#include #include "basic/basic.h" #include "lcd/render.h" #include "lcd/backlight.h" #include "lcd/allfonts.h" #include "filesystem/ff.h" #include "filesystem/diskio.h" #include "usb/usbmsc.h" #include "core/ssp/ssp.h" void incBacklight(void); void decBacklight(void); void gotoISP(void); void fs_list(void); void fs_create(void); void fs_read(void); void fs_format(void); void fs_status(void); void fs_mount(void); /**************************************************************************/ const struct MENU_DEF menu_incBL = {"Backlight++", &incBacklight}; const struct MENU_DEF menu_decBL = {"Backlight--", &decBacklight}; const struct MENU_DEF menu_ISP = {"Invoke ISP", &gotoISP}; const struct MENU_DEF menu_status = {"FS Status", &fs_status}; const struct MENU_DEF menu_mount = {"FS Mount", &fs_mount}; const struct MENU_DEF menu_list = {"FS List", &fs_list}; const struct MENU_DEF menu_create = {"FS Create", &fs_create}; const struct MENU_DEF menu_format = {"FS format", &fs_format}; const struct MENU_DEF menu_read = {"FS read", &fs_read}; #if CFG_USBMSC const struct MENU_DEF menu_usb = {"USB mount", &usbMSCInit}; const struct MENU_DEF menu_usboff = {"USB unmount", &usbMSCOff}; #endif const struct MENU_DEF menu_nop = {"---", NULL}; static menuentry menu[] = { &menu_mount, &menu_status, &menu_list, &menu_create, &menu_read, &menu_nop, &menu_format, &menu_nop, #if CFG_USBMSC &menu_usb, &menu_usboff, #endif &menu_nop, &menu_ISP, &menu_incBL, &menu_decBL, NULL, }; static const struct MENU mainmenu = {"Mainmenu", menu}; void main_fs(void) { backlightInit(); font_direction = FONT_DIR_LTR; // LeftToRight is the default while (1) { lcdDisplay(); delayms(10); lcdFill(0); // clear display buffer handleMenu(&mainmenu); gotoISP(); } return; } void incBacklight(void) { uint32_t brightness = backlightGetBrightness(); if (brightness < 100) { backlightSetBrightness(brightness + 10); } } void decBacklight(void) { uint32_t brightness = backlightGetBrightness(); if (brightness > 0) { backlightSetBrightness(brightness - 10); } } void tick_fs(void){ static int foo=0; static int toggle=0; if(foo++>50){ toggle=1-toggle; foo=0; gpioSetValue (RB_LED0, toggle); }; return; }; void gotoISP(void) { DoString(0,0,"Enter ISP!"); lcdDisplay(); ISPandReset(); } void put_rc_y (FRESULT rc, int y) { const TCHAR *p = _T("OK\0DISK_ERR\0INT_ERR\0NOT_READY\0NO_FILE\0NO_PATH\0INVALID_NAME\0") _T("DENIED\0EXIST\0INVALID_OBJECT\0WRITE_PROTECTED\0INVALID_DRIVE\0") _T("NOT_ENABLED\0NO_FILE_SYSTEM\0MKFS_ABORTED\0TIMEOUT\0LOCKED\0") _T("NOT_ENOUGH_CORE\0TOO_MANY_OPEN_FILES\0"); FRESULT i; for (i = 0; i != rc && *p; i++) { while(*p++) ; } DoString(0,y,p); } void put_rc (FRESULT rc){ put_rc_y(rc,0); }; long p1, p2, p3; FATFS FatFs[_VOLUMES]; /* File system object for logical drive */ //BYTE Buff[32768]; /* Working buffer */ FRESULT res; FATFS *fs; /* Pointer to file system object */ static const BYTE ft[] = {0, 12, 16, 32}; void fs_mount(void){ put_rc(f_mount(0, &FatFs[0])); }; void fs_status(void){ int dx; int dy=8; DWORD clusters; res = f_getfree("0:", &clusters, &fs); put_rc(res); if(res){ return; }; dx=DoString(0,dy,"FAT type:"); dx=DoInt(dx,dy,ft[fs->fs_type & 3]); dy+=8; dx=DoString(0,dy,"noFats:"); dx=DoInt(dx,dy,fs->n_fats); dy+=8; dx=DoString(0,dy,"s/c"); dx=DoInt(dx,dy,fs->csize); dx=DoString(dx,dy,"*"); dx=DoInt(dx,dy,clusters); dy+=8; dx=DoString(0,dy,"maxE"); dx=DoInt(dx,dy,fs->n_rootdir); }; void fs_format(void){ res=f_mkfs(0,1,0); put_rc(res); }; void fs_list(void){ DIR dir; /* Directory object */ FILINFO Finfo; int yctr=8; res = f_opendir(&dir, "0:"); put_rc(res); if(res){ return; }; for(;;) { res = f_readdir(&dir, &Finfo); if ((res != FR_OK) || !Finfo.fname[0]) break; /* _tprintf(_T("%c%c%c%c%c %u/%02u/%02u %02u:%02u %9lu "), (Finfo.fattrib & AM_DIR) ? 'D' : '-', (Finfo.fattrib & AM_RDO) ? 'R' : '-', (Finfo.fattrib & AM_HID) ? 'H' : '-', (Finfo.fattrib & AM_SYS) ? 'S' : '-', (Finfo.fattrib & AM_ARC) ? 'A' : '-', (Finfo.fdate >> 9) + 1980, (Finfo.fdate >> 5) & 15, Finfo.fdate & 31, (Finfo.ftime >> 11), (Finfo.ftime >> 5) & 63, Finfo.fsize); _tcscpy(pool, Finfo.fname); */ if (Finfo.fattrib & AM_DIR){ DoString(0,yctr,"D"); }else{ DoString(0,yctr,"-"); }; int dx=10; dx=DoString(dx,yctr,Finfo.fname); dx=DoString(dx,yctr," <"); dx=DoInt(dx,yctr,Finfo.fsize); dx=DoString(dx,yctr,">"); yctr+=8; } DoString(0,yctr,""); }; FIL file[2]; /* File objects */ void fs_create(void){ BYTE Buff[10]; UINT written; put_rc(f_open(&file[0], "test.r0", FA_OPEN_ALWAYS|FA_WRITE)); if(res){ return; }; Buff[0]=42; Buff[1]=23; res = f_write(&file[0], Buff, 2, &written); put_rc_y(res,8); if(res){ return; }; int dx; dx=DoString(0,16,"wrote:"); dx=DoInt(dx,16,written); DoString(dx,16,"b"); put_rc_y(f_close(&file[0]),24); if(res){ return; }; }; void fs_read(void){ BYTE Buff[10]; UINT readbytes; put_rc(f_open(&file[0], "test.r0", FA_OPEN_EXISTING|FA_READ)); if(res){ return; }; Buff[0]=0; Buff[1]=0; Buff[2]=0; Buff[3]=0; res = f_read(&file[0], Buff, 2, &readbytes); put_rc_y(res,8); if(res){ return; }; int dx; dx=DoString(0,16,"read: "); DoInt(dx,16,readbytes); DoIntX(0,24,((uint32_t*)Buff)[0]); // Hackety-Hack put_rc_y(f_close(&file[0]),32); if(res){ return; }; };