/* * Project Adalight FastLED * @author David Madison * @link github.com/dmadison/Adalight-FastLED * @license LGPL - Copyright (c) 2017 David Madison * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with this program. If not, see . * */ #define SK6812RGBW #include // --- General Settings const uint16_t Num_Leds = 112; // strip length const uint8_t Brightness = 255; // maximum brightness // --- FastLED Setings #if defined(SK6812RGBW) #define LED_TYPE SK6812 // led strip type for FastLED #define COLOR_ORDER RGB // color order for bitbang #else #define LED_TYPE WS2812B // led strip type for FastLED #define COLOR_ORDER GRB // color order for bitbang #endif #define PIN_DATA D2 // led data output pin // #define PIN_CLOCK 7 // led data clock pin (uncomment if you're using a 4-wire LED type) // --- Serial Settings const unsigned long SerialSpeed = 115200; // serial port speed const uint16_t SerialTimeout = 60; // time before LEDs are shut off if no data (in seconds), 0 to disable // --- Optional Settings (uncomment to add) #define SERIAL_FLUSH // Serial buffer cleared on LED latch #define CLEAR_ON_START // LEDs are cleared on reset // --- Debug Settings (uncomment to add) #define DEBUG_LED LED_BUILTIN // toggles the Arduino's built-in LED on header match // #define DEBUG_FPS 8 // enables a pulse on LED latch // -------------------------------------------------------------------- #include #if defined(SK6812RGBW) #include "FastLED_RGBW.h" //rgbw #endif // // FastLED with RGBW #if defined(SK6812RGBW) CRGBW send_leds[Num_Leds]; CRGB *send_ledsRaw = (CRGB *) &send_leds[0]; CRGB leds[Num_Leds]; uint8_t * ledsRaw = (uint8_t *)leds; #else CRGB leds[Num_Leds]; uint8_t * ledsRaw = (uint8_t *)leds; #endif // A 'magic word' (along with LED count & checksum) precedes each block // of LED data; this assists the microcontroller in syncing up with the // host-side software and properly issuing the latch (host I/O is // likely buffered, making usleep() unreliable for latch). You may see // an initial glitchy frame or two until the two come into alignment. // The magic word can be whatever sequence you like, but each character // should be unique, and frequent pixel values like 0 and 255 are // avoided -- fewer false positives. The host software will need to // generate a compatible header: immediately following the magic word // are three bytes: a 16-bit count of the number of LEDs (high byte // first) followed by a simple checksum value (high byte XOR low byte // XOR 0x55). LED data follows, 3 bytes per LED, in order R, G, B, // where 0 = off and 255 = max brightness. const uint8_t magic[] = { 'A','d','a'}; #define MAGICSIZE sizeof(magic) // Check values are header byte # - 1, as they are indexed from 0 #define HICHECK (MAGICSIZE) #define LOCHECK (MAGICSIZE + 1) #define CHECKSUM (MAGICSIZE + 2) enum processModes_t {Header, Data} mode = Header; int16_t c; // current byte, must support -1 if no data available uint16_t outPos; // current byte index in the LED array uint32_t bytesRemaining; // count of bytes yet received, set by checksum unsigned long t, lastByteTime, lastAckTime; // millisecond timestamps void headerMode(); void dataMode(); void timeouts(); // Macros initialized #ifdef SERIAL_FLUSH #undef SERIAL_FLUSH #define SERIAL_FLUSH while(Serial.available() > 0) { Serial.read(); } #else #define SERIAL_FLUSH #endif #ifdef DEBUG_LED #define ON 1 #define OFF 0 #define D_LED(x) do {digitalWrite(DEBUG_LED, x);} while(0) #else #define D_LED(x) #endif #ifdef DEBUG_FPS #define D_FPS do {digitalWrite(DEBUG_FPS, HIGH); digitalWrite(DEBUG_FPS, LOW);} while (0) #else #define D_FPS #endif void setup(){ #ifdef DEBUG_LED pinMode(DEBUG_LED, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(DEBUG_LED, LOW); #endif #ifdef DEBUG_FPS pinMode(DEBUG_FPS, OUTPUT); #endif #if defined(PIN_CLOCK) && defined(PIN_DATA) FastLED.addLeds(leds, Num_Leds); #elif defined(PIN_DATA) #if defined(SK6812RGBW) //FastLED with RGBW FastLED.addLeds(send_ledsRaw, getRGBWsize(Num_Leds)); #else FastLED.addLeds(leds, Num_Leds); #endif #else #error "No LED output pins defined. Check your settings at the top." #endif FastLED.setBrightness(Brightness); #ifdef CLEAR_ON_START FastLED.show(); #endif Serial.begin(SerialSpeed); Serial.print("Ada\n"); // Send ACK string to host lastByteTime = lastAckTime = millis(); // Set initial counters } void loop(){ t = millis(); // Save current time // If there is new serial data if((c = Serial.read()) >= 0){ lastByteTime = lastAckTime = t; // Reset timeout counters switch(mode) { case Header: headerMode(); break; case Data: dataMode(); break; } } else { // No new data timeouts(); } } void headerMode(){ static uint8_t headPos, hi, lo, chk; if(headPos < MAGICSIZE){ // Check if magic word matches if(c == magic[headPos]) {headPos++;} else {headPos = 0;} } else{ // Magic word matches! Now verify checksum switch(headPos){ case HICHECK: hi = c; headPos++; break; case LOCHECK: lo = c; headPos++; break; case CHECKSUM: chk = c; if(chk == (hi ^ lo ^ 0x55)) { // Checksum looks valid. Get 16-bit LED count, add 1 // (# LEDs is always > 0) and multiply by 3 for R,G,B. #if defined(SK6812RGBW) D_LED(ON); bytesRemaining = 3L * (256L * (long)hi + (long)lo + 1L); outPos = 0; memset(leds, 0, Num_Leds * sizeof(struct CRGB)); mode = Data; // Proceed to latch wait mode #else D_LED(ON); bytesRemaining = 3L * (256L * (long)hi + (long)lo + 1L); outPos = 0; memset(leds, 0, Num_Leds * sizeof(struct CRGB)); mode = Data; // Proceed to latch wait mode #endif } headPos = 0; // Reset header position regardless of checksum result break; } } } void dataMode(){ // If LED data is not full if (outPos < sizeof(leds)){ #if defined(SK6812RGBW) ledsRaw[outPos++] = c; // Issue next byte #else ledsRaw[outPos++] = c; // Issue next byte #endif } bytesRemaining--; if(bytesRemaining == 0) { // End of data -- issue latch: mode = Header; // Begin next header search #if defined(SK6812RGBW) //Copy data over for(int i = 0; i < Num_Leds; i++){ //send_leds[i] = CRGBW(0, 0, 0, 50); send_leds[i] = CRGBW(leds[i].r, leds[i].g, leds[i].b, 0); } #endif FastLED.show(); D_FPS; D_LED(OFF); SERIAL_FLUSH; } } void timeouts(){ // No data received. If this persists, send an ACK packet // to host once every second to alert it to our presence. if((t - lastAckTime) >= 1000) { Serial.print("Ada\n"); // Send ACK string to host lastAckTime = t; // Reset counter // If no data received for an extended time, turn off all LEDs. if(SerialTimeout != 0 && (t - lastByteTime) >= (uint32_t) SerialTimeout * 1000) { #if defined(SK6812RGBW) memset(leds, 0, Num_Leds * sizeof(struct CRGB)); //filling Led array by zeroes #else memset(leds, 0, Num_Leds * sizeof(struct CRGB)); //filling Led array by zeroes #endif #if defined(SK6812RGBW) //All Black for(int i = 0; i < Num_Leds; i++){ send_leds[i] = CRGBW(0, 0, 0, 0); } #endif FastLED.show(); mode = Header; lastByteTime = t; // Reset counter } } }