#ifndef TETRIS_VIEW_H_ #define TETRIS_VIEW_H_ #include #include "variants.h" #include "piece.h" #include "bucket.h" /** * \defgroup TetrisViewTypes View: Data types */ /*@{*/ /********* * types * *********/ /** presentation modes */ typedef enum tetris_view_mode_t { TETRIS_VIMO_PAUSED, TETRIS_VIMO_RUNNING } tetris_view_mode_t; /** data structure that drives the view module */ typedef struct tetris_view_t { const tetris_variant_t *pVariantMethods; /** variant function pointers */ void *pVariant; /** associated variant object */ tetris_bucket_t *pBucket; /** associated bucket */ tetris_view_mode_t modeCurrent; /** current presentation mode */ tetris_view_mode_t modeOld; /** old presentation mode */ uint8_t nOldLevel; /** for detecting level changes */ tetris_bearing_t nBearing; /** bearing of the bucket */ } tetris_view_t; /*@}*/ /** * \defgroup TetrisInterface View: Interface functions */ /*@{*/ /***************************** * construction/destruction * *****************************/ /** * constructs a view for André's borg * @param pVarMethods associated variant method pointers * @param pVariantData pointer to variant data object which should be observed * @param pBucket pointer to bucket which should be observed * @return pointer to a newly created view */ tetris_view_t *tetris_view_construct(const tetris_variant_t *const pVarMethods, void *pVariantData, tetris_bucket_t *pBucket); /** * destructs a view * @param pView: pointer to the view to be destructed */ void tetris_view_destruct(tetris_view_t *pView); /*************************** * view related functions * ***************************/ /** * destructs a view * @param w pointer to an int8_t to store the bucket width * @param h pointer to an int8_t to store the bucket height */ void tetris_view_getDimensions(int8_t *w, int8_t *h); /** * sets the view mode (pause or running) * @param pV pointer to the view whose mode should be set * @param vm see definition of tetris_view_mode_t */ void tetris_view_setViewMode(tetris_view_t *pV, tetris_view_mode_t vm); /** * informs a view about changes in the game * @param pV pointer to the view which should be updated */ void tetris_view_update(tetris_view_t *pV); /** * shows results after game * @param pV pointer to the view which should show the results */ void tetris_view_showResults(tetris_view_t *pV); #endif /*TETRIS_VIEW_H_*/ /*@}*/