2019-10-06 15:09:15 +02:00
* File: rtwtypes.h
* Code generated for Simulink model 'BLDC_controller'.
2019-10-21 17:51:09 +02:00
* Model version : 1.1183
2019-10-06 15:09:15 +02:00
* Simulink Coder version : 8.13 (R2017b) 24-Jul-2017
2019-10-21 17:51:09 +02:00
* C/C++ source code generated on : Mon Oct 21 16:34:10 2019
2019-10-06 15:09:15 +02:00
* Target selection: ert.tlc
* Embedded hardware selection: ARM Compatible->ARM Cortex
* Emulation hardware selection:
* Differs from embedded hardware (MATLAB Host)
* Code generation objectives:
* 1. Execution efficiency
* 2. RAM efficiency
* Validation result: Not run
#ifndef RTWTYPES_H
#define RTWTYPES_H
/* Logical type definitions */
#if (!defined(__cplusplus))
# ifndef false
# define false (0U)
# endif
# ifndef true
# define true (1U)
# endif
* Target hardware information
* Device type: MATLAB Host
* Number of bits: char: 8 short: 16 int: 32
* long: 32 long long: 64
* native word size: 64
* Byte ordering: LittleEndian
* Signed integer division rounds to: Zero
* Shift right on a signed integer as arithmetic shift: on
* Fixed width word size data types: *
* int8_T, int16_T, int32_T - signed 8, 16, or 32 bit integers *
* uint8_T, uint16_T, uint32_T - unsigned 8, 16, or 32 bit integers *
* real32_T, real64_T - 32 and 64 bit floating point numbers *
typedef signed char int8_T;
typedef unsigned char uint8_T;
typedef short int16_T;
typedef unsigned short uint16_T;
typedef int int32_T;
typedef unsigned int uint32_T;
typedef long long int64_T;
typedef unsigned long long uint64_T;
typedef float real32_T;
typedef double real64_T;
* Generic type definitions: boolean_T, char_T, byte_T, int_T, uint_T, *
* real_T, time_T, ulong_T, ulonglong_T. *
typedef double real_T;
typedef double time_T;
typedef unsigned char boolean_T;
typedef int int_T;
typedef unsigned int uint_T;
typedef unsigned long ulong_T;
typedef unsigned long long ulonglong_T;
typedef char char_T;
typedef unsigned char uchar_T;
typedef char_T byte_T;
* Min and Max: *
* int8_T, int16_T, int32_T - signed 8, 16, or 32 bit integers *
* uint8_T, uint16_T, uint32_T - unsigned 8, 16, or 32 bit integers *
#define MAX_int8_T ((int8_T)(127))
#define MIN_int8_T ((int8_T)(-128))
#define MAX_uint8_T ((uint8_T)(255U))
#define MAX_int16_T ((int16_T)(32767))
#define MIN_int16_T ((int16_T)(-32768))
#define MAX_uint16_T ((uint16_T)(65535U))
#define MAX_int32_T ((int32_T)(2147483647))
#define MIN_int32_T ((int32_T)(-2147483647-1))
#define MAX_uint32_T ((uint32_T)(0xFFFFFFFFU))
#define MAX_int64_T ((int64_T)(9223372036854775807LL))
#define MIN_int64_T ((int64_T)(-9223372036854775807LL-1LL))
#define MAX_uint64_T ((uint64_T)(0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFULL))
/* Block D-Work pointer type */
typedef void * pointer_T;
#endif /* RTWTYPES_H */
* File trailer for generated code.
* [EOF]