#include #include "nrf24l01p.h" #include "filetransfer.h" #include "rftransfer.h" #include "basic/xxtea.h" #include "filesystem/ff.h" int filetransfer_send(uint8_t *filename, uint16_t size, uint8_t *mac, uint32_t const k[4]) { uint8_t buf[MAXSIZE]; FIL file; FRESULT res; UINT readbytes; if( size > MAXSIZE ) return 1; //File to big res=f_open(&file, (const char*)filename, FA_OPEN_EXISTING|FA_READ); if( res ) return res; res = f_read(&file, (char *)buf, size, &readbytes); if( res ) return res; if( size != readbytes) return 1; //Error while reading uint16_t wordcount = (size+3)/4; uint8_t macbuf[5]; uint8_t metadata[30]; if( strlen((char*)filename) < 20 ) strcpy((char*)metadata, (char*)filename); else return 1; //File name too long metadata[20] = size >> 8; metadata[21] = size & 0xFF; //nrf_get_tx_max(5,macbuf); nrf_set_tx_mac(5, mac); nrf_snd_pkt_xxtea(30, metadata, k); xxtea_encode_words((uint32_t *)buf, wordcount, k); rftransfer_send(wordcount*4, buf); nrf_set_tx_mac(5, macbuf); return 0; } int filetransfer_receive(uint8_t *mac, uint32_t const k[4]) { uint8_t buf[MAXSIZE+1]; uint16_t size; UINT written = 0; FIL file; FRESULT res; uint8_t macbuf[5]; //nrf_get_tx_max(5,macbuf); nrf_set_tx_mac(5, mac); uint8_t metadata[30]; nrf_rcv_pkt_time_xxtea(1000, 30, metadata, k); metadata[19] = 0; //enforce termination size = (metadata[20] << 8) | metadata[21]; if( size > MAXSIZE ) return 1; //file to big //if(fileexists(metadata)) return 1; //file already exists res = f_open(&file, (const char*)metadata, FA_OPEN_ALWAYS|FA_WRITE); if( res ) return res; uint16_t wordcount = (size+3)/4; rftransfer_receive(buf, wordcount*4, 1000); nrf_set_tx_mac(5, macbuf); xxtea_decode_words((uint32_t *)buf, wordcount, k); res = f_write(&file, buf, size, &written); if( res ) return res; if( written != size ) return 1; //error while writing return 0; }