/**************************************************************************/ /*! @file uart.c @author K. Townsend (microBuilder.eu) @date 22 March 2010 @version 0.10 @section DESCRIPTION Generic code for UART-based communication. Incoming text is stored in a FIFO Queue for safer processing. @section Example: Sending text via UART @code #include "core/cpu/cpu.h" #include "core/uart/uart.h" ... #define UARTBUFFERSIZE 5 ... cpuInit(); uartInit(57600); ... uint8_t uartBuffer[UARTBUFFERSIZE] = { 'T', 'e', 's', 't', '\n' }; // Send contents of uartBuffer uartSend((uint8_t *)uartBuffer, UARTBUFFERSIZE); @endcode @section Example: Reading from UART @code #include "core/cpu/cpu.h" #include "core/uart/uart.h" cpuInit(); uartInit(57600); // Get a reference to the UART control block uart_pcb_t *pcb = uartGetPCB(); // Read any text available in the queue while (uartRxBufferDataPending()) { // Read the first available character uint8_t c = uartRxBufferRead(); // read out the data in the buffer and echo it back to the host. switch (c) { case '\r': printf("\n\r"); break; default: printf("%c", c); break; } } #endcode @section LICENSE Software License Agreement (BSD License) Copyright (c) 2010, microBuilder SARL All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the copyright holders nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS ''AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /**************************************************************************/ #include #include "uart.h" #ifdef CFG_INTERFACE_UART #include "core/cmd/cmd.h" #endif /**************************************************************************/ /*! UART protocol control block, which is used to safely access the RX FIFO buffer from elsewhere in the code. This should be accessed through 'uartGetPCB()'. */ /**************************************************************************/ static uart_pcb_t pcb; /**************************************************************************/ /*! IRQ to handle incoming data, etc. */ /**************************************************************************/ void UART_IRQHandler(void) { uint8_t IIRValue, LSRValue; uint8_t Dummy = Dummy; IIRValue = UART_U0IIR; IIRValue &= ~(UART_U0IIR_IntStatus_MASK); /* skip pending bit in IIR */ IIRValue &= UART_U0IIR_IntId_MASK; /* check bit 1~3, interrupt identification */ // 1.) Check receiver line status if (IIRValue == UART_U0IIR_IntId_RLS) { LSRValue = UART_U0LSR; // Check for errors if (LSRValue & (UART_U0LSR_OE | UART_U0LSR_PE | UART_U0LSR_FE | UART_U0LSR_RXFE | UART_U0LSR_BI)) { /* There are errors or break interrupt */ /* Read LSR will clear the interrupt */ pcb.status = LSRValue; Dummy = UART_U0RBR; /* Dummy read on RX to clear interrupt, then bail out */ return; } // No error and receive data is ready if (LSRValue & UART_U0LSR_RDR_DATA) { /* If no error on RLS, normal ready, save into the data buffer. */ /* Note: read RBR will clear the interrupt */ uartRxBufferWrite(UART_U0RBR); } } // 2.) Check receive data available else if (IIRValue == UART_U0IIR_IntId_RDA) { // Add incoming text to UART buffer uartRxBufferWrite(UART_U0RBR); } // 3.) Check character timeout indicator else if (IIRValue == UART_U0IIR_IntId_CTI) { /* Bit 9 as the CTI error */ pcb.status |= 0x100; } // 4.) Check THRE (transmit holding register empty) else if (IIRValue == UART_U0IIR_IntId_THRE) { /* Check status in the LSR to see if valid data in U0THR or not */ LSRValue = UART_U0LSR; if (LSRValue & UART_U0LSR_THRE) { pcb.pending_tx_data = 0; } else { pcb.pending_tx_data= 1; } } return; } /**************************************************************************/ /*! @brief Get a pointer to the UART's protocol control block, which can be used to control the RX FIFO buffer and check whether UART has already been initialised or not. @section Example @code // Make sure that UART is initialised uart_pcb_t *pcb = uartGetPCB(); if (!pcb->initialised) { uartInit(CFG_UART_BAUDRATE); } @endcode */ /**************************************************************************/ uart_pcb_t *uartGetPCB() { return &pcb; } /**************************************************************************/ /*! @brief Initialises UART at the specified baud rate. @param[in] baudRate The baud rate to use when configuring the UART. */ /**************************************************************************/ void uartInit(uint32_t baudrate) { uint32_t fDiv; uint32_t regVal; NVIC_DisableIRQ(UART_IRQn); // Clear protocol control blocks memset(&pcb, 0, sizeof(uart_pcb_t)); pcb.pending_tx_data = 0; uartRxBufferInit(); /* Set 1.6 UART RXD */ IOCON_PIO1_6 &= ~IOCON_PIO1_6_FUNC_MASK; IOCON_PIO1_6 |= IOCON_PIO1_6_FUNC_UART_RXD; /* Set 1.7 UART TXD */ IOCON_PIO1_7 &= ~IOCON_PIO1_7_FUNC_MASK; IOCON_PIO1_7 |= IOCON_PIO1_7_FUNC_UART_TXD; /* Enable UART clock */ SCB_SYSAHBCLKCTRL |= (SCB_SYSAHBCLKCTRL_UART); SCB_UARTCLKDIV = SCB_UARTCLKDIV_DIV1; /* divided by 1 */ /* 8 bits, no Parity, 1 Stop bit */ UART_U0LCR = (UART_U0LCR_Word_Length_Select_8Chars | UART_U0LCR_Stop_Bit_Select_1Bits | UART_U0LCR_Parity_Disabled | UART_U0LCR_Parity_Select_OddParity | UART_U0LCR_Break_Control_Disabled | UART_U0LCR_Divisor_Latch_Access_Enabled); /* Baud rate */ regVal = SCB_UARTCLKDIV; fDiv = (((CFG_CPU_CCLK * SCB_SYSAHBCLKDIV)/regVal)/16)/baudrate; UART_U0DLM = fDiv / 256; UART_U0DLL = fDiv % 256; /* Set DLAB back to 0 */ UART_U0LCR = (UART_U0LCR_Word_Length_Select_8Chars | UART_U0LCR_Stop_Bit_Select_1Bits | UART_U0LCR_Parity_Disabled | UART_U0LCR_Parity_Select_OddParity | UART_U0LCR_Break_Control_Disabled | UART_U0LCR_Divisor_Latch_Access_Disabled); /* Enable and reset TX and RX FIFO. */ UART_U0FCR = (UART_U0FCR_FIFO_Enabled | UART_U0FCR_Rx_FIFO_Reset | UART_U0FCR_Tx_FIFO_Reset); /* Read to clear the line status. */ regVal = UART_U0LSR; /* Ensure a clean start, no data in either TX or RX FIFO. */ while (( UART_U0LSR & (UART_U0LSR_THRE|UART_U0LSR_TEMT)) != (UART_U0LSR_THRE|UART_U0LSR_TEMT) ); while ( UART_U0LSR & UART_U0LSR_RDR_DATA ) { /* Dump data from RX FIFO */ regVal = UART_U0RBR; } /* Set the initialised flag in the protocol control block */ pcb.initialised = 1; pcb.baudrate = baudrate; /* Enable the UART Interrupt */ NVIC_EnableIRQ(UART_IRQn); UART_U0IER = UART_U0IER_RBR_Interrupt_Enabled | UART_U0IER_RLS_Interrupt_Enabled; return; } /**************************************************************************/ /*! @brief Sends the contents of supplied text buffer over UART. @param[in] bufferPtr Pointer to the text buffer @param[in] bufferPtr The size of the text buffer @section Example @code // Set 5-character text buffer uint8_t uartBuffer[5] = { 'T', 'e', 's', 't', '\n' }; // Send contents of uartBuffer uartSend((uint8_t *)uartBuffer, 5); @endcode */ /**************************************************************************/ void uartSend (uint8_t *bufferPtr, uint32_t length) { while (length != 0) { /* THRE status, contain valid data */ while ( !(UART_U0LSR & UART_U0LSR_THRE) ); UART_U0THR = *bufferPtr; bufferPtr++; length--; } return; } /**************************************************************************/ /*! @brief Sends a single byte over UART. @param[in] byte Byte value to send @section Example @code // Send 0xFF over UART uartSendByte(0xFF); // Send 'B' over UART (note single quotes) uartSendByte('B'); @endcode */ /**************************************************************************/ void uartSendByte (uint8_t byte) { /* THRE status, contain valid data */ while ( !(UART_U0LSR & UART_U0LSR_THRE) ); UART_U0THR = byte; return; }