/*************************************************************** * * OpenBeacon.org - main file for OpenBeacon USB II Bluetooth * * Copyright 2010 Milosch Meriac <meriac@openbeacon.de> * *************************************************************** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; version 2. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. */ #include <openbeacon.h> #include "pin.h" #include "hid.h" #include "spi.h" #include "iap.h" #include "pmu.h" #include "crc16.h" #include "xxtea.h" #include "bluetooth.h" #include "storage.h" #include "nRF_API.h" #include "nRF_CMD.h" #include "openbeacon-proto.h" #include "display.h" /* OpenBeacon packet */ static TBeaconEnvelope g_Beacon; /* Default TEA encryption key of the tag - MUST CHANGE ! */ static const uint32_t xxtea_key[4] = //{ 0x00112233, 0x44556677, 0x8899AABB, 0xCCDDEEFF }; { 0xb4595344, 0xd3e119b6, 0xa814d0ec, 0xeff5a24e }; /* set nRF24L01 broadcast mac */ static const unsigned char broadcast_mac[NRF_MAX_MAC_SIZE] = { 1, 2, 3, 2, 1 }; /* device UUID */ static uint16_t tag_id; static TDeviceUID device_uuid; #if (USB_HID_IN_REPORT_SIZE>0)||(USB_HID_OUT_REPORT_SIZE>0) static uint8_t hid_buffer[USB_HID_IN_REPORT_SIZE]; void GetInReport (uint8_t * src, uint32_t length) { (void) src; (void) length; if (length > USB_HID_IN_REPORT_SIZE) length = USB_HID_IN_REPORT_SIZE; memcpy (src, hid_buffer, length); } void SetOutReport (uint8_t * dst, uint32_t length) { (void) dst; (void) length; } #endif static void show_version(void) { debug_printf(" * Tag ID: %i\n", (uint16_t) device_uuid[3]); debug_printf(" * Device UID: %08X:%08X:%08X:%08X\n", device_uuid[0], device_uuid[1], device_uuid[2], device_uuid[3]); debug_printf(" * free heap memory: %i bytes\n",xPortGetFreeHeapSize()); } void main_menue(uint8_t cmd) { /* ignore non-printable characters */ if (cmd <= ' ') return; /* show key pressed */ debug_printf("%c\n", cmd); /* map lower case to upper case */ if (cmd > 'a' && cmd < 'z') cmd -= ('a' - 'A'); switch (cmd) { case '?': case 'H': debug_printf("\n" " *****************************************************\n" " * OpenBeacon USB II - Bluetooth Console *\n" " * (C) 2010 Milosch Meriac <meriac@openbeacon.de> *\n" " *****************************************************\n" " * H,? - this help screen\n" #ifdef MENUE_ALLOW_ISP_REBOOT " * P - invoke ISP programming mode\n" #endif " * S - show device status\n" " * R - OpenBeacon nRF24L01 register dump\n" " *****************************************************\n" "\n"); break; #ifdef MENUE_ALLOW_ISP_REBOOT case 'P': debug_printf ("\nRebooting..."); iap_invoke_isp (); break; #endif case 'R': nRFCMD_RegisterDump(); break; case 'S': debug_printf("\n" " *****************************************************\n" " * OpenBeacon Status Information *\n" " *****************************************************\n"); show_version(); spi_status(); nRFCMD_Status(); // pmu_status (); #if (DISK_SIZE>0) storage_status(); #endif nRFCMD_Status(); debug_printf(" *****************************************************\n" "\n"); break; default: debug_printf("Unknown command '%c' - please press 'H' for help \n", cmd); } debug_printf("\n# "); } static void nRF_tx(uint8_t power) { /* update crc */ g_Beacon.pkt.crc = htons(crc16(g_Beacon.byte, sizeof(g_Beacon) - sizeof(uint16_t))); /* encrypt data */ xxtea_encode(g_Beacon.block, XXTEA_BLOCK_COUNT, xxtea_key); pin_led(GPIO_LED0); /* update power pin */ nRFCMD_Power(power & 0x4); /* disable RX mode */ nRFCMD_CE(0); vTaskDelay(5 / portTICK_RATE_MS); /* switch to TX mode */ nRFAPI_SetRxMode(0); /* set TX power */ nRFAPI_SetTxPower(power & 0x3); /* upload data to nRF24L01 */ nRFAPI_TX(g_Beacon.byte, sizeof(g_Beacon)); /* transmit data */ nRFCMD_CE(1); /* wait until packet is transmitted */ vTaskDelay(2 / portTICK_RATE_MS); /* switch to RX mode again */ nRFAPI_SetRxMode(1); pin_led(GPIO_LEDS_OFF); if (power & 0x4) nRFCMD_Power(0); } static void nRF_Task(void *pvParameters) { int t, active; uint8_t strength, status; uint16_t crc; uint32_t seq, oid; portTickType LastUpdateTicks, Ticks; (void) pvParameters; /* Initialize OpenBeacon nRF24L01 interface */ if (!nRFAPI_Init(81, broadcast_mac, sizeof(broadcast_mac), 0)) /* bail out if can't initialize */ for (;;) { pin_led(GPIO_LED0 | GPIO_LED1); vTaskDelay(500 / portTICK_RATE_MS); pin_led(GPIO_LEDS_OFF); vTaskDelay(500 / portTICK_RATE_MS); } /* blink as a sign of boot to detect crashes */ for (t = 0; t < 20; t++) { pin_led(GPIO_LED0); vTaskDelay(50 / portTICK_RATE_MS); pin_led(GPIO_LEDS_OFF); vTaskDelay(50 / portTICK_RATE_MS); } nRFAPI_SetRxMode(1); nRFCMD_CE(1); LastUpdateTicks = xTaskGetTickCount(); /* main loop */ active = 0; seq = t = 0; UARTCount = 0; while (1) { /* turn off after button press */ if (!pin_button0()) { pin_mode_pmu(0); pmu_off(0); } if (nRFCMD_WaitRx(10 / portTICK_RATE_MS)) do { // read packet from nRF chip nRFCMD_RegReadBuf(RD_RX_PLOAD, g_Beacon.byte, sizeof(g_Beacon)); // adjust byte order and decode xxtea_decode(g_Beacon.block, XXTEA_BLOCK_COUNT, xxtea_key); // verify the CRC checksum crc = crc16(g_Beacon.byte, sizeof(g_Beacon) - sizeof(uint16_t)); if (ntohs (g_Beacon.pkt.crc) == crc) { pin_led(GPIO_LED1); oid = ntohs (g_Beacon.pkt.oid); if (((g_Beacon.pkt.flags & RFBFLAGS_SENSOR) > 0) && active) debug_printf("BUTTON: %i\n", oid); switch (g_Beacon.pkt.proto) { case RFBPROTO_READER_ANNOUNCE: strength = g_Beacon.pkt.p.reader_announce.strength; break; case RFBPROTO_BEACONTRACKER: strength = g_Beacon.pkt.p.tracker.strength; if (active) debug_printf(" R: %04i={%i,0x%08X}\n", (int) oid, (int) strength, ntohl (g_Beacon.pkt.p.tracker.seq)); break; case RFBPROTO_PROXREPORT: strength = 3; if (active) debug_printf(" P: %04i={%i,0x%04X}\n", (int) oid, (int) strength, (int) ntohs (g_Beacon.pkt.p.prox.seq)); for (t = 0; t < PROX_MAX; t++) { crc = (ntohs (g_Beacon.pkt.p.prox.oid_prox[t])); if (crc && active) debug_printf("PX: %04i={%04i,%i,%i}\n", (int) oid, (int) ((crc >> 0) & 0x7FF), (int) ((crc >> 14) & 0x3), (int) ((crc >> 11) & 0x7)); } break; default: strength = 0xFF; if (active) debug_printf("Unknown Protocol: %i\n", (int) g_Beacon.pkt.proto); } if (strength < 0xFF) { /* do something with the data */ } pin_led(GPIO_LEDS_OFF); } status = nRFAPI_GetFifoStatus(); } while ((status & FIFO_RX_EMPTY) == 0); nRFAPI_ClearIRQ(MASK_IRQ_FLAGS); // update regularly if (((Ticks = xTaskGetTickCount()) - LastUpdateTicks) > UPDATE_INTERVAL_MS) { LastUpdateTicks = Ticks; /* setup tracking packet */ bzero(&g_Beacon, sizeof(g_Beacon)); g_Beacon.pkt.oid = ntohs ((uint16_t)device_uuid[3]); g_Beacon.pkt.proto = RFBPROTO_BEACONTRACKER; g_Beacon.pkt.p.tracker.strength = seq % 8; g_Beacon.pkt.p.tracker.seq = htonl(seq++); /* send away packet */ nRF_tx(g_Beacon.pkt.p.tracker.strength); } if (UARTCount) { /* blink LED1 upon Bluetooth command */ pin_led(GPIO_LED1); /* show help screen upon Bluetooth connect */ if (!active) { active = 1; debug_printf("press 'H' for help...\n# "); } else /* execute menu command with last character received */ main_menue(UARTBuffer[UARTCount - 1]); /* LED1 off again */ pin_led(GPIO_LEDS_OFF); /* clear UART buffer */ UARTCount = 0; } } } int main(void) { volatile int i; /* wait on boot - debounce */ for (i = 0; i < 2000000; i++) ; //pmu_off(0); lcdInit(); /* initialize pins */ pin_init(); /* Init SPI */ spi_init(); /* Init Storage */ #ifdef USB_DISK_SUPPORT storage_init(); #endif /* Init USB HID interface */ #if (USB_HID_IN_REPORT_SIZE>0)||(USB_HID_OUT_REPORT_SIZE>0) hid_init (); #error hid #endif /* power management init */ pmu_init(); /* read device UUID */ bzero(&device_uuid, sizeof(device_uuid)); iap_read_uid(&device_uuid); tag_id = crc16((uint8_t*) &device_uuid, sizeof(device_uuid)); xTaskCreate(nRF_Task, (const signed char*) "nRF", TASK_NRF_STACK_SIZE, NULL, TASK_NRF_PRIORITY, NULL); /* Start the tasks running. */ vTaskStartScheduler(); return 0; }