use shielded cable, use ferrits, stabalize voltage in nunchuck,
* use the right one of the 2 types of nunchucks, add i2c pullups.
* use original nunchuck. most clones does not work very well.
* Recommendation: Nunchuck Breakout Board
#define CONTROL_NUNCHUCK // use nunchuck as input. disable FEEDBACK_SERIAL_USART3, DEBUG_SERIAL_USART3!
// ############################### MOTOR CONTROL #########################
// Control selections
#define CTRL_TYP_SEL 2 // [-] Control type selection: 0 = Commutation , 1 = Sinusoidal, 2 = FOC Field Oriented Control (default)
#define CTRL_MOD_REQ 1 // [-] Control mode request: 0 = Open mode, 1 = VOLTAGE mode (default), 2 = SPEED mode, 3 = TORQUE mode. Note: SPEED and TORQUE modes are only available for FOC!
#define DIAG_ENA 1 // [-] Motor Diagnostics enable flag: 0 = Disabled, 1 = Enabled (default)
// Limitation settings
#define I_MOT_MAX 15 // [A] Maximum motor current limit
#define I_DC_MAX 17 // [A] Maximum DC Link current limit (This is the final current protection. Above this value, current chopping is applied. To avoid this make sure that I_DC_MAX = I_MOT_MAX + 2A)
#define N_MOT_MAX 1000 // [rpm] Maximum motor speed limit
// Field Weakening / Phase Advance
#define FIELD_WEAK_ENA 0 // [-] Field Weakening / Phase Advance enable flag: 0 = Disabled (default), 1 = Enabled
#define FIELD_WEAK_MAX 5 // [A] Maximum Field Weakening D axis current (only for FOC). Higher current results in higher maximum speed.
#define PHASE_ADV_MAX 25 // [deg] Maximum Phase Advance angle (only for SIN). Higher angle results in higher maximum speed.
#define FIELD_WEAK_HI 1500 // [-] Input target High threshold for reaching maximum Field Weakening / Phase Advance. Do NOT set this higher than 1500.
#define FIELD_WEAK_LO 1000 // [-] Input target Low threshold for starting Field Weakening / Phase Advance. Do NOT set this higher than 1000.
// Data checks - Do NOT touch
#if (FIELD_WEAK_ENA == 0)
#define FIELD_WEAK_HI 1000 // [-] This prevents the input target going beyond 1000 when Field Weakening is not enabled
#define INPUT_MAX MAX( 1000, FIELD_WEAK_HI) // [-] Defines the Input target maximum limitation
#define INPUT_MIN MIN(-1000,-FIELD_WEAK_HI) // [-] Defines the Input target minimum limitation
* 1. The above parameters are over-writing the default motor parameters. For all the available parameters check BLDC_controller_data.c
* 2. The parameters are represented in fixed point data type for a more efficient code execution
* 3. For calibrating the fixed-point parameters use the Fixed-Point Viewer tool (see <>)
* 4. For more details regarding the parameters and the working principle of the controller please consult the Simulink model
* 5. A webview was created, so Matlab/Simulink installation is not needed, unless you want to regenerate the code. The webview is an html page that can be opened with browsers like: Microsoft Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge
* NOTES Field Weakening / Phase Advance:
* 1. The Field Weakening is a linear interpolation from 0 to FIELD_WEAK_MAX or PHASE_ADV_MAX (depeding if FOC or SIN is selected, respectively)
* 2. The Field Weakening starts engaging at FIELD_WEAK_LO and reaches the maximum value at FIELD_WEAK_HI
* 3. If you re-calibrate the Field Weakening please take all the safety measures! The motors can spin very fast!
// Multiple tap detection: default DOUBLE Tap on Brake pedal (4 pulses)
#define MULTIPLE_TAP_NR 2 * 2 // [-] Define tap number: MULTIPLE_TAP_NR = number_of_taps * 2, number_of_taps = 1 (for single taping), 2 (for double tapping), 3 (for triple tapping), etc...
#define MULTIPLE_TAP_HI 600 // [-] Multiple tap detection High hysteresis threshold
#define MULTIPLE_TAP_LO 200 // [-] Multiple tap detection Low hysteresis threshold
#define MULTIPLE_TAP_TIMEOUT 2000 // [ms] Multiple tap detection Timeout period. The taps need to happen within this time window to be accepted.
// ######################## END OF VARIANT_HOVERCAR SETTINGS #########################
// ############################### DRIVING BEHAVIOR ###############################
/* Inputs:
* - cmd1 and cmd2: analog normalized input values. INPUT_MIN to INPUT_MAX
* - button1 and button2: digital input values. 0 or 1
* - adc_buffer.l_tx2 and adc_buffer.l_rx2: unfiltered ADC values (you do not need them). 0 to 4095
* Outputs:
* - speedR and speedL: normal driving INPUT_MIN to INPUT_MAX
// Beep in Reverse
#define BEEPS_BACKWARD 1 // 0 or 1
// Multiple tap detection: default DOUBLE Tap (4 pulses)
#define MULTIPLE_TAP_NR 2 * 2 // [-] Define tap number: MULTIPLE_TAP_NR = number_of_taps * 2, number_of_taps = 1 (for single taping), 2 (for double tapping), 3 (for triple tapping), etc...
#define MULTIPLE_TAP_HI 600 // [-] Multiple tap detection High hysteresis threshold
#define MULTIPLE_TAP_LO 200 // [-] Multiple tap detection Low hysteresis threshold
#define MULTIPLE_TAP_TIMEOUT 2000 // [ms] Multiple tap detection Timeout period. The taps need to happen within this time window to be accepted.
// Value of RATE is in fixdt(1,16,4): VAL_fixedPoint = VAL_floatingPoint * 2^4. In this case 480 = 30 * 2^4
#define RATE 480 // 30.0f [-] lower value == slower rate [0, 32767] = [0.0, 2047.9375]. Do NOT make rate negative (>32767)
// Value of FILTER is in fixdt(0,16,16): VAL_fixedPoint = VAL_floatingPoint * 2^16. In this case 6553 = 0.1 * 2^16
#define FILTER 6553 // 0.1f [-] lower value == softer filter [0, 65535] = [0.0 - 1.0].
// ################################# DEFAULT SETTINGS ############################
// Value of COEFFICIENT is in fixdt(1,16,14)
// If VAL_floatingPoint >= 0, VAL_fixedPoint = VAL_floatingPoint * 2^14
// If VAL_floatingPoint < 0, VAL_fixedPoint = 2^16 + floor(VAL_floatingPoint * 2^14).
#define SPEED_COEFFICIENT 16384 // 1.0f [-] higher value == stronger. [0, 65535] = [-2.0 - 2.0]. In this case 16384 = 1.0 * 2^14
#define STEER_COEFFICIENT 8192 // 0.5f [-] higher value == stronger. [0, 65535] = [-2.0 - 2.0]. In this case 8192 = 0.5 * 2^14. If you do not want any steering, set it to 0.
// ################################# VARIANT_HOVERCAR SETTINGS ############################
#define SPEED_COEFFICIENT 16384 // 1.0f
#define STEER_COEFFICIENT 0 // 0.0f
// ################################# VARIANT_TRANSPOTTER SETTINGS ############################
#define GAMETRAK_CONNECTION_NORMAL // for normal wiring according to the wiki instructions
//#define GAMETRAK_CONNECTION_ALTERNATE // use this define instead if you messed up the gametrak ADC wiring (steering is speed, and length of the wire is steering)
#define ROT_P 1.2 // P coefficient for the direction controller. Positive / Negative values to invert gametrak steering direction.
// during nunchuk control (only relevant when activated)
#define SPEED_COEFFICIENT 14746 // 0.9f - higher value == stronger. 0.0 to ~2.0?
#define STEER_COEFFICIENT 8192 // 0.5f - higher value == stronger. if you do not want any steering, set it to 0.0; 0.0 to 1.0
#define INVERT_R_DIRECTION // Invert right motor
#define INVERT_L_DIRECTION // Invert left motor
// ############################# END OF VARIANT_TRANSPOTTER SETTINGS ########################
#define ROT_P 1.2 // P coefficient for the direction controller. Positive / Negative values to invert gametrak steering direction.
#define INVERT_R_DIRECTION // Invert right motor
#define INVERT_L_DIRECTION // Invert left motor
// during nunchuck control (only relevant when activated)
#define SPEED_COEFFICIENT 14746 // 0.9f - higher value == stronger. 0.0 to ~2.0?
#define STEER_COEFFICIENT 8192 // 0.5f - higher value == stronger. if you do not want any steering, set it to 0.0; 0.0 to 1.0
// ########################### UART SETIINGS ############################
#if defined(FEEDBACK_SERIAL_USART2) || defined(CONTROL_SERIAL_USART2) || defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART2) || \
#define START_FRAME 0xAAAA // [-] Start frame definition for serial commands
#define SERIAL_TIMEOUT 160 // [-] Serial timeout duration for the received data. 160 ~= 0.8 sec. Calculation: 0.8 sec / 0.005 sec
#ifndef USART2_BAUD
#define USART2_BAUD 38400 // UART2 baud rate (long wired cable)
#define USART3_BAUD 38400 // UART3 baud rate (short wired cable)
// ################################# VARIANT_NUNCHUCK SETTINGS ############################
#define FILTER 3276 // 0.05f
#define SPEED_COEFFICIENT 8192 // 0.5f
#define STEER_COEFFICIENT 62259 // -0.2f
#define UART_DMA_CHANNEL DMA1_Channel7
// ################################# SIMPLE BOBBYCAR #################################
// for better bobbycar code see:
// #define FILTER 6553 // 0.1f
// #define SPEED_COEFFICIENT 49152 // -1.0f
// #define STEER_COEFFICIENT 0 // 0.0f
#define UART_DMA_CHANNEL DMA1_Channel2
// ########################### UART SETIINGS ############################
// ############################### APPLY DEFAULT SETTINGS ###############################
#ifndef RATE
#ifndef FILTER
// ########################### END OF APPLY DEFAULT SETTING ############################
// ############################### VALIDATE SETTINGS ###############################
#if !defined(VARIANT_ADC) && !defined(VARIANT_USART3) && !defined(VARIANT_HOVERCAR) && !defined(VARIANT_TRANSPOTTER) && !defined(VARIANT_NUNCHUCK) && !defined(VARIANT_PPM)&& !defined(VARIANT_IBUS)
#if !defined(VARIANT_ADC) && !defined(VARIANT_USART) && !defined(VARIANT_HOVERCAR) && !defined(VARIANT_TRANSPOTTER) && !defined(VARIANT_NUNCHUK) && !defined(VARIANT_PPM) && !defined(VARIANT_IBUS) && !defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART3) && !defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART2)
#error Variant not defined! Please check platformio.ini or Inc/config.h for available variants.
@ -365,16 +414,16 @@
#error CONTROL_PPM and SERIAL_USART2 not allowed. It is on the same cable.
#error CONTROL_NUNCHUCK and SERIAL_USART3 not allowed. It is on the same cable.
#if (defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART3) || defined(CONTROL_SERIAL_USART3)) && defined(CONTROL_NUNCHUK)
#error CONTROL_NUNCHUK and SERIAL_USART3 not allowed. It is on the same cable.
#if (defined(DEBUG_SERIAL_USART3) || defined(CONTROL_SERIAL_USART3)) && defined(DEBUG_I2C_LCD)
#error DEBUG_I2C_LCD and SERIAL_USART3 not allowed. It is on the same cable.
#if defined(CONTROL_PPM) && defined(CONTROL_ADC) && defined(CONTROL_NUNCHUCK) || defined(CONTROL_PPM) && defined(CONTROL_ADC) || defined(CONTROL_ADC) && defined(CONTROL_NUNCHUCK) || defined(CONTROL_PPM) && defined(CONTROL_NUNCHUCK)
#error only 1 input method allowed. use CONTROL_PPM or CONTROL_ADC or CONTROL_NUNCHUCK.
#if defined(CONTROL_PPM) && defined(CONTROL_ADC) && defined(CONTROL_NUNCHUK) || defined(CONTROL_PPM) && defined(CONTROL_ADC) || defined(CONTROL_ADC) && defined(CONTROL_NUNCHUK) || defined(CONTROL_PPM) && defined(CONTROL_NUNCHUK)
#error only 1 input method allowed. use CONTROL_PPM or CONTROL_ADC or CONTROL_NUNCHUK.
@ -389,4 +438,6 @@
#if defined(CONTROL_PPM) && !defined(PPM_NUM_CHANNELS)
#error Total number of PPM channels needs to be set
// ############################# END OF VALIDATE SETTINGS ############################
@ -174,10 +174,10 @@ void mixerFcn(int16_t rtu_speed, int16_t rtu_steer, int16_t *rty_speedR, int16_t
void rateLimiter16(int16_t u, int16_t rate, int16_t *y);
void multipleTapDet(int16_t u, uint32_t timeNow, MultipleTap *x);
// Define I2C, Nunchuck, PPM functions
// Define I2C, Nunchuk, PPM functions
void I2C_Init(void);
void Nunchuck_Init(void);
void Nunchuck_Read(void);
uint8_t Nunchuck_Ping(void);
void Nunchuk_Init(void);
void Nunchuk_Read(void);
uint8_t Nunchuk_Ping(void);
void PPM_Init(void);
void PPM_ISR_Callback(void);
@ -142,11 +142,11 @@ If the board draws more than 100mA in idle, it's probably broken.
If the motors do something, but don't rotate smooth and quietly, try to use an alternative phase mapping. Usually, color-correct mapping (blue to blue, green to green, yellow to yellow) works fine. However, some hoverboards have a different layout then others, and this might be the reason your motor isn't spinning.
Nunchuck not working: Use the right one of the 2 types of nunchucks. Use i2c pullups.
Nunchuk not working: Use the right one of the 2 types of nunchuks. Use i2c pullups.
Nunchuck or PPM working bad: The i2c bus and PPM signal are very sensitive to emv distortions of the motor controller. They get stronger the faster you are. Keep cables short, use shielded cable, use ferrits, stabilize voltage in nunchuck or reviever, add i2c pullups. To many errors leads to very high accelerations which triggers the protection board within the battery to shut everything down.
Nunchuk or PPM working bad: The i2c bus and PPM signal are very sensitive to emv distortions of the motor controller. They get stronger the faster you are. Keep cables short, use shielded cable, use ferrits, stabilize voltage in nunchuk or reviever, add i2c pullups. To many errors leads to very high accelerations which triggers the protection board within the battery to shut everything down.
Recommendation: Nunchuck Breakout Board
Recommendation: Nunchuk Breakout Board
Most robust way for input is to use the ADC and potis. It works well even on 1m unshielded cable. Solder ~100k Ohm resistors between ADC-inputs and gnd directly on the mainboard. Use potis as pullups to 3.3V.
@ -155,8 +155,8 @@ Most robust way for input is to use the ADC and potis. It works well even on 1m
This firmware offers currently these variants (selectable in [platformio.ini](/platformio.ini) and / or [/Inc/config.h](/Inc/config.h)):
- **VARIANT_ADC**: In this variant the motors are controlled by two potentiometers connected to the Left sensor cable (long wired)
- **VARIANT_USART3**: In this variant the motors are controlled via serial protocol on USART3 right sensor cable (short wired). The commands can be sent from an Arduino. Check out the [hoverserial.ino](/02_Arduino/hoverserial) as an example sketch.
- **VARIANT_NUNCHUCK**: Wii Nunchuck offers one hand control for throttle, braking and steering. This was one of the first input device used for electric armchairs or bottle crates.
- **VARIANT_USART**: In this variant the motors are controlled via serial protocol (e.g. on USART3 right sensor cable, the short wired cable). The commands can be sent from an Arduino. Check out the [hoverserial.ino](/02_Arduino/hoverserial) as an example sketch.
- **VARIANT_NUNCHUK**: Wii Nunchuk offers one hand control for throttle, braking and steering. This was one of the first input device used for electric armchairs or bottle crates.
- **VARIANT_PPM**: This is when you want to use a RC remote control with PPM Sum signal
- **VARIANT_IBUS**: This is when you want to use a RC remote control with Flysky IBUS protocol connected to the Left sensor cable.
- **VARIANT_HOVERCAR**: In this variant the motors are controlled by two pedals brake and throttle. Reverse is engaged by double tapping on the brake pedal at standstill.
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ Of course the firmware can be further customized for other needs or projects.
Last but not least, I would like to acknowledge and thank the following people:
- Original firmware: [@NiklasFauth](
- Github: [@TomTinkering](, [@ced2c](, [@btsimonh](, [@lalalandrus](, [@p-h-a-i-l]( , [@AntumArk](, [@juodumas](
- Github: all the people that contributed via Pull Requests
- ST Employee: [cedric H](
for the very useful discussions, code snippets, and good suggestions to make this work possbile.
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
TIM_HandleTypeDef TimHandle;
uint8_t ppm_count = 0;
uint32_t timeout = 100;
uint8_t nunchuck_data[6] = {0};
uint8_t nunchuk_data[6] = {0};
uint8_t i2cBuffer[2];
@ -84,15 +84,15 @@ void PPM_Init(void) {
uint8_t Nunchuck_Ping(void) {
if (HAL_I2C_Master_Receive(&hi2c2,0xA4,(uint8_t*)nunchuck_data, 1, 10) == HAL_OK) {
uint8_t Nunchuk_Ping(void) {
if (HAL_I2C_Master_Receive(&hi2c2,0xA4,(uint8_t*)nunchuk_data, 1, 10) == HAL_OK) {
return 1;
return 0;
void Nunchuck_Init(void) {
//-- START -- init WiiNunchuck
void Nunchuk_Init(void) {
//-- START -- init WiiNunchuk
i2cBuffer[0] = 0xF0;
i2cBuffer[1] = 0x55;
@ -106,23 +106,23 @@ void Nunchuck_Init(void) {
void Nunchuck_Read(void) {
void Nunchuk_Read(void) {
i2cBuffer[0] = 0x00;
HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(&hi2c2,0xA4,(uint8_t*)i2cBuffer, 1, 10);
if (HAL_I2C_Master_Receive(&hi2c2,0xA4,(uint8_t*)nunchuck_data, 6, 10) == HAL_OK) {
if (HAL_I2C_Master_Receive(&hi2c2,0xA4,(uint8_t*)nunchuk_data, 6, 10) == HAL_OK) {
timeout = 0;
if (timeout > 3) {
//setScopeChannel(0, (int)nunchuck_data[0]);
//setScopeChannel(1, (int)nunchuck_data[1]);
//setScopeChannel(2, (int)nunchuck_data[5] & 1);
//setScopeChannel(3, ((int)nunchuck_data[5] >> 1) & 1);
//setScopeChannel(0, (int)nunchuk_data[0]);
//setScopeChannel(1, (int)nunchuk_data[1]);
//setScopeChannel(2, (int)nunchuk_data[5] & 1);
//setScopeChannel(3, ((int)nunchuk_data[5] >> 1) & 1);
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ extern I2C_HandleTypeDef hi2c2;
uint8_t nunchuck_connected = 0;
uint8_t nunchuk_connected = 0;
float steering;
int feedforward;
@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ extern I2C_HandleTypeDef hi2c2;
uint16_t counter = 0;
uint8_t nunchuck_connected = 1;
uint8_t nunchuk_connected = 1;
#if defined(CONTROL_ADC) && defined(ADC_PROTECT_ENA)
@ -146,7 +146,7 @@ typedef struct{
static SerialFeedback Feedback;
#if defined(CONTROL_NUNCHUCK) || defined(SUPPORT_NUNCHUCK) || defined(CONTROL_PPM) || defined(CONTROL_ADC)
#if defined(CONTROL_NUNCHUK) || defined(SUPPORT_NUNCHUK) || defined(CONTROL_PPM) || defined(CONTROL_ADC)
static uint8_t button1, button2;
@ -182,7 +182,7 @@ extern int16_t batVoltage; // global variable for battery voltage
static uint32_t inactivity_timeout_counter;
static uint32_t main_loop_counter;
extern uint8_t nunchuck_data[6];
extern uint8_t nunchuk_data[6];
extern volatile uint16_t ppm_captured_value[PPM_NUM_CHANNELS+1];
@ -304,9 +304,9 @@ int main(void) {
@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ int main(void) {
feedforward = ((distance - (int)(setDistance * 1345)));
if (nunchuck_connected == 0) {
if (nunchuk_connected == 0) {
speedL = speedL * 0.8f + (CLAMP(feedforward + ((steering)*((float)MAX(ABS(feedforward), 50)) * ROT_P), -850, 850) * -0.2f);
speedR = speedR * 0.8f + (CLAMP(feedforward - ((steering)*((float)MAX(ABS(feedforward), 50)) * ROT_P), -850, 850) * -0.2f);
if ((speedL < lastSpeedL + 50 && speedL > lastSpeedL - 50) && (speedR < lastSpeedR + 50 && speedR > lastSpeedR - 50)) {
@ -453,14 +453,14 @@ int main(void) {
if (nunchuck_connected != 0) {
cmd1 = CLAMP((nunchuck_data[0] - 127) * 8, INPUT_MIN, INPUT_MAX); // x - axis. Nunchuck joystick readings range 30 - 230
cmd2 = CLAMP((nunchuck_data[1] - 128) * 8, INPUT_MIN, INPUT_MAX); // y - axis
#if defined(CONTROL_NUNCHUK) || defined(SUPPORT_NUNCHUK)
if (nunchuk_connected != 0) {
cmd1 = CLAMP((nunchuk_data[0] - 127) * 8, INPUT_MIN, INPUT_MAX); // x - axis. Nunchuk joystick readings range 30 - 230
cmd2 = CLAMP((nunchuk_data[1] - 128) * 8, INPUT_MIN, INPUT_MAX); // y - axis
button1 = (uint8_t)nunchuck_data[5] & 1;
button2 = (uint8_t)(nunchuck_data[5] >> 1) & 1;
button1 = (uint8_t)nunchuk_data[5] & 1;
button2 = (uint8_t)(nunchuk_data[5] >> 1) & 1;
@ -697,7 +697,7 @@ int main(void) {
nunchuck_connected = 0;
nunchuk_connected = 0;
if ((distance / 1345.0) - setDistance > 0.5 && (lastDistance / 1345.0) - setDistance > 0.5) { // Error, robot too far away!
@ -714,19 +714,19 @@ int main(void) {
if (counter % 500 == 0) {
if (nunchuck_connected == 0 && enable == 0) {
if (Nunchuck_Ping()) {
if (nunchuk_connected == 0 && enable == 0) {
if (Nunchuk_Ping()) {
LCD_SetLocation(&lcd, 0, 0);
LCD_WriteString(&lcd, "Nunchuck Control");
LCD_WriteString(&lcd, "Nunchuk Control");
timeout = 0;
nunchuck_connected = 1;
nunchuk_connected = 1;
@ -737,7 +737,7 @@ int main(void) {
if (LCDerrorFlag == 1 && enable == 0) {
} else {
if (nunchuck_connected == 0) {
if (nunchuk_connected == 0) {
LCD_SetLocation(&lcd, 4, 0);
LCD_SetLocation(&lcd, 10, 0);
@ -178,7 +178,7 @@ void SysTick_Handler(void) {
/* USER CODE END SysTick_IRQn 1 */
extern I2C_HandleTypeDef hi2c2;
void I2C1_EV_IRQHandler(void)
@ -10,8 +10,8 @@ src_dir = Src
; Choose one or all variants get built
;default_envs = VARIANT_ADC ; Variant for control via ADC input
;default_envs = VARIANT_USART3 ; Variant for Serial control via USART3 input
;default_envs = VARIANT_NUNCHUCK ; Variant for Nunchuck controlled vehicle build
;default_envs = VARIANT_USART ; Variant for Serial control via USART3 input
;default_envs = VARIANT_NUNCHUK ; Variant for Nunchuk controlled vehicle build
;default_envs = VARIANT_PPM ; Variant for RC-Remotes with PPM-Sum signal
;default_envs = VARIANT_IBUS ; Variant for RC-Remotes with FLYSKY IBUS
;default_envs = VARIANT_HOVERCAR ; Variant for HOVERCAR build
@ -41,11 +41,10 @@ build_flags =
-g -ggdb ; to generate correctly the 'firmware.elf' for STM STUDIO vizualization
# -Wl,-lnosys
platform = ststm32
framework = stm32cube
board = genericSTM32F103RC
@ -65,12 +64,11 @@ build_flags =
-g -ggdb ; to generate correctly the 'firmware.elf' for STM STUDIO vizualization
# -Wl,-lnosys
platform = ststm32
framework = stm32cube
board = genericSTM32F103RC
@ -86,8 +84,7 @@ build_flags =
-g -ggdb ; to generate correctly the 'firmware.elf' for STM STUDIO vizualization
# -Wl,-lnosys
@ -108,7 +105,6 @@ build_flags =
-g -ggdb ; to generate correctly the 'firmware.elf' for STM STUDIO vizualization
# -Wl,-lnosys
@ -129,7 +125,6 @@ build_flags =
-g -ggdb ; to generate correctly the 'firmware.elf' for STM STUDIO vizualization
# -Wl,-lnosys
@ -154,7 +149,6 @@ build_flags =
-g -ggdb ; to generate correctly the 'firmware.elf' for STM STUDIO vizualization
# -Wl,-lnosys
@ -175,6 +169,5 @@ build_flags =
-g -ggdb ; to generate correctly the 'firmware.elf' for STM STUDIO vizualization
# -Wl,-lnosys
Add table
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