This is the standard Adalight library, modified to work with 3-pin WS2812B LED strips (2016-era Adafruit NeoPixels). The Arduino code has been modified to use the FastLED library.
In addition to ambilight setups, the protocol can be used to stream any color data from a computer to a WS2812B strip (data rate limited by serial throughput).
## Configuration
Open the WS2812B file in the Arduino IDE and edit the definitions at the top for your setup. Specifically:
Upload to your Arduino and use a corresponding PC application to stream color data. The Processing files are included, though I would recommend using Patrick Siegler's (@psieg) fork of Lightpacks's Prismatik, which you can find [here](
## Tutorial
If you'd like you can follow Adafruit's tutorial, which is fairly comprehensive for the WS2801 they use but is otherwise out of date. You can find the tutorial here: