/* * TODO: * bestehende steuerung aus espcontroller übernehmen und testen * topics und handler implementieren */ #include #include #ifdef __AVR__ #include #endif #define LEDPIN 9 //PB1 = D9 = Pin15 Adafruit_NeoPixel leds = Adafruit_NeoPixel(9, LEDPIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800); uint8_t wheelpos=0; #include "Ethernet.h" #include "PubSubClient.h" boolean useethernet=false; //Ethernet and MQTT String ip = ""; uint8_t mac[6] = {0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x06}; #define CLIENT_ID "Mixer" EthernetClient ethClient; PubSubClient mqttClient; #define PUBLISH_DELAY 10000 long last_send=0; //Serial long last_serialdebug=0; #define INTERVAL_SERIALDEBUG 200 //Inputs #define PIN_BUTTON A3 //A3 = PC3, defining PCx as pin doesnt work #define PIN_ENCA A2 //A2 = PC2 #define PIN_ENCB A1 //A1 = PC1 #define BUTTON_RELEASE_DEBOUNCE 10 //minimum time after button release to reenable triggering boolean button_flag=false; //true if button pressed boolean button_released=true; long last_button_released=0; //last time button has been released (for debounce) //Shift Register 595 //connections: https://www.arduino.cc/en/tutorial/ShiftOut #define SRLATCH PD4 //D4 = PD4 #define SRCLOCK PD3 //D3 = PD3 #define SRDATA PD2 //D2 = PD2 uint16_t srbits=0; #include Encoder volEnc(PIN_ENCA,PIN_ENCB); float encoderMultiplier=4.0; //Servo stuff #define PIN_MOTOR_IN1 PD5 //to L293(pin2) Motor IN1 #define PIN_MOTOR_IN2 PD6 //to L293(pin7) Motor IN2 //#define SRPIN_MOTOR_IN1 1 //L293(pin2) Motor IN1 -- moved to atmega pin //#define SRPIN_MOTOR_IN2 2 //L293(pin7) Motor IN2 -- moved to atmega pin #define PIN_POT A0 //A0 = PC0, reference potentiometer wiper #define DEADZONE_POTI 5 //maximum allowed error. stop when reached this zone #define POT_MIN 10 //minimum value pot can reach #define POT_MAX 1010 //maximum value pot can reach #define POTIFILTER 0.8 //0 to 1. 1 means old value stays forever int poti_set=512; //set value int poti_read=0; //read value from poti boolean poti_reachedposition=true; //set to true if position reached. after that stop turning //#define MOTOR_STOP(); srWrite(SRPIN_MOTOR_IN1,LOW); srWrite(SRPIN_MOTOR_IN2,LOW); //#define MOTOR_LEFT(); srWrite(SRPIN_MOTOR_IN1,LOW); srWrite(SRPIN_MOTOR_IN2,HIGH); //#define MOTOR_RIGHT(); srWrite(SRPIN_MOTOR_IN1,HIGH); srWrite(SRPIN_MOTOR_IN2,LOW); //#define MOTOR_TURNING() (srRead(SRPIN_MOTOR_IN1) != srRead(SRPIN_MOTOR_IN2)) #define MOTOR_STOP(); digitalWrite(PIN_MOTOR_IN1,LOW); digitalWrite(PIN_MOTOR_IN2,LOW); #define MOTOR_LEFT(); digitalWrite(PIN_MOTOR_IN1,LOW); digitalWrite(PIN_MOTOR_IN2,HIGH); #define MOTOR_RIGHT(); digitalWrite(PIN_MOTOR_IN1,HIGH); digitalWrite(PIN_MOTOR_IN2,LOW); #define MOTOR_TURNING() (digitalRead(PIN_MOTOR_IN1) != digitalRead(PIN_MOTOR_IN2)) //Motorcheck long last_motorcheck=0; #define INTERVAL_MOTORCHECK 100 //check motor movement every x ms int poti_read_last=0; int motor_vel=0; //analog read units per second #define MINIMUM_MOTORVEL 20 //minimum velocity motor should turn wenn active #define MOTOR_FAILTIME 500 //in ms. if motor did not turn fox x amount of time at least with MINIMUM_MOTORVEL an error will initiate long last_motorTooSlow=0; //typically 0 //error uint8_t error=0; #define NOERROR 0 #define MOTORDIDNOTTURN 1 void setup() { pinMode(PIN_BUTTON,INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(PIN_POT,INPUT); pinMode(SRLATCH, OUTPUT); pinMode(SRCLOCK, OUTPUT); pinMode(SRDATA, OUTPUT); Serial.begin(9600); while (!Serial) {}; Serial.println("Starting"); leds.begin(); for(uint8_t i=0;i 0) { int _value = Serial.parseInt(); if (Serial.read() == '\n') { Serial.print("value="); Serial.println(_value); //poti_set=_value; //poti_reachedposition=false; //aim for new position srWrite(_value,!srRead(_value)); } } //Inputs ################################################### poti_read=poti_read*POTIFILTER + (1.0-POTIFILTER)*analogRead(PIN_POT); //read poti if (!digitalRead(PIN_BUTTON)){ //button pressed if (button_released){ button_released=false; //flag: not released if(loopmillis-last_button_released > BUTTON_RELEASE_DEBOUNCE){ button_flag=true; } } }else if(!button_flag && !button_released){ //button released and flag has been cleared last_button_released=loopmillis; button_released=true; } //Read Encoder to velocity "volEncVel" int volEncVel=0; int _volEnc=volEnc.read(); if (_volEnc!=0){ //encoder moved volEncVel=_volEnc; volEnc.write(0); //reset value } //Input Handling if (volEncVel!=0){ //knob moved poti_set+=volEncVel*encoderMultiplier; //change poti set value poti_set=constrain(poti_set, POT_MIN,POT_MAX); poti_reachedposition=false; } //Motor Movement Routine ################# if (error==0){ //no errors if (!poti_reachedposition && abs(poti_read-poti_set)>DEADZONE_POTI){ //error too high if (poti_read-poti_set < 0){ MOTOR_LEFT(); }else{ MOTOR_RIGHT(); } }else if(!poti_reachedposition){ //position reached but flag not set MOTOR_STOP(); Serial.print("reached:"); Serial.print(" set="); Serial.print(poti_set); Serial.print(" is="); Serial.print(poti_read); Serial.print(" vel="); Serial.println(); poti_reachedposition=true; //position reached } if ( loopmillis > last_motorcheck+INTERVAL_MOTORCHECK){ last_motorcheck=loopmillis; motor_vel=(poti_read-poti_read_last)*1000 /INTERVAL_MOTORCHECK ; //calculate current motor velocity poti_read_last=poti_read; //motor fail check if (MOTOR_TURNING() && abs(motor_vel) MOTOR_FAILTIME){ error=MOTORDIDNOTTURN; Serial.println("MOTORDIDNOTTURN"); } }else if (last_motorTooSlow>0){ //was recognized too slow but is now turning fast again last_motorTooSlow=0; //reset } } }else{ //an error occured. error!=0 MOTOR_STOP(); } if ( loopmillis > last_serialdebug+INTERVAL_SERIALDEBUG){ last_serialdebug=loopmillis; Serial.print(" set="); Serial.print(poti_set); Serial.print(" is="); Serial.print(poti_read); Serial.print(" vel="); Serial.print(motor_vel); Serial.println(""); if (button_flag){ //TODO: remove hier if correct behaviour implemented Serial.println("BUTTON Pressed"); button_flag=false; //clear flag to reenable button triggering. } for(uint8_t i=0;i>8); shiftOut(SRDATA, SRCLOCK, MSBFIRST, srbits); digitalWrite(SRLATCH, HIGH); } boolean srRead(uint8_t pin){ return (srbits >> pin) & 1U; } uint32_t Wheel(byte WheelPos) { WheelPos = 255 - WheelPos; if(WheelPos < 85) { return leds.Color(255 - WheelPos * 3, 0, WheelPos * 3); } if(WheelPos < 170) { WheelPos -= 85; return leds.Color(0, WheelPos * 3, 255 - WheelPos * 3); } WheelPos -= 170; return leds.Color(WheelPos * 3, 255 - WheelPos * 3, 0); }