Removed other Adalight files
This fork is now detatched from the main Adalight repo. The other Arduino host code and Processing files can be downloaded from
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 0 additions and 1691 deletions
@ -1,246 +0,0 @@
// Arduino "bridge" code between host computer and WS2801-based digital
// RGB LED pixels (e.g. Adafruit product ID #322). Intended for use
// with USB-native boards such as Teensy or Adafruit 32u4 Breakout;
// works on normal serial Arduinos, but throughput is severely limited.
// LED data is streamed, not buffered, making this suitable for larger
// installations (e.g. video wall, etc.) than could otherwise be held
// in the Arduino's limited RAM.
// Some effort is put into avoiding buffer underruns (where the output
// side becomes starved of data). The WS2801 latch protocol, being
// delay-based, could be inadvertently triggered if the USB bus or CPU
// is swamped with other tasks. This code buffers incoming serial data
// and introduces intentional pauses if there's a threat of the buffer
// draining prematurely. The cost of this complexity is somewhat
// reduced throughput, the gain is that most visual glitches are
// avoided (though ultimately a function of the load on the USB bus and
// host CPU, and out of our control).
// LED data and clock lines are connected to the Arduino's SPI output.
// On traditional Arduino boards, SPI data out is digital pin 11 and
// clock is digital pin 13. On both Teensy and the 32u4 Breakout,
// data out is pin B2, clock is B1. LEDs should be externally
// powered -- trying to run any more than just a few off the Arduino's
// 5V line is generally a Bad Idea. LED ground should also be
// connected to Arduino ground.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// This file is part of Adalight.
// Adalight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// Adalight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with Adalight. If not, see
// <>.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <SPI.h>
// LED pin for Adafruit 32u4 Breakout Board:
//#define LED_DDR DDRE
//#define LED_PORT PORTE
//#define LED_PIN _BV(PORTE6)
// LED pin for Teensy:
//#define LED_DDR DDRD
//#define LED_PORT PORTD
//#define LED_PIN _BV(PORTD6)
// LED pin for Arduino:
#define LED_DDR DDRB
#define LED_PIN _BV(PORTB5)
// A 'magic word' (along with LED count & checksum) precedes each block
// of LED data; this assists the microcontroller in syncing up with the
// host-side software and properly issuing the latch (host I/O is
// likely buffered, making usleep() unreliable for latch). You may see
// an initial glitchy frame or two until the two come into alignment.
// The magic word can be whatever sequence you like, but each character
// should be unique, and frequent pixel values like 0 and 255 are
// avoided -- fewer false positives. The host software will need to
// generate a compatible header: immediately following the magic word
// are three bytes: a 16-bit count of the number of LEDs (high byte
// first) followed by a simple checksum value (high byte XOR low byte
// XOR 0x55). LED data follows, 3 bytes per LED, in order R, G, B,
// where 0 = off and 255 = max brightness.
static const uint8_t magic[] = {'A','d','a'};
#define MAGICSIZE sizeof(magic)
#define MODE_HEADER 0
#define MODE_HOLD 1
#define MODE_DATA 2
// If no serial data is received for a while, the LEDs are shut off
// automatically. This avoids the annoying "stuck pixel" look when
// quitting LED display programs on the host computer.
static const unsigned long serialTimeout = 15000; // 15 seconds
void setup()
// Dirty trick: the circular buffer for serial data is 256 bytes,
// and the "in" and "out" indices are unsigned 8-bit types -- this
// much simplifies the cases where in/out need to "wrap around" the
// beginning/end of the buffer. Otherwise there'd be a ton of bit-
// masking and/or conditional code every time one of these indices
// needs to change, slowing things down tremendously.
indexIn = 0,
indexOut = 0,
hi, lo, chk, i, spiFlag;
bytesBuffered = 0,
hold = 0,
unsigned long
LED_DDR |= LED_PIN; // Enable output for LED
LED_PORT &= ~LED_PIN; // LED off
Serial.begin(115200); // Teensy/32u4 disregards baud rate; is OK!
SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV16); // 1 MHz max, else flicker
// Issue test pattern to LEDs on startup. This helps verify that
// wiring between the Arduino and LEDs is correct. Not knowing the
// actual number of LEDs connected, this sets all of them (well, up
// to the first 25,000, so as not to be TOO time consuming) to red,
// green, blue, then off. Once you're confident everything is working
// end-to-end, it's OK to comment this out and reprogram the Arduino.
uint8_t testcolor[] = { 0, 0, 0, 255, 0, 0 };
for(char n=3; n>=0; n--) {
for(c=0; c<25000; c++) {
for(i=0; i<3; i++) {
for(SPDR = testcolor[n + i]; !(SPSR & _BV(SPIF)); );
delay(1); // One millisecond pause = latch
Serial.print("Ada\n"); // Send ACK string to host
startTime = micros();
lastByteTime = lastAckTime = millis();
// loop() is avoided as even that small bit of function overhead
// has a measurable impact on this code's overall throughput.
for(;;) {
// Implementation is a simple finite-state machine.
// Regardless of mode, check for serial input each time:
t = millis();
if((bytesBuffered < 256) && ((c = >= 0)) {
buffer[indexIn++] = c;
lastByteTime = lastAckTime = t; // Reset timeout counters
} else {
// No data received. If this persists, send an ACK packet
// to host once every second to alert it to our presence.
if((t - lastAckTime) > 1000) {
Serial.print("Ada\n"); // Send ACK string to host
lastAckTime = t; // Reset counter
// If no data received for an extended time, turn off all LEDs.
if((t - lastByteTime) > serialTimeout) {
for(c=0; c<32767; c++) {
for(SPDR=0; !(SPSR & _BV(SPIF)); );
delay(1); // One millisecond pause = latch
lastByteTime = t; // Reset counter
switch(mode) {
// In header-seeking mode. Is there enough data to check?
if(bytesBuffered >= HEADERSIZE) {
// Indeed. Check for a 'magic word' match.
for(i=0; (i<MAGICSIZE) && (buffer[indexOut++] == magic[i++]););
if(i == MAGICSIZE) {
// Magic word matches. Now how about the checksum?
hi = buffer[indexOut++];
lo = buffer[indexOut++];
chk = buffer[indexOut++];
if(chk == (hi ^ lo ^ 0x55)) {
// Checksum looks valid. Get 16-bit LED count, add 1
// (# LEDs is always > 0) and multiply by 3 for R,G,B.
bytesRemaining = 3L * (256L * (long)hi + (long)lo + 1L);
bytesBuffered -= 3;
spiFlag = 0; // No data out yet
mode = MODE_HOLD; // Proceed to latch wait mode
} else {
// Checksum didn't match; search resumes after magic word.
indexOut -= 3; // Rewind
} // else no header match. Resume at first mismatched byte.
bytesBuffered -= i;
// Ostensibly "waiting for the latch from the prior frame
// to complete" mode, but may also revert to this mode when
// underrun prevention necessitates a delay.
if((micros() - startTime) < hold) break; // Still holding; keep buffering
// Latch/delay complete. Advance to data-issuing mode...
LED_PORT &= ~LED_PIN; // LED off
mode = MODE_DATA; // ...and fall through (no break):
while(spiFlag && !(SPSR & _BV(SPIF))); // Wait for prior byte
if(bytesRemaining > 0) {
if(bytesBuffered > 0) {
SPDR = buffer[indexOut++]; // Issue next byte
spiFlag = 1;
// If serial buffer is threatening to underrun, start
// introducing progressively longer pauses to allow more
// data to arrive (up to a point).
if((bytesBuffered < 32) && (bytesRemaining > bytesBuffered)) {
startTime = micros();
hold = 100 + (32 - bytesBuffered) * 10;
mode = MODE_HOLD;
} else {
// End of data -- issue latch:
startTime = micros();
hold = 1000; // Latch duration = 1000 uS
mode = MODE_HEADER; // Begin next header search
} // end switch
} // end for(;;)
void loop()
// Not used. See note in setup() function.
@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
// This is a pared-down version of the LEDstream sketch specifically
// for Circuit Playground. It is NOT a generic solution to NeoPixel
// support with Adalight! The NeoPixel library disables interrupts
// while issuing data...but Serial transfers depend on interrupts.
// This code works (or appears to work, it hasn't been extensively
// battle-tested) only because of the finite number of pixels (10)
// on the Circuit Playground board. With 10 NeoPixels, interrupts are
// off for about 300 microseconds...but if the incoming data rate is
// sufficiently limited (<= 60 FPS or so with the given number of
// pixels), things seem OK, no data is missed. Balancing act!
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// This file is part of Adalight.
// Adalight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// Adalight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with Adalight. If not, see
// <>.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "Adafruit_CircuitPlayground.h"
static const uint8_t magic[] = { 'A','d','a' };
#define MAGICSIZE sizeof(magic)
static uint8_t
buffer[HEADERSIZE], // Serial input buffer
bytesBuffered = 0; // Amount of data in buffer
static const unsigned long serialTimeout = 15000; // 15 seconds
static unsigned long lastByteTime;
void setup() {
CircuitPlayground.setBrightness(255); // LEDs full blast!
lastByteTime = millis(); // Initialize timers
// Function is called when no pending serial data is available.
static boolean timeout(
unsigned long t, // Current time, milliseconds
int nLEDs) { // Number of LEDs
// If no data received for an extended time, turn off all LEDs.
if((t - lastByteTime) > serialTimeout) {
lastByteTime = t; // Reset counter
bytesBuffered = 0; // Clear serial buffer
return true;
return false; // No timeout
void loop() {
uint8_t i, hi, lo, byteNum;
int c;
long nLEDs, pixelNum;
unsigned long t;
// HEADER-SEEKING BLOCK: locate 'magic word' at start of frame.
// If any data in serial buffer, shift it down to starting position.
for(i=0; i<bytesBuffered; i++)
buffer[i] = buffer[HEADERSIZE - bytesBuffered + i];
// Read bytes from serial input until there's a full header's worth.
while(bytesBuffered < HEADERSIZE) {
t = millis();
if((c = >= 0) { // Data received?
buffer[bytesBuffered++] = c; // Store in buffer
lastByteTime = t; // Reset timeout counter
} else { // No data, check for timeout...
if(timeout(t, 10000) == true) return; // Start over
// Have a header's worth of data. Check for 'magic word' match.
for(i=0; i<MAGICSIZE; i++) {
if(buffer[i] != magic[i]) { // No match...
if(i == 0) bytesBuffered -= 1; // resume search at next char
else bytesBuffered -= i; // resume at non-matching char
// Magic word matches. Now how about the checksum?
hi = buffer[MAGICSIZE];
lo = buffer[MAGICSIZE + 1];
if(buffer[MAGICSIZE + 2] != (hi ^ lo ^ 0x55)) {
bytesBuffered -= MAGICSIZE; // No match, resume after magic word
// Checksum appears valid. Get 16-bit LED count, add 1 (nLEDs always > 0)
nLEDs = 256L * (long)hi + (long)lo + 1L;
bytesBuffered = 0; // Clear serial buffer
byteNum = 0;
// DATA-FORWARDING BLOCK: move bytes from serial input to NeoPixels.
for(pixelNum = 0; pixelNum < nLEDs; ) { // While more LED data is expected...
t = millis();
if((c = >= 0) { // Successful read?
lastByteTime = t; // Reset timeout counters
buffer[byteNum++] = c; // Store in data buffer
if(byteNum == 3) { // Have a full LED's worth?
buffer[0], buffer[1], buffer[2]);
byteNum = 0;
} else { // No data, check for timeout...
if(timeout(t, nLEDs) == true) return; // Start over
@ -1,250 +0,0 @@
// Arduino bridge code between host computer and LPD8806-based digital
// addressable RGB LEDs (e.g. Adafruit product ID #306). LED data is
// streamed, not buffered, making this suitable for larger installations
// (e.g. video wall, etc.) than could otherwise be contained within the
// Arduino's limited RAM. Intended for use with USB-native boards such
// as Teensy or Adafruit 32u4 Breakout; also works on normal serial
// Arduinos (Uno, etc.), but speed will be limited by the serial port.
// LED data and clock lines are connected to the Arduino's SPI output.
// On traditional Arduino boards (e.g. Uno), SPI data out is digital pin
// 11 and clock is digital pin 13. On both Teensy and the 32u4 Breakout,
// data out is pin B2, clock is B1. On Arduino Mega, 51=data, 52=clock.
// LEDs should be externally powered -- trying to run any more than just
// a few off the Arduino's 5V line is generally a Bad Idea. LED ground
// should also be connected to Arduino ground.
// Elsewhere, the WS2801 version of this code was specifically designed
// to avoid buffer underrun conditions...the WS2801 pixels automatically
// latch when the data stream stops for 500 microseconds or more, whether
// intentional or not. The LPD8806 pixels are fundamentally different --
// the latch condition is indicated within the data stream, not by pausing
// the clock -- and buffer underruns are therefore a non-issue. In theory
// it would seem this could allow the code to be much simpler and faster
// (there's no need to sync up with a start-of-frame header), but in
// practice the difference was not as pronounced as expected -- such code
// soon ran up against a USB throughput limit anyway. So, rather than
// break compatibility in the quest for speed that will never materialize,
// this code instead follows the same header format as the WS2801 version.
// This allows the same host-side code (e.g. Adalight, Adavision, etc.)
// to run with either type of LED pixels. Huzzah!
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// This file is part of Adalight.
// Adalight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// Adalight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with Adalight. If not, see
// <>.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <SPI.h>
// A 'magic word' precedes each block of LED data; this assists the
// microcontroller in syncing up with the host-side software and latching
// frames at the correct time. You may see an initial glitchy frame or
// two until the two come into alignment. Immediately following the
// magic word are three bytes: a 16-bit count of the number of LEDs (high
// byte first) followed by a simple checksum value (high byte XOR low byte
// XOR 0x55). LED data follows, 3 bytes per LED, in order R, G, B, where
// 0 = off and 255 = max brightness. LPD8806 pixels only have 7-bit
// brightness control, so each value is divided by two; the 8-bit format
// is used to maintain compatibility with the protocol set forth by the
// WS2801 streaming code (those LEDs use 8-bit values).
static const uint8_t magic[] = { 'A','d','a' };
#define MAGICSIZE sizeof(magic)
static uint8_t
buffer[HEADERSIZE], // Serial input buffer
bytesBuffered = 0; // Amount of data in buffer
// If no serial data is received for a while, the LEDs are shut off
// automatically. This avoids the annoying "stuck pixel" look when
// quitting LED display programs on the host computer.
static const unsigned long serialTimeout = 15000; // 15 seconds
static unsigned long lastByteTime, lastAckTime;
void setup() {
byte c;
int i, p;
Serial.begin(115200); // 32u4 will ignore BPS and run full speed
// SPI is run at 2 MHz. LPD8806 can run much faster,
// but unshielded wiring is susceptible to interference.
// Feel free to experiment with other divider ratios.
SPI.setClockDivider(SPI_CLOCK_DIV8); // 2 MHz
// Issue dummy byte to "prime" the SPI bus. This later simplifies
// the task of doing useful work during SPI transfers. Rather than
// the usual issue-and-wait-loop, code can instead wait-and-issue --
// with other operations occurring between transfers, the wait is
// then shortened or eliminated. The SPSR register is read-only,
// so this flag can't be forced -- SOMETHING must be issued.
SPDR = 0;
// Issue initial latch to LEDs. This flushes any undefined data that
// may exist on powerup, and prepares the LEDs to receive the first
// frame of data. Actual number of LEDs isn't known yet (this arrives
// later in frame header packets), so just latch a large number:
// Issue test pattern to LEDs on startup. This helps verify that
// wiring between the Arduino and LEDs is correct. Again not knowing
// the actual number of LEDs, this writes data for an arbitrarily
// large number (10K). If wiring is correct, LEDs will all light
// red, green, blue on startup, then off. Once you're confident
// everything is working end-to-end, it's OK to comment this out and
// re-upload the sketch to the Arduino.
const uint8_t testColor[] = { 0x80, 0x80, 0xff, 0x80, 0x80, 0x80 },
testOffset[] = { 1, 2, 0, 3 };
for(c=0; c<4; c++) { // for each test sequence color...
for(p=0; p<10000; p++) { // for each pixel...
for(i=0; i<3; i++) { // for each R,G,B...
while(!(SPSR & _BV(SPIF))); // Wait for prior byte out
SPDR = testColor[testOffset[c] + i]; // Issue next byte
if(c < 3) delay(250);
Serial.print("Ada\n"); // Send ACK string to host
lastByteTime = lastAckTime = millis(); // Initialize timers
// Program flow is simpler than the WS2801 code. No need for a state
// machine...instead, software just alternates between two conditions:
// a header-seeking mode (looking for the 'magic word' at the start
// of each frame of data), and a data-forwarding mode (moving bytes
// from serial input to SPI output). A proper data stream will
// consist only of alternating valid headers and valid data, so the
// loop() function is simply divided into these two parts, and repeats
// forever.
// LPD8806 pixels expect colors in G,R,B order vs. WS2801's R,G,B.
// This is used to shuffle things around later.
static const uint8_t byteOrder[] = { 2, 0, 1 };
void loop() {
uint8_t i, hi, lo, byteNum;
int c;
long nLEDs, remaining;
unsigned long t;
// HEADER-SEEKING BLOCK: locate 'magic word' at start of frame.
// If any data in serial buffer, shift it down to starting position.
for(i=0; i<bytesBuffered; i++)
buffer[i] = buffer[HEADERSIZE - bytesBuffered + i];
// Read bytes from serial input until there's a full header's worth.
while(bytesBuffered < HEADERSIZE) {
t = millis();
if((c = >= 0) { // Data received?
buffer[bytesBuffered++] = c; // Store in buffer
lastByteTime = lastAckTime = t; // Reset timeout counters
} else { // No data, check for timeout...
if(timeout(t, 10000) == true) return; // Start over
// Have a header's worth of data. Check for 'magic word' match.
for(i=0; i<MAGICSIZE; i++) {
if(buffer[i] != magic[i]) { // No match...
if(i == 0) bytesBuffered -= 1; // resume search at next char
else bytesBuffered -= i; // resume at non-matching char
// Magic word matches. Now how about the checksum?
hi = buffer[MAGICSIZE];
lo = buffer[MAGICSIZE + 1];
if(buffer[MAGICSIZE + 2] != (hi ^ lo ^ 0x55)) {
bytesBuffered -= MAGICSIZE; // No match, resume after magic word
// Checksum appears valid. Get 16-bit LED count, add 1 (nLEDs always > 0)
nLEDs = remaining = 256L * (long)hi + (long)lo + 1L;
bytesBuffered = 0; // Clear serial buffer
byteNum = 0;
// DATA-FORWARDING BLOCK: move bytes from serial input to SPI output.
// Unfortunately can't just forward bytes directly. The data order is
// different on LPD8806 (G,R,B), so bytes are buffered in groups of 3
// and issued in the revised order.
while(remaining > 0) { // While more LED data is expected...
t = millis();
if((c = >= 0) { // Successful read?
lastByteTime = lastAckTime = t; // Reset timeout counters
buffer[byteNum++] = c; // Store in data buffer
if(byteNum == 3) { // Have a full LED's worth?
while(byteNum > 0) { // Issue data in LPD8806 order...
i = 0x80 | (buffer[byteOrder[--byteNum]] >> 1);
while(!(SPSR & _BV(SPIF))); // Wait for prior byte out
SPDR = i; // Issue new byte
} else { // No data, check for timeout...
if(timeout(t, nLEDs) == true) return; // Start over
// Normal end of data. Issue latch, return to header-seeking mode.
static void latch(int n) { // Pass # of LEDs
n = ((n + 63) / 64) * 3; // Convert to latch length (bytes)
while(n--) { // For each latch byte...
while(!(SPSR & _BV(SPIF))); // Wait for prior byte out
SPDR = 0; // Issue next byte
// Function is called when no pending serial data is available.
static boolean timeout(
unsigned long t, // Current time, milliseconds
int nLEDs) { // Number of LEDs
// If condition persists, send an ACK packet to host once every
// second to alert it to our presence.
if((t - lastAckTime) > 1000) {
Serial.print("Ada\n"); // Send ACK string to host
lastAckTime = t; // Reset counter
// If no data received for an extended time, turn off all LEDs.
if((t - lastByteTime) > serialTimeout) {
long bytes = nLEDs * 3L;
latch(nLEDs); // Latch any partial/incomplete data in strand
while(bytes--) { // Issue all new data to turn off strand
while(!(SPSR & _BV(SPIF))); // Wait for prior byte out
SPDR = 0x80; // Issue next byte (0x80 = LED off)
latch(nLEDs); // Latch 'all off' data
lastByteTime = t; // Reset counter
bytesBuffered = 0; // Clear serial buffer
return true;
return false; // No timeout
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
EXECS = colorswirl
all: $(EXECS)
colorswirl: colorswirl.c
cc -O2 colorswirl.c -lm -o colorswirl
rm -f $(EXECS) *.o
@ -1,181 +0,0 @@
"Colorswirl" LED demo. This is the host PC-side code written in C;
intended for use with a USB-connected Arduino microcontroller running the
accompanying LED streaming code. Requires one strand of Digital RGB LED
Pixels (Adafruit product ID #322, specifically the newer WS2801-based type,
strand of 25) and a 5 Volt power supply (such as Adafruit #276). You may
need to adapt the code and the hardware arrangement for your specific
This is a command-line program. It expects a single parameter, which is
the serial port device name, e.g.:
./colorswirl /dev/tty.usbserial-A60049KO
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// This file is part of Adalight.
// Adalight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// Adalight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with Adalight. If not, see
// <>.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <termios.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <math.h>
#define N_LEDS 25 // Max of 65536
int main(int argc,char *argv[])
int fd, i, bytesToGo, bytesSent, totalBytesSent = 0,
frame = 0, hue1, hue2, brightness;
unsigned char buffer[6 + (N_LEDS * 3)], // Header + 3 bytes per LED
lo, r, g, b;
double sine1, sine2;
time_t t, start, prev;
struct termios tty;
if(argc < 2) {
(void)printf("Usage: %s device\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
if((fd = open(argv[1],O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY | O_NONBLOCK)) < 0) {
(void)printf("Can't open device '%s'.\n", argv[1]);
return 1;
// Serial port config swiped from RXTX library (
tcgetattr(fd, &tty);
tty.c_iflag = INPCK;
tty.c_lflag = 0;
tty.c_oflag = 0;
tty.c_cflag = CREAD | CS8 | CLOCAL;
tty.c_cc[ VMIN ] = 0;
tty.c_cc[ VTIME ] = 0;
cfsetispeed(&tty, B115200);
cfsetospeed(&tty, B115200);
tcsetattr(fd, TCSANOW, &tty);
bzero(buffer, sizeof(buffer)); // Clear LED buffer
// Header only needs to be initialized once, not
// inside rendering loop -- number of LEDs is constant:
buffer[0] = 'A'; // Magic word
buffer[1] = 'd';
buffer[2] = 'a';
buffer[3] = (N_LEDS - 1) >> 8; // LED count high byte
buffer[4] = (N_LEDS - 1) & 0xff; // LED count low byte
buffer[5] = buffer[3] ^ buffer[4] ^ 0x55; // Checksum
sine1 = 0.0;
hue1 = 0;
prev = start = time(NULL); // For bandwidth statistics
for(;;) {
sine2 = sine1;
hue2 = hue1;
// Start at position 6, after the LED header/magic word
for(i = 6; i < sizeof(buffer); ) {
// Fixed-point hue-to-RGB conversion. 'hue2' is an
// integer in the range of 0 to 1535, where 0 = red,
// 256 = yellow, 512 = green, etc. The high byte
// (0-5) corresponds to the sextant within the color
// wheel, while the low byte (0-255) is the
// fractional part between primary/secondary colors.
lo = hue2 & 255;
switch((hue2 >> 8) % 6) {
case 0:
r = 255;
g = lo;
b = 0;
case 1:
r = 255 - lo;
g = 255;
b = 0;
case 2:
r = 0;
g = 255;
b = lo;
case 3:
r = 0;
g = 255 - lo;
b = 255;
case 4:
r = lo;
g = 0;
b = 255;
case 5:
r = 255;
g = 0;
b = 255 - lo;
// Resulting hue is multiplied by brightness in the
// range of 0 to 255 (0 = off, 255 = brightest).
// Gamma corrrection (the 'pow' function here) adjusts
// the brightness to be more perceptually linear.
brightness = (int)(pow(0.5+sin(sine2)*0.5,3.0)*255.0);
buffer[i++] = (r * brightness) / 255;
buffer[i++] = (g * brightness) / 255;
buffer[i++] = (b * brightness) / 255;
// Each pixel is offset in both hue and brightness
hue2 += 40;
sine2 += 0.3;
// Slowly rotate hue and brightness in opposite directions
hue1 = (hue1 + 5) % 1536;
sine1 -= .03;
// Issue color data to LEDs. Each OS is fussy in different
// ways about serial output. This arrangement of drain-and-
// write-loop seems to be the most relable across platforms:
for(bytesSent=0, bytesToGo=sizeof(buffer); bytesToGo > 0;) {
if((i=write(fd,&buffer[bytesSent],bytesToGo)) > 0) {
bytesToGo -= i;
bytesSent += i;
// Keep track of byte and frame counts for statistics
totalBytesSent += sizeof(buffer);
// Update statistics once per second
if((t = time(NULL)) != prev) {
"Average frames/sec: %d, bytes/sec: %d\n",
(int)((float)frame / (float)(t - start)),
(int)((float)totalBytesSent / (float)(t - start)));
prev = t;
return 0;
@ -1,430 +0,0 @@
// "Adalight" is a do-it-yourself facsimile of the Philips Ambilight concept
// for desktop computers and home theater PCs. This is the host PC-side code
// written in Processing, intended for use with a USB-connected Arduino
// microcontroller running the accompanying LED streaming code. Requires one
// or more strands of Digital RGB LED Pixels (Adafruit product ID #322,
// specifically the newer WS2801-based type, strand of 25) and a 5 Volt power
// supply (such as Adafruit #276). You may need to adapt the code and the
// hardware arrangement for your specific display configuration.
// Screen capture adapted from code by Cedrik Kiefer ( forum)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// This file is part of Adalight.
// Adalight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// Adalight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with Adalight. If not, see
// <>.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import processing.serial.*;
// CONFIGURABLE PROGRAM CONSTANTS --------------------------------------------
// Minimum LED brightness; some users prefer a small amount of backlighting
// at all times, regardless of screen content. Higher values are brighter,
// or set to 0 to disable this feature.
static final short minBrightness = 120;
// LED transition speed; it's sometimes distracting if LEDs instantaneously
// track screen contents (such as during bright flashing sequences), so this
// feature enables a gradual fade to each new LED state. Higher numbers yield
// slower transitions (max of 255), or set to 0 to disable this feature
// (immediate transition of all LEDs).
static final short fade = 75;
// Pixel size for the live preview image.
static final int pixelSize = 20;
// Depending on many factors, it may be faster either to capture full
// screens and process only the pixels needed, or to capture multiple
// smaller sub-blocks bounding each region to be processed. Try both,
// look at the reported frame rates in the Processing output console,
// and run with whichever works best for you.
static final boolean useFullScreenCaps = true;
// Serial device timeout (in milliseconds), for locating Arduino device
// running the corresponding LEDstream code. See notes later in the code...
// in some situations you may want to entirely comment out that block.
static final int timeout = 5000; // 5 seconds
// PER-DISPLAY INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------------
// This array contains details for each display that the software will
// process. If you have screen(s) attached that are not among those being
// "Adalighted," they should not be in this list. Each triplet in this
// array represents one display. The first number is the system screen
// number...typically the "primary" display on most systems is identified
// as screen #1, but since arrays are indexed from zero, use 0 to indicate
// the first screen, 1 to indicate the second screen, and so forth. This
// is the ONLY place system screen numbers are used...ANY subsequent
// references to displays are an index into this list, NOT necessarily the
// same as the system screen number. For example, if you have a three-
// screen setup and are illuminating only the third display, use '2' for
// the screen number here...and then, in subsequent section, '0' will be
// used to refer to the first/only display in this list.
// The second and third numbers of each triplet represent the width and
// height of a grid of LED pixels attached to the perimeter of this display.
// For example, '9,6' = 9 LEDs across, 6 LEDs down.
static final int displays[][] = new int[][] {
{0,9,6} // Screen 0, 9 LEDs across, 6 LEDs down
//,{1,9,6} // Screen 1, also 9 LEDs across and 6 LEDs down
// PER-LED INFORMATION -------------------------------------------------------
// This array contains the 2D coordinates corresponding to each pixel in the
// LED strand, in the order that they're connected (i.e. the first element
// here belongs to the first LED in the strand, second element is the second
// LED, and so forth). Each triplet in this array consists of a display
// number (an index into the display array above, NOT necessarily the same as
// the system screen number) and an X and Y coordinate specified in the grid
// units given for that display. {0,0,0} is the top-left corner of the first
// display in the array.
// For our example purposes, the coordinate list below forms a ring around
// the perimeter of a single screen, with a one pixel gap at the bottom to
// accommodate a monitor stand. Modify this to match your own setup:
static final int leds[][] = new int[][] {
{0,3,5}, {0,2,5}, {0,1,5}, {0,0,5}, // Bottom edge, left half
{0,0,4}, {0,0,3}, {0,0,2}, {0,0,1}, // Left edge
{0,0,0}, {0,1,0}, {0,2,0}, {0,3,0}, {0,4,0}, // Top edge
{0,5,0}, {0,6,0}, {0,7,0}, {0,8,0}, // More top edge
{0,8,1}, {0,8,2}, {0,8,3}, {0,8,4}, // Right edge
{0,8,5}, {0,7,5}, {0,6,5}, {0,5,5} // Bottom edge, right half
/* Hypothetical second display has the same arrangement as the first.
But you might not want both displays completely ringed with LEDs;
the screens might be positioned where they share an edge in common.
,{1,3,5}, {1,2,5}, {1,1,5}, {1,0,5}, // Bottom edge, left half
{1,0,4}, {1,0,3}, {1,0,2}, {1,0,1}, // Left edge
{1,0,0}, {1,1,0}, {1,2,0}, {1,3,0}, {1,4,0}, // Top edge
{1,5,0}, {1,6,0}, {1,7,0}, {1,8,0}, // More top edge
{1,8,1}, {1,8,2}, {1,8,3}, {1,8,4}, // Right edge
{1,8,5}, {1,7,5}, {1,6,5}, {1,5,5} // Bottom edge, right half
// GLOBAL VARIABLES ---- You probably won't need to modify any of this -------
byte[] serialData = new byte[6 + leds.length * 3];
short[][] ledColor = new short[leds.length][3],
prevColor = new short[leds.length][3];
byte[][] gamma = new byte[256][3];
int nDisplays = displays.length;
Robot[] bot = new Robot[displays.length];
Rectangle[] dispBounds = new Rectangle[displays.length],
ledBounds; // Alloc'd only if per-LED captures
int[][] pixelOffset = new int[leds.length][256],
screenData; // Alloc'd only if full-screen captures
PImage[] preview = new PImage[displays.length];
Serial port;
DisposeHandler dh; // For disabling LEDs on exit
// INITIALIZATION ------------------------------------------------------------
void setup() {
GraphicsEnvironment ge;
GraphicsConfiguration[] gc;
GraphicsDevice[] gd;
int d, i, totalWidth, maxHeight, row, col, rowOffset;
int[] x = new int[16], y = new int[16];
float f, range, step, start;
dh = new DisposeHandler(this); // Init DisposeHandler ASAP
// Open serial port. As written here, this assumes the Arduino is the
// first/only serial device on the system. If that's not the case,
// change "Serial.list()[0]" to the name of the port to be used:
port = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 115200);
// Alternately, in certain situations the following line can be used
// to detect the Arduino automatically. But this works ONLY with SOME
// Arduino boards and versions of Processing! This is so convoluted
// to explain, it's easier just to test it yourself and see whether
// it works...if not, leave it commented out and use the prior port-
// opening technique.
// port = openPort();
// And finally, to test the software alone without an Arduino connected,
// don't open a port...just comment out the serial lines above.
// Initialize screen capture code for each display's dimensions.
dispBounds = new Rectangle[displays.length];
if(useFullScreenCaps == true) {
screenData = new int[displays.length][];
// ledBounds[] not used
} else {
ledBounds = new Rectangle[leds.length];
// screenData[][] not used
ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
gd = ge.getScreenDevices();
if(nDisplays > gd.length) nDisplays = gd.length;
totalWidth = maxHeight = 0;
for(d=0; d<nDisplays; d++) { // For each display...
try {
bot[d] = new Robot(gd[displays[d][0]]);
catch(AWTException e) {
System.out.println("new Robot() failed");
gc = gd[displays[d][0]].getConfigurations();
dispBounds[d] = gc[0].getBounds();
dispBounds[d].x = dispBounds[d].y = 0;
preview[d] = createImage(displays[d][1], displays[d][2], RGB);
totalWidth += displays[d][1];
if(d > 0) totalWidth++;
if(displays[d][2] > maxHeight) maxHeight = displays[d][2];
// Precompute locations of every pixel to read when downsampling.
// Saves a bunch of math on each frame, at the expense of a chunk
// of RAM. Number of samples is now fixed at 256; this allows for
// some crazy optimizations in the downsampling code.
for(i=0; i<leds.length; i++) { // For each LED...
d = leds[i][0]; // Corresponding display index
// Precompute columns, rows of each sampled point for this LED
range = (float)dispBounds[d].width / (float)displays[d][1];
step = range / 16.0;
start = range * (float)leds[i][1] + step * 0.5;
for(col=0; col<16; col++) x[col] = (int)(start + step * (float)col);
range = (float)dispBounds[d].height / (float)displays[d][2];
step = range / 16.0;
start = range * (float)leds[i][2] + step * 0.5;
for(row=0; row<16; row++) y[row] = (int)(start + step * (float)row);
if(useFullScreenCaps == true) {
// Get offset to each pixel within full screen capture
for(row=0; row<16; row++) {
for(col=0; col<16; col++) {
pixelOffset[i][row * 16 + col] =
y[row] * dispBounds[d].width + x[col];
} else {
// Calc min bounding rect for LED, get offset to each pixel within
ledBounds[i] = new Rectangle(x[0], y[0], x[15]-x[0]+1, y[15]-y[0]+1);
for(row=0; row<16; row++) {
for(col=0; col<16; col++) {
pixelOffset[i][row * 16 + col] =
(y[row] - y[0]) * ledBounds[i].width + x[col] - x[0];
for(i=0; i<prevColor.length; i++) {
prevColor[i][0] = prevColor[i][1] = prevColor[i][2] =
minBrightness / 3;
// Preview window shows all screens side-by-side
size(totalWidth * pixelSize, maxHeight * pixelSize, JAVA2D);
// A special header / magic word is expected by the corresponding LED
// streaming code running on the Arduino. This only needs to be initialized
// once (not in draw() loop) because the number of LEDs remains constant:
serialData[0] = 'A'; // Magic word
serialData[1] = 'd';
serialData[2] = 'a';
serialData[3] = (byte)((leds.length - 1) >> 8); // LED count high byte
serialData[4] = (byte)((leds.length - 1) & 0xff); // LED count low byte
serialData[5] = (byte)(serialData[3] ^ serialData[4] ^ 0x55); // Checksum
// Pre-compute gamma correction table for LED brightness levels:
for(i=0; i<256; i++) {
f = pow((float)i / 255.0, 2.8);
gamma[i][0] = (byte)(f * 255.0);
gamma[i][1] = (byte)(f * 240.0);
gamma[i][2] = (byte)(f * 220.0);
// Open and return serial connection to Arduino running LEDstream code. This
// attempts to open and read from each serial device on the system, until the
// matching "Ada\n" acknowledgement string is found. Due to the serial
// timeout, if you have multiple serial devices/ports and the Arduino is late
// in the list, this can take seemingly if you KNOW the Arduino
// will always be on a specific port (e.g. "COM6"), you might want to comment
// out most of this to bypass the checks and instead just open that port
// directly! (Modify last line in this method with the serial port name.)
Serial openPort() {
String[] ports;
String ack;
int i, start;
Serial s;
ports = Serial.list(); // List of all serial ports/devices on system.
for(i=0; i<ports.length; i++) { // For each serial port...
System.out.format("Trying serial port %s\n",ports[i]);
try {
s = new Serial(this, ports[i], 115200);
catch(Exception e) {
// Can't open port, probably in use by other software.
// Port for acknowledgement string...
start = millis();
while((millis() - start) < timeout) {
if((s.available() >= 4) &&
((ack = s.readString()) != null) &&
ack.contains("Ada\n")) {
return s; // Got it!
// Connection timed out. Close port and move on to the next.
// Didn't locate a device returning the acknowledgment string.
// Maybe it's out there but running the old LEDstream code, which
// didn't have the ACK. Can't say for sure, so we'll take our
// changes with the first/only serial device out there...
return new Serial(this, ports[0], 115200);
// PER_FRAME PROCESSING ------------------------------------------------------
void draw () {
BufferedImage img;
int d, i, j, o, c, weight, rb, g, sum, deficit, s2;
int[] pxls, offs;
if(useFullScreenCaps == true ) {
// Capture each screen in the displays array.
for(d=0; d<nDisplays; d++) {
img = bot[d].createScreenCapture(dispBounds[d]);
// Get location of source pixel data
screenData[d] =
weight = 257 - fade; // 'Weighting factor' for new frame vs. old
j = 6; // Serial led data follows header / magic word
// This computes a single pixel value filtered down from a rectangular
// section of the screen. While it would seem tempting to use the native
// image scaling in Processing/Java, in practice this didn't look very
// good -- either too pixelated or too blurry, no happy medium. So
// instead, a "manual" downsampling is done here. In the interest of
// speed, it doesn't actually sample every pixel within a block, just
// a selection of 256 pixels spaced within the block...the results still
// look reasonably smooth and are handled quickly enough for video.
for(i=0; i<leds.length; i++) { // For each LED...
d = leds[i][0]; // Corresponding display index
if(useFullScreenCaps == true) {
// Get location of source data from prior full-screen capture:
pxls = screenData[d];
} else {
// Capture section of screen (LED bounds rect) and locate data::
img = bot[d].createScreenCapture(ledBounds[i]);
pxls = ((DataBufferInt)img.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData();
offs = pixelOffset[i];
rb = g = 0;
for(o=0; o<256; o++) {
c = pxls[offs[o]];
rb += c & 0x00ff00ff; // Bit trickery: R+B can accumulate in one var
g += c & 0x0000ff00;
// Blend new pixel value with the value from the prior frame
ledColor[i][0] = (short)((((rb >> 24) & 0xff) * weight +
prevColor[i][0] * fade) >> 8);
ledColor[i][1] = (short)(((( g >> 16) & 0xff) * weight +
prevColor[i][1] * fade) >> 8);
ledColor[i][2] = (short)((((rb >> 8) & 0xff) * weight +
prevColor[i][2] * fade) >> 8);
// Boost pixels that fall below the minimum brightness
sum = ledColor[i][0] + ledColor[i][1] + ledColor[i][2];
if(sum < minBrightness) {
if(sum == 0) { // To avoid divide-by-zero
deficit = minBrightness / 3; // Spread equally to R,G,B
ledColor[i][0] += deficit;
ledColor[i][1] += deficit;
ledColor[i][2] += deficit;
} else {
deficit = minBrightness - sum;
s2 = sum * 2;
// Spread the "brightness deficit" back into R,G,B in proportion to
// their individual contribition to that deficit. Rather than simply
// boosting all pixels at the low end, this allows deep (but saturated)
// colors to stay saturated...they don't "pink out."
ledColor[i][0] += deficit * (sum - ledColor[i][0]) / s2;
ledColor[i][1] += deficit * (sum - ledColor[i][1]) / s2;
ledColor[i][2] += deficit * (sum - ledColor[i][2]) / s2;
// Apply gamma curve and place in serial output buffer
serialData[j++] = gamma[ledColor[i][0]][0];
serialData[j++] = gamma[ledColor[i][1]][1];
serialData[j++] = gamma[ledColor[i][2]][2];
// Update pixels in preview image
preview[d].pixels[leds[i][2] * displays[d][1] + leds[i][1]] =
(ledColor[i][0] << 16) | (ledColor[i][1] << 8) | ledColor[i][2];
if(port != null) port.write(serialData); // Issue data to Arduino
// Show live preview image(s)
for(i=d=0; d<nDisplays; d++) {
image(preview[d], i, 0);
i += displays[d][1] + 1;
println(frameRate); // How are we doing?
// Copy LED color data to prior frame array for next pass
arraycopy(ledColor, 0, prevColor, 0, ledColor.length);
// CLEANUP -------------------------------------------------------------------
// The DisposeHandler is called on program exit (but before the Serial library
// is shutdown), in order to turn off the LEDs (reportedly more reliable than
// stop()). Seems to work for the window close box and escape key exit, but
// not the 'Quit' menu option. Thanks to phi.lho in the Processing forums.
public class DisposeHandler {
DisposeHandler(PApplet pa) {
public void dispose() {
// Fill serialData (after header) with 0's, and issue to Arduino...
// Arrays.fill(serialData, 6, serialData.length, (byte)0);
java.util.Arrays.fill(serialData, 6, serialData.length, (byte)0);
if(port != null) port.write(serialData);
@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
// IMPORTANT: change 'serialPortIndex' to make this work on your system.
// This is a slightly pared-down version of Adalight specifically for
// Circuit Playground, configured for a single screen and 10 LEDs.
// "Adalight" is a do-it-yourself facsimile of the Philips Ambilight concept
// for desktop computers and home theater PCs. This is the host PC-side code
// written in Processing, intended for use with a USB-connected Circuit
// Playground microcontroller running the accompanying LED streaming code.
// Screen capture adapted from code by Cedrik Kiefer ( forum)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// This file is part of Adalight.
// Adalight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// Adalight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with Adalight. If not, see
// <>.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.image.*;
import processing.serial.*;
// CONFIGURABLE PROGRAM CONSTANTS --------------------------------------------
// This selects from the list of serial devices connected to the system.
// Use print(Serial.list()); to get a list of ports. Then, counting from 0,
// set this value to the index corresponding to the Circuit Playground port:
static final byte serialPortIndex = 2;
// For multi-screen systems, set this to the index (counting from 0) of the
// display which will have ambient lighting:
static final byte screenNumber = 0;
// Minimum LED brightness; some users prefer a small amount of backlighting
// at all times, regardless of screen content. Higher values are brighter,
// or set to 0 to disable this feature.
static final short minBrightness = 100;
// LED transition speed; it's sometimes distracting if LEDs instantaneously
// track screen contents (such as during bright flashing sequences), so this
// feature enables a gradual fade to each new LED state. Higher numbers yield
// slower transitions (max of 255), or set to 0 to disable this feature
// (immediate transition of all LEDs).
static final short fade = 60;
// Depending on many factors, it may be faster either to capture full
// screens and process only the pixels needed, or to capture multiple
// smaller sub-blocks bounding each region to be processed. Try both,
// look at the reported frame rates in the Processing output console,
// and run with whichever works best for you.
static final boolean useFullScreenCaps = true;
// PER-LED INFORMATION -------------------------------------------------------
// The Circuit Playground version of Adalight operates on a fixed 5x5 grid
// encompassing the full display. 10 elements from this grid correspond to
// the 10 NeoPixels on the Circuit Playground board. The following array
// contains the 2D coordinates of each NeoPixel within that 5x5 grid (0,0 is
// top left); board assumed facing away from display, with USB at bottom:
// .4.5.
// 3...6
// 2...7
// 1...8
// .0.9.
static final int leds[][] = new int[][] {
{1,4}, {0,3}, {0,2}, {0,1}, {1,0},
{3,0}, {4,1}, {4,2}, {4,3}, {3,4}
// GLOBAL VARIABLES ---- You probably won't need to modify any of this -------
byte serialData[] = new byte[6 + leds.length * 3],
gamma[][] = new byte[256][3];
short[][] ledColor = new short[leds.length][3],
prevColor = new short[leds.length][3];
Robot bot;
Rectangle dispBounds, ledBounds[];
int pixelOffset[][] = new int[leds.length][256],
PImage preview;
Serial port;
// INITIALIZATION ------------------------------------------------------------
void setup() {
GraphicsEnvironment ge;
GraphicsConfiguration[] gc;
GraphicsDevice[] gd;
int i, row, col;
int[] x = new int[16], y = new int[16];
float f, range, step, start;
this.registerMethod("dispose", this);
print(Serial.list()); // Show list of serial devices/ports
// Open serial port. Change serialPortIndex in the globals to
// select a different port:
port = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[serialPortIndex], 38400);
// Initialize screen capture code for the display's dimensions.
if(useFullScreenCaps == false) ledBounds = new Rectangle[leds.length];
ge = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
gd = ge.getScreenDevices();
try {
bot = new Robot(gd[screenNumber]);
catch(AWTException e) {
System.out.println("new Robot() failed");
gc = gd[screenNumber].getConfigurations();
dispBounds = gc[0].getBounds();
dispBounds.x = dispBounds.y = 0;
preview = createImage(5, 5, RGB);
// Precompute locations of every pixel to read when downsampling.
// Saves a bunch of math on each frame, at the expense of a chunk
// of RAM. Number of samples is now fixed at 256; this allows for
// some crazy optimizations in the downsampling code.
for(i=0; i<leds.length; i++) { // For each LED...
// Precompute columns, rows of each sampled point for this LED
range = (float)dispBounds.width / 5.0;
step = range / 16.0;
start = range * (float)leds[i][0] + step * 0.5;
for(col=0; col<16; col++) x[col] = (int)(start + step * (float)col);
range = (float)dispBounds.height / 5.0;
step = range / 16.0;
start = range * (float)leds[i][1] + step * 0.5;
for(row=0; row<16; row++) y[row] = (int)(start + step * (float)row);
if(useFullScreenCaps == true) {
// Get offset to each pixel within full screen capture
for(row=0; row<16; row++) {
for(col=0; col<16; col++) {
pixelOffset[i][row * 16 + col] =
y[row] * dispBounds.width + x[col];
} else {
// Calc min bounding rect for LED, get offset to each pixel within
ledBounds[i] = new Rectangle(x[0], y[0], x[15]-x[0]+1, y[15]-y[0]+1);
for(row=0; row<16; row++) {
for(col=0; col<16; col++) {
pixelOffset[i][row * 16 + col] =
(y[row] - y[0]) * ledBounds[i].width + x[col] - x[0];
for(i=0; i<prevColor.length; i++) {
prevColor[i][0] = prevColor[i][1] = prevColor[i][2] =
minBrightness / 3;
size(200, 200, JAVA2D); // Preview window for 5x5 grid at 40X scale
// A special header / magic word is expected by the corresponding LED
// streaming code running on the Arduino. This only needs to be initialized
// once (not in draw() loop) because the number of LEDs remains constant:
serialData[0] = 'A'; // Magic word
serialData[1] = 'd';
serialData[2] = 'a';
serialData[3] = (byte)((leds.length - 1) >> 8); // LED count high byte
serialData[4] = (byte)((leds.length - 1) & 0xff); // LED count low byte
serialData[5] = (byte)(serialData[3] ^ serialData[4] ^ 0x55); // Checksum
// Pre-compute gamma correction table for LED brightness levels:
for(i=0; i<256; i++) {
f = pow((float)i / 255.0, 2.8);
gamma[i][0] = (byte)(f * 255.0 + 0.5);
gamma[i][1] = (byte)(f * 240.0 + 0.5);
gamma[i][2] = (byte)(f * 220.0 + 0.5);
// PER_FRAME PROCESSING ------------------------------------------------------
void draw () {
BufferedImage img;
int i, j, o, c, weight, rb, g, sum, deficit, s2;
int[] pxls, offs;
if(useFullScreenCaps == true ) {
img = bot.createScreenCapture(dispBounds);
// Get location of source pixel data
screenData =
weight = 257 - fade; // 'Weighting factor' for new frame vs. old
j = 6; // Serial led data follows header / magic word
// This computes a single pixel value filtered down from a rectangular
// section of the screen. While it would seem tempting to use the native
// image scaling in Processing/Java, in practice this didn't look very
// good -- either too pixelated or too blurry, no happy medium. So
// instead, a "manual" downsampling is done here. In the interest of
// speed, it doesn't actually sample every pixel within a block, just
// a selection of 256 pixels spaced within the block...the results still
// look reasonably smooth and are handled quickly enough for video.
for(i=0; i<leds.length; i++) { // For each LED...
if(useFullScreenCaps == true) {
// Get location of source data from prior full-screen capture:
pxls = screenData;
} else {
// Capture section of screen (LED bounds rect) and locate data::
img = bot.createScreenCapture(ledBounds[i]);
pxls = ((DataBufferInt)img.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData();
offs = pixelOffset[i];
rb = g = 0;
for(o=0; o<256; o++) {
c = pxls[offs[o]];
rb += c & 0x00ff00ff; // Bit trickery: R+B can accumulate in one var
g += c & 0x0000ff00;
// Blend new pixel value with the value from the prior frame
ledColor[i][0] = (short)((((rb >> 24) & 0xff) * weight +
prevColor[i][0] * fade) >> 8);
ledColor[i][1] = (short)(((( g >> 16) & 0xff) * weight +
prevColor[i][1] * fade) >> 8);
ledColor[i][2] = (short)((((rb >> 8) & 0xff) * weight +
prevColor[i][2] * fade) >> 8);
// Boost pixels that fall below the minimum brightness
sum = ledColor[i][0] + ledColor[i][1] + ledColor[i][2];
if(sum < minBrightness) {
if(sum == 0) { // To avoid divide-by-zero
deficit = minBrightness / 3; // Spread equally to R,G,B
ledColor[i][0] += deficit;
ledColor[i][1] += deficit;
ledColor[i][2] += deficit;
} else {
deficit = minBrightness - sum;
s2 = sum * 2;
// Spread the "brightness deficit" back into R,G,B in proportion to
// their individual contribition to that deficit. Rather than simply
// boosting all pixels at the low end, this allows deep (but saturated)
// colors to stay saturated...they don't "pink out."
ledColor[i][0] += deficit * (sum - ledColor[i][0]) / s2;
ledColor[i][1] += deficit * (sum - ledColor[i][1]) / s2;
ledColor[i][2] += deficit * (sum - ledColor[i][2]) / s2;
// Apply gamma curve and place in serial output buffer
serialData[j++] = gamma[ledColor[i][0]][0];
serialData[j++] = gamma[ledColor[i][1]][1];
serialData[j++] = gamma[ledColor[i][2]][2];
// Update pixels in preview image
preview.pixels[leds[i][1] * 5 + leds[i][0]] = 0xFF000000 |
(ledColor[i][0] << 16) | (ledColor[i][1] << 8) | ledColor[i][2];
if(port != null) port.write(serialData); // Issue data to Arduino
// Show live preview image
image(preview, 0, 0);
println(frameRate); // How are we doing?
// Copy LED color data to prior frame array for next pass
arraycopy(ledColor, 0, prevColor, 0, ledColor.length);
// CLEANUP -------------------------------------------------------------------
// The DisposeHandler is called on program exit (but before the Serial library
// is shutdown), in order to turn off the LEDs (reportedly more reliable than
// stop()). Seems to work for the window close box and escape key exit, but
// not the 'Quit' menu option. Thanks to phi.lho in the Processing forums.
void dispose() {
// Fill serialData (after header) with 0's, and issue to Arduino...
java.util.Arrays.fill(serialData, 6, serialData.length, (byte)0);
if(port != null) port.write(serialData);
@ -1,141 +0,0 @@
// "Colorswirl" LED demo. This is the host PC-side code written in
// Processing; intended for use with a USB-connected Arduino microcontroller
// running the accompanying LED streaming code. Requires one strand of
// Digital RGB LED Pixels (Adafruit product ID #322, specifically the newer
// WS2801-based type, strand of 25) and a 5 Volt power supply (such as
// Adafruit #276). You may need to adapt the code and the hardware
// arrangement for your specific configuration.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// This file is part of Adalight.
// Adalight is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
// the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// Adalight is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with Adalight. If not, see
// <>.
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
import processing.serial.*;
int N_LEDS = 25; // Max of 65536
void setup()
byte[] buffer = new byte[6 + N_LEDS * 3];
Serial myPort;
int i, hue1, hue2, bright, lo, r, g, b, t, prev, frame = 0;
long totalBytesSent = 0;
float sine1, sine2;
// Assumes the Arduino is the first/only serial device. If this is not the
// case, change the device index here. println(Serial.list()); can be used
// to get a list of available serial devices.
myPort = new Serial(this, Serial.list()[0], 115200);
// A special header / magic word is expected by the corresponding LED
// streaming code running on the Arduino. This only needs to be initialized
// once because the number of LEDs remains constant:
buffer[0] = 'A'; // Magic word
buffer[1] = 'd';
buffer[2] = 'a';
buffer[3] = byte((N_LEDS - 1) >> 8); // LED count high byte
buffer[4] = byte((N_LEDS - 1) & 0xff); // LED count low byte
buffer[5] = byte(buffer[3] ^ buffer[4] ^ 0x55); // Checksum
sine1 = 0.0;
hue1 = 0;
prev = second(); // For bandwidth statistics
for (;;) {
sine2 = sine1;
hue2 = hue1;
// Start at position 6, after the LED header/magic word
for (i = 6; i < buffer.length; ) {
// Fixed-point hue-to-RGB conversion. 'hue2' is an integer in the
// range of 0 to 1535, where 0 = red, 256 = yellow, 512 = green, etc.
// The high byte (0-5) corresponds to the sextant within the color
// wheel, while the low byte (0-255) is the fractional part between
// the primary/secondary colors.
lo = hue2 & 255;
switch((hue2 >> 8) % 6) {
case 0:
r = 255;
g = lo;
b = 0;
case 1:
r = 255 - lo;
g = 255;
b = 0;
case 2:
r = 0;
g = 255;
b = lo;
case 3:
r = 0;
g = 255 - lo;
b = 255;
case 4:
r = lo;
g = 0;
b = 255;
r = 255;
g = 0;
b = 255 - lo;
// Resulting hue is multiplied by brightness in the range of 0 to 255
// (0 = off, 255 = brightest). Gamma corrrection (the 'pow' function
// here) adjusts the brightness to be more perceptually linear.
bright = int(pow(0.5 + sin(sine2) * 0.5, 2.8) * 255.0);
buffer[i++] = byte((r * bright) / 255);
buffer[i++] = byte((g * bright) / 255);
buffer[i++] = byte((b * bright) / 255);
// Each pixel is slightly offset in both hue and brightness
hue2 += 40;
sine2 += 0.3;
// Slowly rotate hue and brightness in opposite directions
hue1 = (hue1 + 4) % 1536;
sine1 -= .03;
// Issue color data to LEDs and keep track of the byte and frame counts
totalBytesSent += buffer.length;
// Update statistics once per second
if ((t = second()) != prev) {
print("Average frames/sec: ");
print(int((float)frame / (float)millis() * 1000.0));
print(", bytes/sec: ");
println(int((float)totalBytesSent / (float)millis() * 1000.0));
prev = t;
void draw()
Reference in a new issue