#include "../config.h" #include "../makros.h" #include "../ioport.h" #include #include #include #include "borg_hw.h" // buffer which holds the currently shown frame unsigned char pixmap[NUMPLANE][NUM_ROWS][LINEBYTES]; // display a row inline void rowshow(unsigned char row) { // output data of the current row to the column drivers COLPORT1 = pixmap[0][row][0]; COLPORT2 = pixmap[0][row][1]; OUTPUT_ON(LATCH_R); OUTPUT_OFF(LATCH_R); COLPORT1 = pixmap[1][row][0]; COLPORT2 = pixmap[1][row][1]; OUTPUT_ON(LATCH_G); OUTPUT_OFF(LATCH_G); COLPORT1 = pixmap[2][row][0]; COLPORT2 = pixmap[2][row][1]; OUTPUT_ON(LATCH_B); OUTPUT_OFF(LATCH_B); } uint32_t mod = 1280000ul; uint32_t akku; unsigned char row = 0; ISR(SIG_OUTPUT_COMPARE0) { // reset watchdog wdt_reset(); akku += mod; OCR1A = akku / 256; rowshow(row); if (++row == NUM_ROWS) { row = NUM_ROWS - 1; } } ISR(INT0_vect) { if (akku > (64ul * 256ul * 64ul)) { akku -= OCR1A - TCNT1; mod = akku / 64; akku = 0; row = 0; OCR1A = 0; TCNT1 = 0xffff; } } void timer0_off() { cli(); TCCR1B = 0x00; sei(); } // initialize timer which triggers the interrupt void timer1_on() { TCCR1B = 1; // clk/1 TIMSK |= (1 << OCIE1A); } void borg_hw_init() { DDR(COLPORT1) = 0xff; DDR(COLPORT2) = 0xff; SET_DDR(LATCH_R); SET_DDR(LATCH_G); SET_DDR(LATCH_B); timer1_on(); // activate watchdog timer wdt_reset(); wdt_enable(0x00); // 17ms watchdog }